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US Will Defeat EU Army
The testy slap-down by US President Donald Trump to the idea of a European army was telling. Any notion of the Europeans stepping away from American "protection" would be anathema to Washington. That's because American power is not about "protecting" Europe. That's just the vainglorious, propaganda mythology. [...]
Afghans Turning Their Backs on US After 17 Years of War
Seventeen years after the US invasion of Afghanistan, many residents of the country have changed their minds for the worse on the Americans. The war, by many measures, keeps getting worse. [...]
Why America Just Goes On Collapsing – Eudaimonia and Co
America Doesn’t Have a True Political Opposition That Offers a New Social Contract — And the Price is Collapse. The day after the election. Another mass shooting. A reporter “banned.” A dubious appointment to high office. Demonization and scapegoating — “they’ve invading us!” — redoubled and unabated. [...]
How Russia’s Greater Eurasia Plan May Spell the End of EU-Centric Model
After a 500 year-long struggle for recognition of its status as a European power, Russia has positioned itself as a pivot to the East to develop Greater Eurasia, Glenn Diesen, a professor at the Higher School of Economics, told Sputnik, adding that this may spell the end of the Western-centric geo-economic infrastructure. [...]
Double Trouble: Why Ruble-Priced S-400s for India are Big Problem for Washington
The $5 billion+ deal between Moscow and New Delhi for five regiments of Russia's cutting-edge air defense system got an added bonus this week after it was revealed that the contract will be paid for in rubles. Taking a look at the deal's details, Sputnik discovered that it's really a double blow to the US military-industrial complex. [...]
Russian-European Free Trade Zone ‘Perfect Opportunity’ – Eurochambers President
VIENNA - The Eurochambers president Leitl told Sputnik on Tuesday that he welcomed the creation of a free trade zone between Europe and Russia, dubbing it a perfect opportunity. "This would be a perfect opportunity. [...]
Doomed By History Unless…
It seems bitterly ironic that as world leaders gather in Paris this weekend to commemorate the centennial end of World War One, international tensions and the threat of war are once again haunting humanity. Stephen Cohen, Princeton professor of history, recently warned that the risk of a nuclear war between the US and Russia is greater now than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis in 1 [...]
Bullhorns: War and insults
Is the idea of peace and Yemen antithetical? Also, Trump is insulted the Europeans might defend themselves. And Russiagate front and center again. CrossTalking with Mark Sleboda, Dmitry Babich, and Glenn Diesen. [...]
SWIFT’s Iran ban will ‘expedite global de-dollarization’ – Max Keiser
The blacklisting of Iran from international financial messaging system SWIFT serves as a warning to Washington’s enemies, but will hasten the demise of the dollar, stockbroker-turned broadcaster Max Keiser told RT. SWIFT, a system that facilitates cross-border payments between 11,000 financial institutions in more than 200 countries worldwide cut several Iranian banks, including the country’s [...]
‘Europe will be white’: Polish leaders sanction massive far-right march in Warsaw (VIDEO)
Government officials have agreed to conduct a joint march with far-right groups on Poland’s Independence Day, raising concerns about the legalization of fascist views in Poland. The march has drawn hundreds of thousands. Since 2009, the celebration of Polish Independence Day has become a rallying point for far-right organizations from all over Europe, some of which openly describe themselves as [...]
Austria’s ‘sensational’ espionage accusations against Russia ‘puzzling’, but fit pattern – Moscow
The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the Austrian ambassador on Friday to protest over ‘sensationalist media leak’ about a former military officer accused of spying for Moscow, and expressed concern over damage to relations. Earlier, the Austrian government confirmed reports in the national media that a retired Austrian colonel was being prosecuted for espionage. [...]
Ukraine 2018: Human rights nowhere, thuggery and corruption everywhere
The democratic revolution that ensued in Ukraine in 2014 was in fact a revolution against democracy, unleashing the dogs of thuggery and gangsterism. Someone who made the mistake of falling foul of those with a vested interest in the corruption that is a hallmark of today’s Ukraine was Katerina Gandzyuk. [...]
US has ‘gone rogue’ — Economist tells RT about SWIFT’s Iran cutoff
In pushing the SWIFT financial messaging system to exclude Iran, the US has “gone rogue,” economist Steve Keen told RT. SWIFT cut a raft of Iranian banks - including the country’s central bank - off from its system on Monday, having come under pressure from the US to do so. [...]
Illusion of democracy: If US elections could change anything they wouldn’t be held
Last week's US midterm elections received saturated media coverage. Why? The reality is that elections in the US don't change much, if anything, because America has a regime and is not a genuine democracy. The US midterms – and you'd have to have been locked in a wardrobe all week to have avoided hearing about them – reminded me of a great song by the 1980s indie-rock band The Smiths. [...]
Russia excels in ditching dollar ahead of pending US sanctions against country’s financial system
The list of the countries currently taking active steps towards eliminating their economic reliance on the US dollar is growing. Russia has joined a league of nations is making a lot of headway with the task, the WSJ reports. [...]
Trump fires back at European leaders after damp reception in France
President Trump lashed out at European leaders after French President Emmanuel Macron denounced his ‘America First’ brand of nationalism and called for the creation of a European army, independent from the US. Just returned from France where much was accomplished in my meetings with World Leaders,” Trump tweeted on Monday. [...]
Iranian central bank disconnected from SWIFT messaging – US treasury
The Iranian Central Bank has been cut off the SWIFT financial messaging system, the US Treasury Department has said. Disconnection makes it more difficult for the Islamic Republic to settle import and export bills. [...]
E-commerce behemoth Alibaba smashes ‘Singles Day’ records with $1bn in sales in just 85 seconds
Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has smashed records for its Singles Day, the world’s biggest 24-hour shopping event, despite an ongoing trade war with the US and waning domestic interest in the event. [...]
‘Trade war is the most stupid thing in the world’ – Jack Ma
The widening trade conflict between the world’s two largest economies, China and the US, is senseless, according to Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma. The purpose of trade should be to promote peace and communication rather than conflict, he said at the China International Import Expo in Shanghai. [...]
US directs Iran to act like a ‘normal’ country. What is a normal country?
After reimposing crippling sanctions on Iran this week, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened that Iran should “act like a normal country, or see its economy crumble.” But, how exactly does a ‘normal’ country act? Since the dictat was issued from Washington DC, it seems only fair to start there. Is the United States itself a ‘normal’ country? What makes a ‘normal’ country as [...]
Tax evasion helps US corporations steal $180bn from the rest of the world every year
A new study by top economists and experts found that tax avoidance and evasion translate into hundreds of billions of dollars in unpaid taxes every year, with the money ending up in the pockets of the world’s wealthiest people. [...]
‘Trump means war’: Hundreds protest US president’s WWI centenary visit to Paris (VIDEO)
Hundreds of people protested against US President Donald Trump in Paris, condemning what they called his belligerent policies and aggressive nationalism – the latest instance of a not-so-welcoming French response to Trump’s visit. [...]