I won’t vote against Hillary Clinton because she’s female, but I don’t intend to vote for her because I am. We need more fundamental changes in this country
I am a feminist. And I would like to one day break the glass ceiling with a progressive woman who sees class and race as fundamental problems in American society. [...]
Hillary Clinton “won” the Iowa caucuses, in part because of 6 coin tosses all of which she won! Six precincts, at least, ended up with a dead tie between the two candidates. The tie was broken and a winner declared based on a coin toss in each case. [...]
The senator from Vermont has 16-point lead on Clinton in New Hampshire, and other results show he'd win against any Republican nominee, which Clinton wouldn't
Bernie Sanders is not only ahead of Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, where the next U.S. presidential primary will take place on February 9, he is also leading her among female voters and proves more electable against Republican rivals, [...]
Clinton’s stance on Syria, Russia and Iran is far more hawkish than Obama’s, investigative journalist Harry Stuckey told RT, adding that the former secretary of state has an 'overcompensation complex.'
People on both sides of the political aisle in the United States are concerned that Democratic hopeful for the US presidency, Hillary Clinton, may have one too many personality flaws to serve [...]
Raw Milk Sales May Soon Be Legal in New Jersey . New bill moving through legislature will legalize raw milk sales.
Assemblymen John DiMiao (R-Dist. 23) introduced Assembly Bill 696 (A696) on Jan. 27. The legislation would allow holders of a raw milk permit “to sell, offer for sale or otherwise make available raw milk directly to consumers but only at the farm or property where the raw milk is [...]
What can I say that I have not said before? I guess I can start by saying see you later to all of those who have passed in the last year. We Natives don’t like to mention their names. We believe that if we speak their names it disrupts their journey.
They may loose their way and their spirits wander forever. [...]
There has been a lot of talk in recent weeks about the speaking fees paid to presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and an analysis published Saturday sheds some light on exactly how much Wall Street and other major corporate powers ponied up for the former Secretary of State and her husband, President Bill Clinton. [...]
Cohen is director of the Park Center for Independent Media at Ithaca College, founder of media watch group FAIR and co-founder of the online activism organization RootsAction.org, which just released the statement “Thousands Ask Clinton to ‘Stop Lying’ About Iraq Vote.”
At last night’s debate in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton again described herself as a “progressive who gets things [...]
Usually on debate night, we track what people are searching for on Google as a way of assessing what people are curious about as the candidates tussle.
Among the most-searched questions on Sanders: How to give him money. [...]
A long profile on Hillary Clinton in the Washington Post earlier this week highlights the 2011 Libyan intervention as a key indicator of her approach to foreign policy. Clinton claims that the Libyan bombing campaign was an example of “smart power at its best.” If she actually believes that, it raises serious questions about her judgment, as well as about her ability to analyze foreign policy [...]
There's no doubt that Hillary is the candidate of Wall Street. Even more dangerous, though, is that she is the candidate of the military-industrial complex. The idea that she is bad on the corporate issues but good on national security has it wrong. Her so-called foreign policy "experience" has been to support every war demanded by the US deep security state run by the military and the CIA. [...]
Pharmaceutical CEO Martin Shkreli ‒ the “most hated man in America,” who raised the price of an HIV treatment 5,500 percent ‒ remained silent during a congressional hearing on prescription drug prices. He later tweeted that politicians were “imbeciles.”
Summoned before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to give testimony on his former company’s recent increases in [...]
While Bernie Sanders narrowly lost the Iowa primary to rival Hillary Clinton, he soundly won in the fundraising game in January.
The Clinton campaign said Thursday that it raised a total of $15 million in the year’s first month, falling short of Sanders’ $20 million raised during the same period. [...]
"Academic research and scientists in this country are no longer deserving of the public trust," declared Marc Edwards, the Virginia Tech civil engineering professor who helped expose the Flint water crisis.
In an interview published in the Chronicle of Higher Education on Tuesday, [...]
By demanding a “revolution” to shift power away from Wall Street, Sen. Sanders is attracting millions of young Americans who want fundamental change. He’s also upsetting the Democratic establishment which favors only incremental “reforms” acceptable to corporate interests, as Norman Solomon notes.
Forty-eight years ago, a serious insurrection jeopardized the power structure of the nat [...]
As the United States begins to warn of the growing threat of Daesh in Libya, political analyst Hafsa Kara speaks to Radio Sputnik’s Loud & Clear about Washington’s role in destabilizing the North African nation – and the personal involvement of Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton. [...]
By carving Kosovo out of Yugoslavia Washington sowed a whirlwind for Europe to reap: Kosovo has turned into a de facto "mafia state," American author Justin Raimondo writes, citing German intelligence agency BND.
Libya, Syria, Iraq and Kosovo have become grotesque monuments to Washington's [...]
Anything about the Iowa caucus is strange for the US or any other modern elections; it is an arcane process for a modern democracy to have, said Andrew Joyce, contributor to the Fusion news website.
How common is it to decide election results through a coin toss? Is it fair? [...]
The Pentagon’s claims that Russia and China are among the top challenges for the US is a justification to continue the flow of taxpayer’s money into major weapon systems and their corporate sponsors, Karen Kwiatkowski, retired US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel told RT.
US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter announced Tuesday that the Pentagon will request a $582.7 billion defense budget in o [...]
The United States federal debt has surpassed $19 trillion for the first time in history according to the Treasury Department. However, the real figure could exceed $65 trillion, according to a former US Comptroller General.
The official debt of $19 trillion represents almost $60,000 for every man, woman and child living in America today. [...]
Several sources are alleging improprieties. Though Hillary Clinton declared victory over Democratic rival Bernie Sanders in the Iowa caucuses early Tuesday morning, there were audible grumblings from multiple corners about the integrity of the vote tallies. [...]
Today on The BradCast, we discuss the Iowa caucuses and examine how the mainstream corporate media have decided for themselves which candidates are and are not acceptable for American voters.
Jim Naureckas of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting joins us to discuss the marginalization [...]