Volodymyr Zelensky is the current President of Ukraine. He was elected in a landslide victory in 2019 on the promise of easing tensions with Russia and resolving the crisis in the breakaway republics in east Ukraine. He has made no attempt to keep his word on either issue. Instead, he has greatly exacerbated Ukraine’s internal crisis while relentlessly provoking Russia. Zelensky has had numerou [...]
Ukrainians wanted to change their regime and sought the help of the West to do so. Eight years on, the results look disappointing. The events that transpired in Ukraine in 2013-14, dubbed the Euromaidan, still resonate in people’s memory. While each side in the conflict views them differently, it’s clear to all that the Ukraine once familiar to everyone has changed beyond recognition since the [...]
Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description. What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario. It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. A newly discovered document provides more evidence that Western governments broke their promise not to expand NATO eastward af [...]
US activists are planning a rally to explain to Americans that the current crisis in Ukraine was caused by NATO’s expansion further eastward and the West's support of the 2014 coup in Kiev, Phil Wilayto, co-founder of the Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality, told Sputnik. "There already have been protests in more than 70 cities in the US, including four in the Navy center of N [...]
Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine has spelled the end of an epoch in the state of global affairs after President Vladimir Putin launched the action last week. Its impact will be felt for years to come, but Moscow has positioned itself to “become an agent of cardinal change for the whole world.” The Russian Armed Forces’ operation in Ukraine marks the end of an era. [...]
The Russian military and their Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic allies began a large-scale military operation aimed at demilitarising Ukraine last Thursday. The operation began after weeks of escalating shelling, mortar, sniper and sabotage attacks by the Ukrainian armed forces and ultra-nationalist volunteer battalions in the Donbass.The main goal of the Russian military operation in Ukraine [...]
While the US and its NATO allies are bashing Russia over its "special military operation" into Ukraine, they remain silent about their own wars in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen, to name but a few say retired UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order Alfred-Maurice de Zayas. Sputnik: The US and European press have called Russia [...]
Russia on 24 February launched a "special operation" in Donbass aimed at protecting Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR), which were recognized as independent entities by Moscow on 21 February. The Western media called the operation "an invasion" they have long warned about.
The "Russia invasion" narrative wasn't the West's "prophecy" but rather a cover-up for a new attempt to ret [...]
The US diplomat George Kennan, an astute observer of Soviet Russia under Stalin, offered his observations later in life on the question of NATO expansion. The tragedy of our times is that those views are being ignored.
Winston Churchill once famously quipped that the “Americans will always do the right thing, but only after all other possibilities are exhausted.” That bit of dry British h [...]
On Feb. 5, more than 55 cities and towns rallied with the message: “Disband NATO! No War on Russia!” The day of action was sponsored by the ANSWER Coalition, Code Pink, Black Alliance for Peace, Peace Action, Maryland Peace Action, Popular Resistance and others.
From Huntsville, Alabama, to Providence, Rhode Island, from Dallas to Milwaukee to Seattle — people nationwide are standing up [...]
Understandably enough, commentaries on the crisis between Russia and the West tend to dwell on Ukraine. After all, more than 100,000 Russian soldiers and a fearsome array of weaponry have now been emplaced around the Ukrainian border. Still, such a narrow perspective deflects attention from an American strategic blunder that dates to the 1990s and is still reverberating. [...]
This MintPress study reveals that ninety percent of recent opinion articles in The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal have taken a hawkish view on the Ukraine conflict written by pundits tied to the national security state promoting NATO as a defender of the free world & describe Putin as Hitler incarnate.
Amid tough talk from European and American leaders, a ne [...]
President Donald Trump accused Soleimani of “plotting imminent and sinister attacks”: “We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war…. we caught him in the act and terminated him.”
US Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper described it as a “decisive defensive action” while confirming that the operation ordered by POTUS had been carried out by the P [...]
Despite the Anglo Alliance of the US-UK claiming that a Russian invasion is “imminent,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the situation is not “more intense” than it was in April. In fact, despite leading the imminent Russian invasion propaganda since March 2021, he now complains that Western media creates a false image of the situation and hurts the country’s already strugglin [...]
In a stunning and unexpected outburst this week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that his country’s current problems came from the west rather than the east.
The fears of a looming war were built on news stories that Russia had troops on the border it shares with the country—but this was not unusual, and there had been a similar assembly of soldiers a year ago, he said.
Th [...]
Let us put this in historical perspective: the commemoration of the War to End All Wars acknowledges that 15 million lives were lost in the course of World War I (1914-18).
The loss of life in the second World War (1939-1945) was on a much large scale, when compared to World War I: 60 million lives both military and civilian were lost during World War II. (Four times those killed during World W [...]
Russia will have to be on guard and use counter-force to prevent any reckless offensive conduct by the United States and its European minions. The dangerous tensions that have escalated between the United States, NATO, and Russia pose a grave threat to world peace. It’s important to remember that the series of high-level talks convened this week in three European cities was initiated by Russia. [...]
The world is realizing the price for American hegemony and vanity is criminally insane as the Ukraine debacle demonstrates amply. This is precisely what Washington fears most: cracks appearing in its presumed leadership of European allies. The U.S.-led pressure campaign against Russia over Ukraine has been dangerously stoked up to the hilt to the point where a catastrophic war in Europe could be [...]
A specter haunts the collective West: total zombification, courtesy of an across-the-board 24/7 psyops imprinting the inevitability of “Russian aggression.”
Let’s pierce the fog of hysteria by asking Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov what’s going on:
“I can absolutely say that to date, the Russian armed forces have not created a strike group that could make a forceful invasion of U [...]
“The main issue is our clear position on the unacceptability of further NATO expansion to the East and the deployment of highly-destructive weapons that could threaten the territory of the Russian Federation.” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
Washington delivered a slap in the face to Moscow on Wednesday when U.S. ambassador John Sullivan provided a written response to Russia’s prop [...]
Judging by the way past US leaders have described their rivals, you’d think Washington has been fighting against the likes of Darth Vader. On March 8, 1983, then-President Ronald Reagan branded the Soviet Union, America’s Cold War adversary, as an “evil empire” that was the “focus of evil in the modern world.” Fast forward nearly two decades later to January 29, 2002 and George W. Bush [...]
The Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin
According to the prevailing wisdom in the West, the Ukraine crisis can be blamed almost entirely on Russian aggression. Russian President Vladimir Putin, the argument goes, annexed Crimea out of a long-standing desire to resuscitate the Soviet empire, and he may eventually go after the rest of Ukraine, as well as other countries in eastern Europe.
In [...]