Hillary Clinton launched a full on attack at Alex Jones during one of her campaign speeches, breaking the long standing protocol of fearfully ignoring "the Texan".
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The latest in a series of problems for the would-be US president? A military that evidently views her as security risk. "Who is the threat?" It’s a question that militaries around the world routinely ask themselves, and a question presented at the top of a Powerpoint slide used by the US Army for some 18 months at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. [...]
The main architect of Washington’s plan to rule the world has abandoned the scheme and called for the forging of ties with Russia and China. While Zbigniew Brzezinski’s article in The American Interest titled “Towards a Global Realignment” has largely been ignored by the media, it shows that powerful members of the policymaking establishment no longer believe that Washington will prevail i [...]
The exoneration of a man accused of the worst of crimes, genocide, made no headlines. Neither the BBC nor CNN covered it. The Guardian allowed a brief commentary. Such a rare official admission was buried or suppressed, understandably. It would explain too much about how the rulers of the world rule.
The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague has quietly c [...]
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has zig-zagged the country raising money for her campaign, all while residents in Louisiana suffer from the "worst disaster since Hurricane Sandy."
Both Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama have been criticized for not visiting victims in Louisiana. [...]
Emails released by WikiLeaks revealed that Hillary Clinton admitted to suffering from decision fatigue and discussed with one of her top aides while serving as US secretary of state about taking a drug used to treat Parkinson’s disease. [...]
Anti-war advocates are launching an 11th-hour bid to stop U.S. Congress from approving a $1.15 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia in its fight against Houthi rebels in Yemen, which was announced earlier this month.Chief among them are the activist group CODEPINK and U.S. Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.), [...]
The Most Honest 6 Minutes Off-TV Ever
This is a clip taken from the premiere episode of the American television political drama series "The Newsroom" created and principally written by Aaron Sorkin. It premiered on HBO on June 24, 2012. The clip features Jeff Daniels answering the question, "Can you say why America is the greatest country in the world?" with a very thought-provoking answer.
Rare [...]
Although Hillary Clinton selected Tim Kaine as her Vice President in this campaign, her true running mate might very well be her vagina. Indeed, while Clinton’s support continues to be among the lowest for any Democratic nominee in recent memory, she has managed to position her gender as a focal point of her campaign, a move intended to capture the women’s vote among liberals and conservatives [...]
The media has had a field day commenting on Donald Trump's words about cooperation with Russia against ISIS, labeling him a 'Kremlin agent' and a danger to the Western security order. But what about Hillary Clinton and her foundation's ties to the Saudis? If Trump is 'Moscow's man', does that make Clinton the candidate of Middle Eastern sheikdoms? [...]
To stave off Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton became a born-again progressive, critical of trade deals and tough on fracking, but her preparations for a presidential transition presage a pro-corporate and hawkish administration, says Norman Solomon.
Like other Bernie Sanders delegates in Philadelphia a few weeks ago, I kept hearing about the crucial need to close ranks behind Hillary Clinton. [...]
Social media users are in a panic after WikiLeaks said an unknown man had climbed the Ecuadorian embassy in London where Julian Assange has been staying for four years. Users suggested that it was probably an assassination attempt, “ordered by Clinton.” [...]
Speaking on the conservative "Savage Nation" radio show, the Republican nominee was undeterred by weeks of media attacks labeling him a secret agent of the Kremlin vowing cooperation with Russia in the fight against Daesh while working to resolve conflicts between the countries. [...]
Give CNN just a little credit. On Wednesday night, they hosted a Town Hall featuring Green Party candidates Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka. In those 90 Prime Time minutes, Stein and Baraka presented a clearer picture of the realities and consequences of US foreign policy and militarism than we heard from Bernie Sanders in a year’s worth of speeches. [...]
You haven’t heard much from the Democrats lately about foreign policy or global agendas – indeed virtually nothing at the Philadelphia convention and little worthy of mention along the campaign trail. Hillary Clinton’s many liberal (and sadly, progressive) supporters routinely steer away from anything related to foreign policy, talk, talk, talking instead about the candidate’s “experienc [...]
The Department of Defense finds itself in a controversy that continues to unfold in the wake of an Inspector General Report in June that found that the US Army's financial summaries misstated balances by $6.5 trillion.
A June report by the Defense Department’s Inspector General uncovered that the Army made $2.8 trillion in wrongful adjustments to accounting entries in one quarter alone in 201 [...]
The FBI and Department of Justice have launched an investigation into whether the Podesta Group has any connections to alleged corruption that occurred in the administration of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.
It seems like just yesterday that the top campaign official for Donald Trump found himself caught in the middle of a political dragnet for his work as a lobbyist on be [...]
The world is moving closer and closer to world war 3 as the West continues to push Russia and Vladimir Putin into a corner.
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Russia has continued to create a new international order, and seeks to significantly reduce the United States' clout, according to the Italian newspaper La Stampa.
In an editorial in La Stampa, the newspaper's chief editor Maurizio Molinari said that Russia's policy on Ukraine, its actions in Syria and reconciliation with Turkey shows President Vladimir Putin's determination to create a new int [...]
As the United States and Europe embark on an increasingly hawkish policy towards China, Beijing has moved to welcome the formation of an alliance with Russia to counter NATO.
Speaking at the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party last month, Xi Jinping delivered what Western analysts are calling an "incendiary speech" in which he called for a military union with Russia [...]
Bernie Sanders supporters are flocking to Jill Stein, the presumptive Green Party presidential candidate, with donations to her campaign exploding nearly 1000% after he endorsed Hillary Clinton. Stein salutes Sanders for the progressive populist movement he began and says it is up to her to carry the baton. Can she do it? Critics say her radical policies will not hold up to scrutiny. [...]
Politicians lie; like her husband, Hillary Clinton lies more than most. Donald Trump lies too, of course; but most of the false claims and nonsense assertions he makes aren’t lies. Lying requires awareness and intent; Trump says whatever pops into his head. [...]