With members of the CIA and NSA leaking materials on Michael Flynn’s communications with Russian officials, we are witnessing a slow boiling domestic coup that will transform American governance and the Executive Branch’s relationships with intelligence agencies. It remains to be seen whether these moves signal broader attacks on the Presidency by agencies long accustomed to taking out adminis [...]
A Gallup poll has revealed that citizens of four NATO nations would sooner count on Russia to defend them rather than the United States, Bloomberg reported on Friday, reflecting the changing perceptions of the US's role in global security.
Between October and December 2016, WIN/Gallup International asked around a thousand people in 66 countries who would be their go-to ally if attacked. [...]
Again an interview of Chris Hedges which goes back to 2013, but is above all interesting because Hedges explains how he moved from wanting to be a pastor to becoming a war reporter. He explains why he considers "liberals" have no direct contact with what they "prestend" to defend from afar. His first hand description of working directly with young people for whom violence was a way of life and his [...]
The Trump White House has absolutely no idea how to compose a revenue stream for their precious wall. The only way is for the American Taxpayer to fork it over.
How many times in the course of the 2016 campaign did Donald Trump promise he would build a beautiful wall on the border with Mexico and make Mexico pay for it? [...]
Commenting on the recent US media reports that nearly two-thirds of US Navy's strike fighters can't fly due to undergoing maintenance and that there is a lack of funds available to fix them, Russian defense analysts explain what might be behind such reports. [...]
Commenting on Fox News host Bill O’Reilly's recent remarks about President Putin and his further theatrical refusal to apologize for the groundless insult, Russian political analyst Mikhail Sinelnikov-Orishak told Sputnik that such boorishness has long become a characteristic feature of today's American journalism. [...]
As the political backlash grows over President Trump’s travel ban, the US Department of Justice is set to face off with its opponents in a federal appeals court. Its lawyers will argue that suspending the executive order puts national security at risk. [...]
Nearly two-thirds of the US Navy’s fleet of Super Hornet and F/A-18 jet fighters are not airworthy. The aircraft are grounded awaiting parts or maintenance as part of a lack of funding for repairs that has left over half of the Navy’s aircraft on the ground.
Money problems have also led to a growing backlog of aircraft that need repairs, and for three years almost every carrier has taken [...]
Over many decades, the U.S. establishment has become practiced at putting out claims that are completely false or that leave out key details to mislead the public, but now come complaints about “fake news,” observes William Blum.
As the Queen in Alice in Wonderland explained, “Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” Or as new Secretary of Defen [...]
President Trump’s chaotic first two weeks have seen senior aides reverse his most promising plans for restoring realism to U.S. foreign policy, especially regarding Russia and the Mideast, reports Daniel Lazare.
Well, that didn’t take long, did it? The Trump administration hadn’t even reached its two-week mark when it surrendered a major portion of its independence and fell in behind the [...]
NAPOLITANO: "Yes, Donald Trump has a very strong case. The best case the Democrats have is some people were disaffected to Mrs. Clinton when they read the snarky e-mails of her staff. But what Donald Trump is talking about is there is no evidence that the Russian government did something that affected the outcome of this election. He’s absolutely correct when he says that." [...]
The editor-in-chief of German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel has defended a highly controversial cover depicting US President Donald Trump beheading the Statue of Liberty. He also called on Germany “to build an alliance” against the US leader. [...]
US President Donald Trump received the lowest approval rating — and highest disapproval rating — for a new president in recent history, according to a survey released Friday.
The poll, from CNN, showed that a 53% majority said they disapprove of the way Trump is handling his job two weeks into office [...]
The major takeaway from the US Presidential election, and from the events which have shaped the first two weeks of Donald Trump’s Presidency - both his actions and the reactions of his opponents - is that America is tired.
It is not difficult to see why since the US has for decades been behaving in a way that was guaranteed eventually to exhaust it. [...]
The US shares responsibility for the ongoing migrant crisis, according to Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern. Speaking on the sidelines of an EU summit in Malta, he stated that American “interventions” are in part to blame for the refugee flows. [...]
A new variety news show hosted by Jesse Ventura captures “the feeling of freedom” in confronting government and corporate power run amok. The former Minnesota governor, pro wrestler and New York Times bestselling author invites you to “come along for the ride.”
“What you will hear from me is opinions, not agendas,” says Ventura. “I look forward to holding our government accountabl [...]
An expert UN panel investigating ten separate airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen - in which at least 292 civilians died - has found that most were the result of an ‘ineffective targeting process’ or deliberate attacks on peaceful targets.
With the new Pentagon chief already ordering the review of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, RT's Viktor Astafyev looks into what went wrong with the most expensive weapon in history.
Earlier this week, US Secretary of Defense James Mattis sent two memorandums for Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work to review the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program to "determine opportunities to signifi [...]
Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin’s first telephone conversation indicates a new chapter will be opened in US-Russia relations, as, by reaching out to Moscow, the US leader has shown he’s capable of overriding internal opposition, Daniel McAdams told RT. [...]
In the 2016 presidential election cycle, two “populist” candidates running outside and against the nation’s reigning financial power centers launched remarkable insurgencies within the nation’s two dominant state-capitalist political organizations. One of those contenders, Bernie Sanders, pushed Wall Street’s number one presidential aspirant, Hillary Clinton, much closer to possible [...]
Donald Trump ran for President on the slogan “Make America Great Again,” implying that America had been great once, but no longer is.
True to form, Hillary Clinton’s rejoinder was clueless. America is great now, she would insist every chance she got — indispensably great, “exceptional” even. [...]
Listen and you can hear the sneering “elite” liberal left narrative about how the big dumb white working class is about to get screwed over by the incoming multi-millionaire- and billionaire-laden Trump administration it voted into office. Once those poor saps in the white working class wake up to their moronic mistake, the narrative suggests, they’ll come running back to their supposed fr [...]