US Disruption-Destabilizing

A US-Led ‘Coalition of the Willing’ Foreshadows the Splintering of NATO
The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline was a gangster act that reveals cancer at the heart of the “rules-based order”. How can there be peace and security when the world’s most powerful nation can destroy the critical infrastructure of other countries without deliberation or judicial proceedings? If Hersh’s report can be trusted—and I think it can—then we must assume that senior- [...]
Scott Ritter: Unstoppable Rage Against the War Machine 🎞
This is the speech Scott Ritter would have delivered at the Lincoln Memorial on February 19, 2023. Subscribe to our Substack: Join us live at 1 PM EST when we discuss Scott's speech with journalist Deborah L Armstrong on this YouTube channel. You can also find us at evolver. Scott Ritter: Unstoppable Rage Against War Machine! NATO A Broken Alliance, Russia's Diplom [...]
Ukraine War Was ALWAYS About Dividing Russia & Germany 🎞
The establishment media and politicians would have us believe the Ukraine War is all about a plucky underdog repelling a bullying, much larger neighbor. In reality, it’s about much more than that – among other things, a key U.S. objective of this proxy war is to prevent Russia and Germany from aligning and creating a trans-European alliance that could challenge American economic hegemony acros [...]
Crony Capitalism and Female Soldiers | Tulsi Gabbard 🎞
Dr. Jordan B Peterson and Tulsi Gabbard discuss her time in the armed forces, the concerns over women serving, crony capitalism, the Republican party, and the proxy war the US is waging against Russia. Read more...Tulsi first served in elected office in the Hawaii State House of Representatives when she was 21 years old. Due to the attacks on 9/11, she enlisted in the Army National Guard. In 2004 [...]
Putin’s “Minimization of Destruction in Ukraine”. Douglas Macgregor 🎞
Incisive Analysis of renowned author Colonel Douglas Macgegor “I think it is clear that the American people are largely divorced from the reality of this [Ukrainian] conflict, as they have been for the last 30 years. War has always been something that happened far away on somebody else’s soil. The difference this time is that Washington has decided, along with help and assistance particularl [...]
Sy Hersh and the Way We Live Now. “The Propaganda Apparatus that Manipulates and Controls our Society”
It is a clear indicator of the disappearance of freedom from our so-called Western democracies that Sy Hersh, arguably the greatest living journalist, cannot get this monumental revelation on the front of The Washington Post or The New York Times, but has to self-publish on the net. Hersh tells the story of the U.S. destruction of the Nordstream pipelines in forensic detail, giving dates, times, [...]
Nord Stream: What Hersh Got Wrong
There’s something not-quite-right about Sy Hersh’s report on the destruction of Nord Stream 2. There is a number of inconsistencies in the piece that lead me to believe that Hersh was less interested in presenting ‘the unvarnished truth’ than relaying a version of events that advance a particular agenda. That is not to say that I don’t appreciate what the author has done. I do. In fact, [...]
BREAKING! US is sending depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine 🎞
The Biden administration announced it would be sending Abrams tanks to Ukraine. Newly acquired Pentagon contracts reveal that depleted uranium munitions will be sent along with the tanks. This is a massive escalation of the proxy war in Ukraine. [...]
America is at War with Europe 🎞
“Throughout “all of this scheming,” the source said, “some working guys in the CIA and the State Department were saying, ‘Don’t do this. It’s stupid and will be a political nightmare if it comes out.’” “This is not kiddie stuff,” the source said. If the attack were traceable to the United States, “It’s an act of war.” (How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline, By [...]
Russia-Ukraine War: Ex-Israel PM Naftali Bennett’s Shocking Revelations
Russia-Ukraine War: Ex-Israel PM Naftali Bennett's Shocking Revelations | Vantage with Palki Sharma The former Prime Minister of Israel has given a tell-all interview with some very big revelations. Did the West derail a truce between Russia and Ukraine? Watch this video to know more. [...]
This is HORRIBLE and Putin says “no more” 🎞
Is Ukraine using chemical weapons on Russian forces, which would be a violation of international laws? If so, why the silence from the mainstream media and Western governments? We speak to Scott Ritter, the person who warned that there were NOT weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, about whether or not there ARE now. Scott Ritter: American Soldiers Involved In Targeting Crimea, NATO Helps Ukra [...]
Who is paying for all the weapons sent to Ukraine
The people who elect war-mongering leaders! War Is a Racket, in a speech and a 1935 short book by Smedley D. Butler, a retired United States Marine Corps Major General and two-time Medal of Honor recipient. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, and surely the most vicious on an international scope  where profits are reckoned in dollars and losses in lives,  disguised as [...]
TERROR ATTACK on Nord Stream pipeline EXPOSED | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris🎞
The Washington Post is reporting that there is “no conclusive evidence” that “Russia was behind the Nord Stream attack.” But they're the same newspaper that suggested that Russian President Putin actually did this himself single-handedly. So is this a begrudged conclusion? The Post cited 23 diplomats and intelligence officers from nine countries and found that no one who took this seriousl [...]
Victoria Nuland: “FxxK the EU”. North Stream is “A Hunk of Metal at the Bottom of the Sea” 🎞
In recent developments, Germany’s Prosecutor General Peter Frank confirmed “there is no evidence to blame Russia for the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipelines”: “It currently has not been proven (…) The investigation is ongoing (…) We are currently evaluating all this forensically. [The suspicion] that there had been a foreign sabotage act [in this case], has so far not been [...]
German Prosecutor Found No Russian Involvement in Gas Pipeline Sabotage
It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain the West’s unsubstantiated narrative that Russia sabotaged the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines. Now, even some German officials are beginning to admit that there is no evidence to blame Moscow for the crime. Indeed, as the question about the real culprit remains, at some point Berlin will have to investigate the possibility of sabotage by count [...]
Something BIG is happening in Ukraine and NATO is scared
NATO members over the past few days have started beating the drum that Ukraine is collapsing and are talking about next steps including putting western NATO forces into the battle. Putin just issued his strongest warning yet to NATO. Stay out or else. John Mearsheimer | THE US CREATES CONFLICT FOR THE WORLD The War You Don't See: Why Propaganda Hides the True Face of War John Pilger' [...]
This military move is the bravest thing I’ve seen in a while 🎞
A veterans group in Idaho is trying to prevent troops from being sent into war zones without an official declaration of war. The Defend the Guard Act would prohibit the deployment of the New Hampshire National Guard into active combat without a declaration of war by Congress. This is only one branch of the military but it highlights a crucial point: the U.S. continues to send troops into active [...]
The Covid “Killer Vaccine”. People Are Dying All Over the World. It’s A Criminal Undertaking 🎞
“Once the Lie becomes the Truth, there is no moving backwards. Insanity prevails. The world is turned upside down.” Let us be under no illusions, the Covid Jab is not only “experimental”, it’s a Big Pharma “killer vaccine” which modifies the human genome. The evidence of mortality and morbidity resulting from vaccine inoculation both present (official data) and future (e.g. undete [...]
How the West brought economic disaster on itself 🎞
Freddie Sayers speaks to financial analyst Louis Gave about the West's self-made economic crisis. On one front are sanctions against Russia responding to the invasion of Ukraine. In February, the EU canceled long-term, favorable contracts which sent the West into an unprecedented energy crisis. Gave puts the hastiness of these decisions down to the pressures of social media activism, or what he c [...]
History of Nuclear War. The “90 Seconds to Midnight”: The Pentagon’s 1945 “Doomsday Blueprint” to “Wipe the Soviet Union off the Map”
90 Seconds to Midnight according to the Doomsday Clock. The Nobel Peace Laureates are casually blaming Russia, without recalling the history of nuclear war, not to mention Joe Biden’s 1.3 trillion dollar program to develop “more usable”, “low intensity” “preemptive nuclear weapons” to be used on “first strike basis” against both nuclear and non-nuclear states as a means of “sel [...]
Why is no one STOPPING this? Germany and US leading us to WW3 | Redacted 🎞
Germany may have resigned itself to war with Russia. After dragging their feet on sending weapons, they have decided to just bite the bullet, so to speak. This could cost lives and it will absolutely cost them money. The Institute of German Economics calculated that the conflict in Ukraine will cost €175 billion, which equates to €2,000 per person and 4.5% of the country's GDP. Russ [...]
Russians Have Every Right to Hate The US, but They don’t Use it • Scott Ritter 🎞
I am an American and I can say that Scott Ritter speaks for me, NOT my government. There is so much propaganda in my country about Russia, but thanks to men like Scott, many of us are realizing the truth about the situation and the great Russian people [...]