John (“Bomb Iran”) Bolton, the New Warmonger in the White House. Bolton, whose trademark is a white walrus mustache, championed the invasion of Iraq in 2003, which produced chaos followed by waves of extremist violence in the region. He also advocated international intervention to oust Syria’s Bashar al-Assad.
Earlier, Washington sparked fears of a new nuclear arms race in Europe after it withdrew from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty while building missile shield components in Poland and Romania. [...]
Russian space agency Roscosmos is considering building a spaceplane powered by a nuclear reactor, according to a memo obtained by a Russian news agency. The move could “reshape” the market for space launches, the document says. [...]
Italy is planning to formally back China’s multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). It would become the first G7 nation to join the ambitious project which promises to significantly boost global trade. Rome is preparing to sign a memorandum of understanding to officially support the project, championed by Chinese President Xi Jinping, by the end of March, according to Michele Geraci [...]
Citing the phantom menace of ‘Russian aggression’ amid Washington’s withdrawal from the INF treaty, the head of the US European Command has asked the Senate for more troops, jets, missiles and ships, to ‘defend’ European allies. [...]
President James Monroe would probably have been appalled to see how his policy of protecting the peoples of the Americas from European colonizers mutated into a self-issued license to intervene into other nations’ affairs. [...]
Senators Rand Paul and Tom Udall have introduced a bill to end the ruinously expensive conflict in Afghanistan, declaring ‘victory’ in the longest war in US history after 18 years, some $6 trillion and over 100,000 dead. [...]
The US has threatened Turkey with “grave consequences” unless it cancels the purchase of S-400 systems from Russia, with a Pentagon spokesman advising Ankara to seek “better solutions” and warning of “broader implications.” [...]
As the US pushes for regime change in Venezuela, Caracas has moved closer to Moscow. Despite US claims that Russia threatens world democracy, analysts say it’s Washington which is responsible for neglect to international law. [...]
The National Security Agency has reportedly ended the intrusive spying program that combs through Americans’ calls and texts and won’t be seeking to renew it, begging the question – what are they doing now that’s more effective? [...]
Caracas will use all legal means available to protect its assets in Europe and the US from illegal seizure, Venezuela's Vice President Delcy Rodriguez told RT. She also spoke about the self-proclaimed 'president' Juan Guaido. [...]
Self-proclaimed Venezuelan Interim President Juan Guaido could face a significant term in prison after his return to Venezuela from Colombia, where he traveled in defiance of the travel ban imposed earlier by the Venezuelan Supreme Court, Deputy Judge of the Venezuelan Supreme Tribunal of Justice Juan Carlos Valdez told Sputnik on Tuesday. [...]
Last year, several countries including India began taking measures to reduce their dependency on US currency to make foreign trade payments in the wake of the economic sanctions and trade conflicts triggered by Washington. The Indo-Japan move is part of this trend. [...]
Earlier, Israeli media reported that the prime minister was forced to cut his visit to Russia short and return home amid allegations of bribery and media manipulation. [...]
Earlier, Bank figures showed that Russia added nearly to 275 tonnes of gold to its coffers in 2018, with total reserves climbing to over 2,100 tonnes of the precious metal. [...]
Europe will pay half as much for liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Russia than what US energy companies offer, according to independent Russian gas producer Novatek. [...]
From January 1, 2022, Daniele Ganser will now offer a paid online community. You can register now. The community is for people who are very interested in his work and would like a more direct exchange via Zoom and access to his online courses. The Swiss historian and peace researcher Dr. On August 21, 2018, Daniele Ganser spoke in Leipzig about NATO's eastern expansion, which he classified as a br [...]
Relations between Russia and Ukraine have significantly deteriorated since Crimea's reunification with Russia in 2014, which has not been recognised by Ukraine or Western states, who subsequently imposed economic and political sanctions on Moscow. [...]
A decade after the Great Recession in the US, approximately half of the economists at the National Association for Business Economists say that the next economic contraction will begin by the time US voters go back to the polls to decide whether they’ll keep US President Donald Trump in office. [...]
The United States is acting as "a market without a brain" as it responds to prices and increases its oil output to record highs, Bob Dudley, the chief executive officer of the UK multinational BP Group, said Tuesday. [...]
According to the bipartisan group, this is intended to make sure victims and first responders get “the care they earned.” A bipartisan group of US lawmakers have introduced a bill to make the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund permanent, Fox News reported Monday. [...]
Brazil will not allow the United States to intervene military in Venezuela from its territory, Brazilian Vice President Hamilton Mourao said Monday in an interview with Globo News Broadcaster, cited by Reuters. Speaking at the Lima group meeting in Bogota, Mourao, a retired general, said that Brazil will do all it can to avoid a conflict with neighboring Venezuela. [...]