Oh, Canada! A recent survey found that only 38% of Americans could name the Prime Minister of their northern neighbor, but that didn’t stop Justin Trudeau from declaring, in an interview for CBS’s "60 Minutes," that "it might be nice if Americans paid a little more attention to the world."
Unfortunately for Trudeau, it might also be nice if the 62% of Americans who don’t know who he is wo [...]
American presidential election politics is a cross between a talent show and a beauty contest. Being smart and coherent does not necessarily pay dividends.
Case in point: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Both are front-runners of their parties. Trump is idiosyncratic and raw; Clinton the ultimate establishment insider. Is this a choice, or merely bad theater?
CrossTalking with Brandon Andr [...]
Donald Trump represents a challenge to the US status quo, he doesn’t want the US to be the ‘world’s policeman’ and democratize the world through bombing raids, says Richard Spencer from Radix Journal.
Mitt Romney devoted his recent speech to bashing Donald Trump. What does that tell us about Donald Trump's current standing in the presidential race? [...]
Americans are tired of national mainstream politics with all the hopes and expectations the US middle class and youth entrusted to the first black US president. Now they are 'totally disillusioned,' political expert Leonid Dobrokhotov told RT.
Americans have been taught that when they go the ballot box they decide the fate of their country and even the entire world, said the Russian historian, [...]
Nearly 100 thousand people are calling for former President Bill Clinton to be arrested for violating election laws by entering multiple polling stations in Boston and other Massachusetts areas on Super Tuesday, creating a massive delay for voters attempting to get to the polls. [...]
Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt to lead Pentagon’s Innovation Advisory Board.
On Wednesday, the Defense Department announced that former Google CEO Eric Schmidt will head the Pentagon’s new Innovation Advisory Board. Consisting of 12 executives, the board will be handpicked by Schmidt [...]
The history of Clinton as Secretary of State really needs to be considered in discussing the implications of her ride towards the Democratic nomination and potentially the White House, says investigative journalist and historian Gareth Porter.
The role that Hillary Clinton played as Secretary of State in the 2011 military intervention in Libya is getting new attention as dozens of officials fro [...]
The response of Western governments and of the Western media to the Russian air operation in Syria was unanimous.
All of them condemned it and all of them said it would fail. In the US there was much gloating talk — joined in by President Obama himself — about how the Russians had landed themselves in a quagmire. [...]
Bernie Sanders is trying to start a revolution, and if ever there was a country in need of one, the US is it. But his defeat in South Carolina and the polls heading into Super Tuesday suggest the revolution is in [...]
U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii announced Sunday that she will resign as vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee and endorse Bernie Sanders for president. "I think it's most important for us, as we look at our choices as to who our next commander in chief will be, is to recognize the necessity to have a commander in chief who has foresight, who exercises good judgment," Gabbard said on M [...]
The FBI wants the encryption keys to the iPhone, yet has a poor track record since September 11, 2001 of protecting Constitutional rights.
After an inexplicable and terrible crime was committed in December, leaving 14 dead and 22 injured in California, the public was informed that an act of terror had been committed. We were told that the culprits were a San Bernardino County Health Department [...]
Former Secretary of State Clinton, whose campaign is brimming with establishment foreign policy advisers, has chided Democratic rival Sen. Sanders for lacking a roster of experts. But ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern says an untapped resource for any candidate is the Veteran Intelligence Profess [...]
Jean Bricmont, the author of 'Humanitarian Imperialism', a study of how the idea of human rights has been used to justify Western imperialism, finds it troubling that the Western powers engaged in 'humanitarian interventions' abroad have the gall to tell their own populations to 'welcome the refugees' when things go awry. [...]
From the New York Times editorial board to a Republican-friendly super PAC, it appears unease is widespread over Hillary Clinton's continued refusal to release transcripts of recent paid speeches she gave to some of Wall Street's most powerful firms.
In a sharply-worded editorial in Friday's print edition, the Times described Clinton's excuses for not releasing the transcripts as those of a "mi [...]
The race is far from over, Bernie Sanders told his supporters on Saturday night, after news outlets projected a big win for Hillary Clinton in the South Carolina Democratic primary.
"Let me be clear on one thing tonight," Sanders said in a statement just after 7 pm EST [...]
For twenty four years the Clintons have orchestrated a conjugal relationship with Wall Street, to the immense financial benefit of both parties.
They have accepted from the New York banks $68.72 million in campaign contributions for their six political races, and $8.85 million more in speaking fees. [...]
Well, it turns out that cops steal more money from American people than thieves do.
Between 1989 and 2010, U.S. attorneys seized an estimated $12.6 billion in asset forfeiture cases. The growth rate during that time averaged +19.4% annually. In 2010 alone, the value of assets seized grew [...]
George Galloway interviews the presidential candidate of the US Green Party, Jill Stein, 'a better woman than Clinton; a better democrat than Sanders!'
How is your campaign going? Dr. Jill Stein: It is going great, it is going game busters. [...]
According to a video released by Entrehub, a publication specializing in “news for entrepreneurs, small business & start-ups,” Canada is running for president.
Not only that, it already has the best election ad in the 2016 race.
The video is proof positive that the United States, a country that in many ways stakes itself on its pride, is becoming so blinded by that pride that it fa [...]
Sen. Sanders finds himself on the defensive in his uphill primary fight against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination in part
Hillary Clinton has scored points against Bernie Sanders by tagging him as a “single-issue candidate” who harps again and again on income inequality. [...]
If Dems want to defeat Trump, 'they must make absolutely sure that Bernie Sanders is the Democratic nominee for President.'
With big primary wins in the rear-view mirror and more predicted for the days ahead, Donald Trump's seemingly unstoppable momentum has some Republicans on Capitol [...]
The final Republican presidential debate before primary voters in 11 states cast their ballots on Super Tuesday dissolved into an unseemly brawl in which candidates competed with each other to be the loudest and sling the most insults at each other.
With an avalanche of putdowns, zingers and crass insults, Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio tag-teamed on Donald Trump to question his conservative [...]