On today’s show we talk with Carl Pittman. Mr. Pittman is running for Sheriff in Harris County, Texas. http://carlforsheriff.com/
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Trust between police and public is falling as more questionable use of lethal force and brutal treatment of suspects hits the news. Officers are also concerned over the ferocity of attacks against them. August's death toll paints a worrying picture.
No US government agency tracks the number of civilians killed by the police. [...]
Boeing says it intends to cut "several hundred" jobs due to a decline in US military spending and delays in the number of satellite orders. The move is being blamed over uncertainties regarding future funding from the US Export-Import Bank.
The layoffs are set to be implemented by early 2016, according to Reuters, which cited an internal memo within the company. [...]
At the opening bell on Wall Street the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted as much as 1,000 points in the first minutes of trading. Later it corrected to 485 points down or around three percent. The Nasdaq dropped eight percent at the start of trading, but is now down three percent. The S&P 500 had initially sunk five percent and is now down three percent. [...]
American benchmark WTI crude briefly slipped below $40 per barrel for the first time since 2009, showing an eighth straight weekly decline , the longest streak in almost 30 years.
During the intraday trading in New York, the benchmark WTI crude price dropped as low as $39.86 per barrel before settling at $40.45 – some 2.1% drop in one day. [...]
A newly released video exposes the lie of cops who shot at a black man they said had struck an officer with his car. However, the man had posed no threat, was not a suspect and was never subsequently charged.
On April 5, witnesses of a fist fight at the New World Bar and Grill at 504 Riehl Street in Waterloo, Iowa, called the police. They just wanted the cops to stop the brawl. [...]
The controversial military drill spanning seven states known as Jade Helm 15 has officially begun, but with no media allowed to cover the exercises, people have taken to Twitter to speculate on and poke fun at the hysteria surrounding the war games.
Expected to feature more than 1,200 troops from all US military branches, including some 200 Special Operations forces, the drills are scheduled to [...]
The US’s leading professional psychologists’ organization helped justify CIA and Pentagon torture programs, a new 542-page report shows. The psychologists involved later profited from torture-related contracts.
The report, concluded this month, examined the involvement of the American Psychological Association (APA) in the validation of the so-called program of enhanced interrogation, under [...]
In a dramatic shift for the US military, the army is considering the use of bullets that can expand and break up when striking a target to make new pistols more lethal, raising concern that doing so would violate international law.
According to the Army Times, the Pentagon recently reviewed the use of “special purpose ammunition” and determined the army could look into enabling its next-gen [...]
America,s National Security Agency has spied on German chancellors and their offices for more than 10 years, a new WikiLeaks report says. The three leaked NSA intercepts indicate that the US targeted 125 phone numbers of top German officials.
The National Security Agency’s (NSA) intercepts published on Wednesday show that Washington has been tapping the phones of the political offices of the [...]
The number of Americans "extremely proud" to be citizens of the US continues to fall, with a new Gallup poll revealing a three percent drop from the previous year.
Of those surveyed, 54 per cent said they’re “extremely proud” to be Americans. In 2013 and 2014 that figure stood at 57. [...]
A study polling American and emigrant adults found that 35 percent would consider leaving the US, according to TransferWise, an international money transfer company. The most popular reason for wanting to leave was to seek a better quality of life.
Despite the results of the survey, 59 percent said it was home. Another 58 percent said romantic and family ties were important reasons for staying [...]
Around 500 protesters gathered outside the US embassy in Kiev to hold an anti-war and anti-US rally on Wednesday. The demonstrators held banners reading "USA - the world's evil" and "Shame - USA" as well as "Yankees, leave Ukraine." One banner also read "Blood of the children of Donbass is on Obama's hands". Several protesters held pictures of destroyed houses and children killed during the confli [...]
Chancellor Angela Merkel was not the only NSA target in the German government, as WikiLeaks has released a new tranche of documents containing a list of the phone numbers of German ministers and officials whose privacy was breached by the US spy agency.
Sixty-nine high-ranking members of the German government, including the economy and finance ministers, as well as Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabrie [...]
The US military needs to remain engaged around the world against both rival states and non-state actors, while nurturing regional allies and promoting American values, declares the Pentagon’s new National Military Strategy 2015.
That the United States is “the world’s strongest nation, enjoying unique advantages in technology, energy, alliances and partnerships, and demographics,” is the [...]
The National Security Agency's infamous XKEYSCORE program, revealed by leaker Edward Snowden, makes searching the world's private communications as easy to use as Google, according to training documents published by the Intercept.
XKEYSCORE was one of the first programs that the Guardian wrote about when Snowden began leaking NSA documents in 2013. [...]
France and Germany seem to have a servile attitude towards the US and its foreign policy which has to do with their "anti-terrorism" collection capabilities. They felt they had not to upset the collection arrangements says former CIA officer Ray McGovern.
The latest documents published by WikiLeaks suggest that America's snooping activities in France are far more extensive than previously thoug [...]
Washington has resumed military aid to the Bahraini government. The move was criticized by human rights groups, which say it takes place "in the absence of any real or meaningful political reforms" and amid numerous human rights abuses.
“The administration has decided to lift the holds on security assistance to the Bahrain Defense Force and National Guard that were implemented following Bahra [...]
As ISIS and ISIS-style terror erupts across the globe, Western governments are busy making plans to establish a rapid reaction force in Eastern Europe to ‘contain Russia’, thus qualifying them for an annual ‘you couldn’t make it up’ award.
It calls to mind one of Britain’s worst military defeats, suffered at the hands of the Japanese, when 100,000 troops and sailors were marched int [...]
A number of pro-Western NGOs in Armenia perform various functions, including the support of political processes and even overseeing foreign elections. Now, as protests against an electricity rate hike drag on, these groups are getting a second look.
Protesters, demanding the cancellation of a 17 percent electricity price hike that is set to take effect on August 1, have spent another night on t [...]
The political standoff between the West and Russia has put many through difficult times. Russia is living through a severe crisis, exacerbated by EU sanctions – but that’s as business in Europe also is in trouble, as the loss of a major partner has dealt a blow to prosperity.
Can the European Union afford the confrontation, given the state some of its economies are in, and the dissent that [...]
From Patriot Act to the USA Freedom Act, America's debate on government surveillance of citizens - thanks to Edward Snowden - has created some heat but hardly any light in American politics.
NSA backers claim the new law is reform, but isn't it only a distinction without a difference? CrossTalking with Fred Fleitz, Ken O'Keefe, and Ivan Eland. [...]