Putin, Russia and the West: After Paris & Sinai, G20 summit is bad news for ISIS terrorists
Patient, consistent Russian diplomacy has trumped short-term Western hypocrisy. Reduced to desperation, NATO leaders finally attempted a rapprochement with Moscow at the G20. The current schism between Russia and the West began in September 2011. Speaking at the United Russia [...]
Wake up, Europe: Russia is not the enemy
In the aftermath of the slew of horrific terror attacks in Paris last night, European nations must come to admit that, with their continuous and blind support of US foreign policy, they are sowing the seeds of their own demise. For more than a year and a half, Washington, with little concern for consequences, has used Europe as a tool in its futile attempts to batter Russia into submission. [...]
Million Student March: 100+ US campuses rally against tuition fees & student debt
Students from more than 100 American universities are set to unite in a Million Student March to protest over tuition fees, student debt and higher wages for campus workers. “We are people of all colors, genders, and sexual orientation, and we are united to fight for education as a human right,” the movement’s statement reads. [...]
A Better World Through Bombing
As October ended, White House spokesperson Josh Earnest announced that the U.S. would be sending "less than 50" boots-on-the-ground Special Operations forces into northern Syria in an “advise-and-assist” program for Kurdish rebels and their (essentially nonexistent) Arab allies. Only days before, in yet another example of twenty-first-century mission creep, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter h [...]
As Mission Creeps in Iraq and Syria, Lawmakers Ask: Will We Ever Vote on War?
Amid intensifying U.S. military operations in Iraq and Syria, a group of 35 bipartisan House lawmakers issued an open letter on Friday calling for Congress to fulfill its responsibility by voting "as quickly as possible" on whether to authorize a war that is well over a year old. [...]
Snowden Celebrates ‘Broadly Influential’ Ruling Against NSA Dragnet
Reiterating his prior ruling which found the U.S. government's surveillance of civilians' telephone records to be unconstitutional—"Orwellian," even—a federal judge on Monday ordered the National Security Agency to halt its bulk collection program. [...]
Carter should know the world is not a cowboy movie
US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter claims Russia and China are challenging something he describes as the “international order.” What he really means is that Russia and China refuse to bend the knee to US domination and hegemony.   [...]
Here’s why we’re committing civil disobedience: Millennials can no longer be silent about our broken system
On Nov. 9, we’re staging the largest-ever civil disobedience for racial, climate, and immigrant justice. Here’s why, by YONG JUNG CHO, WALEED SHAHID, DEVONTAE TORRIENTE AND SARA BLAZEVIC   Its election season. [...]
‘Our Generation, Our Choice,’ Say Youth, Readying for Mass Civil Disobedience
Young people from across the country to sweep Washington, D.C. with direct action 'to demand justice on race, climate change, and immigration' Buoyed by President Barack Obama's fresh rejection of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, thousands of young people from across the country are preparing to unleash on Monday what they say will be the "largest-ever civil disobedience for racial, climate, [...]
‘I’m comfortable with my choices’: Snowden on CIA torture, ISIS and surveillance
In an interview with Swedish media, whistle-blower Edward Snowden opened up about CIA torture, ISIS, and mass surveillance. Two-and-a-half years after revealing the NSA’s mass surveillance tactics, he says he’s “very comfortable” with his choices. [...]
Hackers from Anonymous say they’re set to expose hundreds of KKK members
Anonymous, a loose and decentralized coalition of hackers, plans to release the identities of at least 1,000 people it says are members of the Ku Klux Klan on Thursday, organizers said. OperationKKK, or #OpKKK as it is being called on Twitter, began one year ago when members of the KKK — a white supremacist hate group founded in 1865 — said it would use deadly force against protesters d [...]
World ignores calls for inquiry into U.S. bombing of Afghan hospital: MSF
Calls for global support for a full inquiry into the U.S. bombing of a charity-run hospital in Afghanistan have gone ignored, according to the head of Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) which is mourning the loss of 30 lives in the attack. [...]
As US Dodges Hospital Bombing Probe, Aid Group Calls Global Silence ‘Embarrassing’
One month after the U.S. bombing of a Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) hospital in Afghanistan killed at least 30 people and wounded dozens more, the Obama administration refuses to submit to an independent inquiry while the aid group charges that the lack of global outcry over the incident has become deafening. [...]
Flood of Western Weapons Fueling Unrest, Extremism Across Middle East
Transparency International warns: "Corruption has fueled political unrest, extremism, and formed a narrative for violent extremist groups" Western nations—led by the United States—are selling large quantities of weapons to governments in the Middle East and North Africa, providing little oversight for how these arms are used, and thereby fueling corruption and conflict in countries from Sau [...]
Russian, US air forces hold joint exercises in Syria
Russian and US air forces have staged joint drills to practice air safety measures in the skies over Syria, according to the Russian General Staff, which also reported that its military has begun to coordinate with Syria’s moderate opposition forces. In the course of the drills, both the air crews and ground services of Russian and US forces drilled procedures aimed at avoiding problems in ca [...]
United We Fall – [Full Film]
"United We Fall" A film by Bryan Law and Dan Dicks is a documentary about the North American Union that is being developed right now between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. For years this topic has been debated in the news and in political circles as being a possible future for North America. In recent years, the mood has shifted and a rift is developing between those who want a Deeply In [...]
Russia Wants War – Russland Will Krieg
Russia, what a nerve they have! How dare of them to move their country so close to out military bases. Those bad Russians should not get away with that! The US needs to cancel Healthcare, Social Security and increase the debt ceiling to have all the budget to chase the Russians to the moon. Then... there will be piece on earth! [...]
‘Absolute Crap’ But Brilliant: Corporate America’s Plan to ‘Misbehave Without Reproach
An independent investigation by journalists featured in the New York Times on Sunday offers an in-depth look at the way American corporations have used the inclusion of "arbitration clauses" within consumer contracts to strategically circumvent judicial review of their behavior and immunize themselves from class action lawsuits –"realistically the only tool citizens have to fight illegal or dec [...]
New Probe Reveals NSA Targeted Entire Staffs of EU Governments
A German government-sanctioned special investigation has exposed a "clear breach" of intelligence-sharing agreements—including illegal surveillance of European authorities—between the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and its German counterpart, known as the BND. [...]
US Is an Oligarchy Not a Democracy, says Scientific Study
A study, to appear in the Fall 2014 issue of the academic journal Perspectives on Politics, finds that the U.S. is no democracy, but instead an oligarchy, meaning profoundly corrupt, so that the answer to the study’s opening question, "Who governs? Who really rules?" To put it short: The United States is no democracy, but actually an oligarchy. [...]
Obama is now obliged to publicly address encryption
Thanks to the pressure of civil liberties organizations and heavy-hitters in the tech industry, President Barack Obama will now have to publicly comment on his position on strong encryption. The petition requested the Obama administration to publicly affirm their support for strong encryption and “[r]eject any law, policy, or mandate that would undermine our security.” [...]
Police can use Stingray surveillance devices to listen to calls – documents
It’s long been known that authorities can use the secretive Stingray tools to track people by their cell phones. Now it’s been revealed that police are actually able to listen in on calls using the device. Stingrays, cell-site simulators, are suitcase-sized devices that work by mimicking cell towers and intercepting the signals of mobile phones. [...]