Reality Peeks Through in Ukraine | Consortiumnews
With corruption rampant and living standards falling, Ukraine may become the next failed state that “benefited” from a neoconservative-driven “regime change,” though the blame will always be placed elsewhere – in this case, on the demonized Russian President Putin, writes Robert Parry. Nearly two years since U.S. officials helped foment a coup in Ukraine – partly justified by corrup [...]
The Global De-dollarization and the US Policies | New Eastern Outlook
In its quest for world domination, which the White House has been pursuing for more than a century, it relied on two primary tools: the US dollar and military might. In order to prevent Washington from establishing complete global hegemony, certain countries have recently been revising their positions towards these two elements by developing alternative military alliances and by breaking with t [...]
US Stocks Suffer Biggest Slump in 119 Years
US stocks tumbled after China's stock market crashed seven percent overnight on Thursday and crude fell to the lowest level in more than 12 years. In the recent four days, the Dow Jones index has plummeted 911 points, or more than five percent so far in 2016, making it the worst four-day percentage loss to start a year on record since 1897. [...]
As the East Creates, the West Tries to Destroy | New Eastern Outlook
I’m feeling more and more in recent months that, as difficult as it may be to believe, our world is moving away from seemingly endless wars. Make no mistake, we haven’t seen the end of wars at all. The dynamic and the war energy is changing, however. Not without a frenzy of self-conceit does the so-called Western World throw forks, china, pots, pans, rolling pins–anything it can get its b [...]
Is a $15 an Hour Minimum Wage Adequate?
Social movements calling for raising the minimum wage to $15/ hour with yearly adjustments for increases in the cost of living deserve support. However, earning $15/ hour will not guarantee a decent standard of living. An individual working forty hours a week at $15/ hour for an entire year earns $31,200, an income that is more than two and a half times the 2014 official poverty threshold of $1 [...]
Welcome to New Reality: Russia and China Challenge US Naval Supremacy
Russia and China have achieved remarkable success in their efforts to develop advanced navies, which presents a challenge to America's naval supremacy at a time when the US Navy is trying to adapt to the changing security environment, US Chief of Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson said. [...]
Soldiers of Misfortune: Alleged US Mercenaries Spotted in Donbass
Alleged US mercenaries were seen in a night club in the city of Mariupol under Kiev's control, a Donetsk People's Republic military official said. The self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic's (DPR) intelligence has detected the presence of alleged US mercenaries in southern Donbass, DPR deputy defense minister said Thursday. [...]
Jesse Ventura on Government cover-ups — full interview
RT's Anastasia Churkina sits down with a best-selling author, former Governor of Minnesota, former US Navy Seal and professional wrestler -- Jesse Ventura. His latest book "63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want you to Read" hits the shelves in the US this April. Ventura said his book has the spirit of WikiLeaks, the difference is -- they have been available in the public domain, it's ju [...]
US Military Outclasses Russia’s in Only One Area…Corruption
In spite of prevailing clichés about corruption in Russia being out of control, the scale of the scourge is of an incomparably larger scale in the United States, according to independent journalist Einar Schlereth. In the journalist's view, nowhere is this more obvious than in the case of the US military industrial complex. [...]
Opportunistic Islamophobia
If, as he and other true believers think, George W. Bush really does have to meet his Maker someday, and if He (sic) really is just and good, and if the point of the meeting is to decide whether George will spend eternity in Heaven or Hell, then that man should be thanking the alleged divinity every moment of his waking life for making ignorance bliss. [...]
Twisting my sobriety! 🙂 Woman escapes DUI charges by proving her body’s a brewery
A woman charged with drunk driving after being four times over the legal limit has had the case against her dismissed. The woman from upstate New York actually has a rare condition that converts the food she eats into alcohol. The woman was pulled over while driving her car. [...]
Americans Petition Obama To Declare Erdogan’s Turkey State Sponsor Of Terror | Zero Hedge
"Following Turkey’s downing of a Russian jet striking the Islamic State (IS), it is undeniable that Pres. Recep Tayyip Erdogan supports jihad terrorism in Syria. IS exports oil via Turkey and terrorists of IS, al-Qaeda, and other jihad groups transit the border." [...]
Noam Chomsky & Abby Martin: The Empire’s Election Extravaganza
In this episode of teleSUR's The Empire Files, Abby Martin interviews world-renowned philosopher and linguist Professor Noam Chomsky. Prof. Chomsky comments on the presidential primary "extravaganza," the movement for Bernie Sanders, the U.S.-Iran nuclear deal, the bombing of the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, modern-day libertarianism and the reality of "democracy" u [...]
If Mental Illness Is the Problem, America Is Mentally Ill
2015 was a year of exceptionally overt police violence against black folk and tragic mass shootings. A common response to these events has been that they are the result of “sick” individuals. Many conservatives have suggested that the shooters were mentally ill: that the problem was a proliferation of bad people, not a proliferation of guns. … [...]
15 striking findings from 2015 | Just 19% of Americans say they can trust the federal government
Every year, we look back at our research to select the most memorable facts that illustrate important trends shaping our world. At Pew Research Center, the topics we analyze range from the specific subjects of video gaming and family caregivers to broader areas like political attitudes, global climate change and religious affiliation. It’s a hard task to select just 15, but here are some of o [...]
2015: The year Russia told America ‘enough’
Since 2003, Moscow has watched with infinite patience as US-led forces have steadily steamrolled a path of chaos and carnage across a large swath of Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. This year Vladimir Putin drew a line at Syria. In an age when diplomats regularly correspond with each other behind the cold cover of firewalls and Twitter accounts, Moscow’s method of informing its [...]
Empire of Chaos preparing for more fireworks in 2016
In his seminal 'Fall of Rome: And the End of Civilization,' Bryan Ward-Perkins writes, "Romans before the fall were as certain as we are today that their world would continue forever... They were wrong. We would be wise not to repeat their complacency.” [...]
US economic bubble could soon burst – Trump
Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump predicts tough times ahead for the US economy. If something bad were to happen, better it happen during the Obama administration, than the next one, according to Trump. "Remember the word bubble? You heard it here first," Trump told a 1,200 crowd in Iowa on Saturday. [...]
What freedom of speech? Prank petition to repeal First Amendment gets support at Yale (VIDEO)
Ami on the Street: Do we really need the 1st Amendment? Ami visits the Yale University campus with a petition to repeal the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Surely they will laugh him off of campus...right? US political satirist and filmmaker Ami Horowitz approached the students at one of the most prestigious universities in the world asking its attendees to sign a petition in favor of [...]
Deployment fail: US special ops forces arrive in Libya, immediately told to leave
Libya’s air force said in a Facebook post that 20 US commandoes arrived at Wattiya airbase and disembarked “in combat readiness,” only to be told to leave. Pentagon sources confirmed the US had sent a special forces unit to Libya as part of a mission. [...]
‘Most hated man in America’ arrested for securities fraud
Martin Shkreli ‒ the pharmaceutical CEO infamous for jacking up drug prices 5,500 percent ‒ has been charged with securities fraud. The arrest is unrelated to his raising the price of life-saving pills exponentially, but to his time at a hedge fund. [...]
US missile shield can’t protect vs massive Russian ICBM attack – chief of strategic missile forces
The existing US missile shield is incapable of withstanding a massive strike of Russian nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), the commander of Russia’s Strategic Missile Troops said at a press conference. The analysis of Russian military experts has found that “neither the firepower potential, nor the data computing capacity of the currently deployed US missile defense” i [...]