The Syria attack reveals the hypocrisy of the West – which fuels the Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen despite documented abuses – but relies on unverified claims to punish Syria, journalist and broadcaster Neil Clark told RT. As Riyadh's campaign in Yemen enters its fourth year, it has been repeatedly accused by rights groups of civilian casualties during the bombardment. [...]
Friday's attack on Syria was a face-lifting move by Donald Trump after he boasted about his missiles on Twitter, Virginia Senator Richard Black said. He told RT that Trump would not have won Congress' approval had he asked for it. Trump chose to bypass the Congress, drawing the ire of some within his own Republican party, because he had next to no chance of drumming up their support to start a war [...]
Stop the next world war! Participating in this explosive 34-hour broadcast are experts from the Pentagon, Russia, Germany, and the UK. Most war-game scenarios show that an escalation in the Middle East will turn into a thermonuclear war within hours.
Today we fight to stop that from happening. Click here for our full schedule. Joining today's segment is Dr. Steve Pieczenik providing his powerfu [...]
The United Nations Depopulation Plan The global cabal of U.N. Agenda 21 is behind global warming, regionalism, zoning, land and water use control, wealth redistribution, weakening and eventual replacement of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
Global warming, cap and trade, Smart Grid, Smart Meters, carbon taxes, high gasoline prices, global citizens, IB World Schools, Common Core nat [...]
"Smart missiles should fly toward terrorists, not legal governments": Russia's foreign ministry spokeswoman said in response to Donald Trump's tweet. Radio Sputnik discussed Donald Trump’s warning to launch strikes against Syria with Mark Taliano, an independent investigative reporter and author of the book 'Voices from Syria'. [...]
Former CIA director and Secretary of State nominee Mike Pompeo boasted about killing “a couple hundred Russians” in Syria, saying the move was one of the Trump administration’s key actions to counter Moscow, triggering a social media storm. "The list of actions that this administration has taken — I'm happy to walk through each of them," Outgoing CIA Chief Mike Pompeo said on April 1 [...]
As Russiagate comes to totally dominate the US political landscape, the question of America’s long history of foreign meddling has surfaced like a frog’s wart. In yet another variation on the theme of ‘Russia hacking America’s brain,’ a gaggle of American pundits appeared on Tuesday on the MSNBC news program ‘Deadline White House’ to elucidate upon a tweet by Michael McFaul, former U [...]
We’ve already heard about US exceptionalism from Albright, Obama, and Clinton, but we are no longer in the 1990s, we are in a multipolar world, says Peter Kuznick, professor of history at American University. Donald Trump's new pick for America's top diplomat, Mike Pompeo, has gone through the required Senate grilling while outlining his view of US foreign policy. [...]
US President Donald Trump has ordered top administration officials to “negotiate entry” back into the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, the deal he pulled out of last year, describing it as a “horrible” one. The apparent U-turn in Donald Trump’s stance on the agreement was announced by Republican senators, following a meeting at the White House on Thursday. [...]
The time will come when you won't be able to buy a cup of coffee without being traced, warns investment guru Jim Rogers. To control people, governments will increasingly seek to hunt down cash spending, he adds. “Governments are always looking out for themselves first, and it's the same old thing that has been going on for hundreds of years. [...]
Russia's Federation Council is looking to adopt counter-sanctions against the US, under which the country may ban exports of titanium components to aircraft giant Boeing, according to Russian Senator Sergey Ryabukhin. "Among the rare earth metals that Russia supplies to the United States is titanium, which is necessary for the technological cycle of production of Boeing," Ryabukhin told RIA Novost [...]
Russian lawmakers have drafted a bill suspending cooperation with US companies in the nuclear, missile and aircraft-building spheres, as well as introducing restrictions on imports of alcohol and tobacco produced in the US. “The bill is about alcohol and tobacco products and about ceasing or suspending international cooperation in the nuclear sphere, rocket engine building and aircraft building [...]
The first four chemical weapons experts from the OPCW have arrived in Syria on a fact-finding mission (FFM) into the April 7 Douma incident, while Western leaders continue to blame the government for the alleged attack. "We will facilitate the arrival of the team to anywhere they want, in Douma, to check whether or not there was use of chemical substances," said Bashar Jaafari, Syria’s envoy to [...]
The New York Times has overlooked vital details about the narrative that Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad used chemical weapons to kill his own people, a former high-level United Nations official told Radio Sputnik Thursday, an oversight that amounts to “manipulation of public opinion” in favor of more death and destruction in war-torn Syria. [...]
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Killing a couple of hundred of Russians is an example of one of the Trump administration’s key actions to counter Moscow along with sanctions policy and expelling diplomats, US Secretary of State nominee Mike Pompeo said during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. [...]
Israeli F-15 jets practicing for an air show for Israel’s Independence Day on April 19, startled residents who assumed the fighter jet activity above the Israeli capital was related to ongoing tensions with Syria just a week after Israel struck a Syrian airbase. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) made no prior announcement of the F-15 drills, which left residents in Tel Aviv struggling for an expl [...]
Former MP George Galloway has called on the US cabinet to impeach Donald Trump, labeling him a “man child” and questioning the American president’s sanity after he promised to launch “smart” missiles at Syria. Trump took to his Twitter account to warn Russia to “get ready” as missiles “will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart!’” at its ally, Syria. Trump’s comments come [...]
Nigel Farage has turned his back on US President Donald Trump, as the former UKIP chief cautioned Britain against intervening alongside the US in Syria. In an unprecedented break with the Republican leader, Farage said he would not want the UK to join forces with the US against Syrian President Bashar Assad. [...]
Children suffering in war have become tools for the West, with Nikki Haley stating that Russia’s hands are “covered in their blood” in Syria. However, the US seems to not mind “collateral damage” in the wars it’s backing. Speaking at the UN Security Council meeting following an alleged chemical attack in Syria, the US ambassador said that “the Russian regime, whose hands are all co [...]
UK Prime Minister Theresa May appears ready to get the UK involved in a possible military strike against Syria without seeking the Parliament’s approval, the BBC reports citing “well-placed sources.” May reportedly sees an “urgent” need for a response, according to government insiders. She also appears to believe a military intervention will prevent further chemical incidents in Syr [...]
As US leaders and mainstream media push for the nation to go to war in Syria, Fox News host Tucker Carlson has slammed so-called "geniuses" who claim to know the truth behind the alleged chemical attack. As US leaders and mainstream media push for the nation to go to war in Syria, Fox News host Tucker Carlson has slammed so-called "geniuses" who claim to know the truth behind the alleged chemical [...]
Washington's latest round of sanctions targeting Russian business will cost the German economy billions of euros, according to estimates revealed by the Russian-German Foreign Trade Chamber (AHK). “The recent sanctions of the US against Russia may cost the German economy billions of euros in years to come,” the report said. [...]