Toddler critically burned when SWAT team throws flashbang in crib
A toddler is in a medically induced coma after a SWAT team raided the family's home and threw a flashbang grenade into his crib, the boy'€™s mother said. With a 50 percent chance of survival, it could be weeks before it'€™s known if he will even live. [...]
‘Biggest yet’: Greenwald to publish names of Americans whom NSA is spying on
Glenn Greenwald, who helped Edward Snowden leak sensitive documents about the National Security Agency spying on its citizens, says he’s set to publish his most dramatic piece yet, which will reveal those in the USA who were targeted by the NSA. [...]
I am a real spy, not low-level system administrator – Snowden
Edward Snowden was trained as a professional spy and actually worked undercover abroad for America'€™s biggest intelligence agencies, developing their IT security architecture, the whistleblower revealed in an exclusive interview to NBC News. [...]
China urges banks to remove IBM servers over espionage concerns -€“ report
China is calling on banks to stop using IBM servers and replace them with local-made machines amid fears that the nation’s financial security might be compromised via the US-based company’s servers, a Bloomberg report has revealed. [...]
John Kerry will testify at House committee’s Benghazi hearing
Secretary of state to appear before oversight committee as Republicans seek to pressure presumed 2016 candidate Hillary Clinton. Republican efforts to maintain pressure on Hillary Clinton over her response to the killing of the US ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi received another boost on Friday as John Kerry, Clinton's successor at the State Department, agreed to testify at a new [...]
€‹China v America’€™s cyber-hegemony
This week'€™s indictment by a US grand jury of five Chinese military officials on charges of cyber espionage is both revealing and hypocritical. After all, the US, along Israel, is the world's leading purveyor of cyber espionage, warfare and subversion. Moreover, these latest charges should be understood against the broader backdrop of Washington’s ‘pivot to Asia’, including the much-toute [...]
Ukraine dangerously interfering with press freedom -€“ Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch (HRW) says Ukraine's military and security services are "€œdangerously interfering with press freedom"€ by detaining journalists working with Russian news agencies and denying others entry into the country. [...]
US military failed to recapture seized nuclear weapon in test attack -€“ internal review
Guards at a US nuclear missile base failed last summer drill, which was meant to test their ability to withstand a hostile takeover, reports AP citing an internal review. US Air Force called it a "€œcritical deficiency." € [...]
NSA spies on OSCE HQ in Vienna -€“ report
Among the many targets for the UN National Security Agency'€™s electronic surveillance is the Vienna-based headquarters of the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Austrian media reported. The OSCE is mentioned among the targets for NSA in the National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF), a confidential document outlining intelligence gathering priorities, reported on [...]
Nearly half of US unemployed have given up looking for a job
Nearly half of unemployed Americans are on the verge of completely giving up on looking for a job, but they remain optimistic they will find a job they really want within the next six months, a new survey found. [...]
China summons US envoy over cyber-spying charges, vows retaliation
​China has dismissed all US accusations of industrial cyber-espionage against five of its military officials and published proof that Washington is actually stealing data from China. Beijing also summoned the US ambassador for an explanation. [...]
NSA collecting content of all phone calls in the Bahamas, according to Snowden leak
The United States National Security Agency is reportedly collecting the contents of effectively every phone call dialed or received within the Bahamas, putting the conversations of countless residents and tourists into the hands of the NSA. [...]
Police No Longer Need A Warrant To Search Your Home, Rules Supreme Court
If youre still in denial that American freedoms are being rapidly ripped away you may want to pay close attention to the latest Supreme Court ruling. Although the 4th Amendment clearly states that unreasonable searches and seizures require a judicially... [...]
Operation American Spring: Militias promise to oust Obama, Boehner, top officials this Friday
A retired United States Army colonel expects as many as 30 million like-minded individuals will descend on Washington, DC this week and demand that President Barack Obama and other members of his administration be booted from office. [...]
Energy Bill’s Failure Shows Congress Can’t Agree to Agree
The sponsors of a bill to promote U.S. energy conservation built it to pass in a Congress where almost nothing passes. After businesses complained, the authors deleted mandates for tougher building-efficiency standards. Then they cut provisions that would have increased the U.S. deficit. [...]
Economy – U.S. Is No. 1, China Is So Yesterday
The World Bank recently said the end of U.S. economic hegemony was coming before 2015 arrives. But we've heard this story before. Don't believe the hype about China. Last time I looked (yesterday), the U.S. economy in 2013 was three times larger than the Chinese (in real 2005 dollars, according to the magnificent historical data set of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Servi [...]
Son of US VP Joe Biden appointed to board of major Ukrainian gas company
Hunter Biden, son of US VP Joe Biden, is joining the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine'€™s largest private gas producer. The group has prospects in eastern Ukraine where civil war is threatened following the coup in Kiev. [...]
New tax law pushes record number of Americans to renounce US citizenship
A record number of Americans are renouncing their citizenship as they seek to remove the burden of filing complicated and costly tax returns simply for living in another country. Just over 1,000 Americans gave up their nationality in the three months from January to March. That’s a significant increase from the 670 who did so in the same time span last year, and it’s already one third of the w [...]
NSA embedded surveillance tools within exported US computer hardware
While the United States has warned against buying Chinese routers due to surveillance concerns, a new book about the Edward Snowden revelations states America has been intercepting and tinkering with routers intended for foreign customers. [...]
US starts countrywide nuclear drill after similar war games in Russia
The US Strategic Command, the agency responsible for country'€™s nuclear arsenal, will hold large-scale war games this week that will include 10 B-52 Stratofortresses and up to six B-2 Spirit bombers, along with other military and government agencies. The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress is a long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic bomber built to carry nuclear weapons. [...]
Fracking’€™s unexpected side-effect: Traffic deaths on the rise
Fracking requires twice or three times as many truck trips per well as older oil and gas extraction techniques. That could be reason for drilling areas in US witnessing a significant spike in traffic fatalities, new analysis suggests. [...]
Cop’s act of kindness goes viral on the internet
When a teenager called the police to say he didn't™ want to live at his house anymore, a local police officer jumped into action. But instead of bringing Child Protective Services, he brought friendship and a bed. Cameron Simmons, a 13-year-old in Sumter, SC, called police after fighting with his mom and said he was upset and that he didn’t want to live with his family anymore, WIS-TV reports. [...]