If Berlin can bring Russia’s Navalny to Charite hospital, why can’t it help Assange? German MP asks 🎞️
A German MP is calling on her government to provide medical assistance to the "seriously ill" WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, saying that Berlin spared no effort when it came to Russian opposition figure, Alexey Navalny. Berlin should not be supporting the US-orchestrated attack "on journalists, on press freedom and on democracy," said Heike Haensel, the deputy head of the Left Party's pa [...]
Deutsche Bank Predicts New World ‘Disorder’, Cold War Between US and China
The new report comes on the heels of predictions by market analysts and hedge funds that the US dollar could lose over a third of its value against the euro and slide against other currencies in the coming months owing to poor US economic performance and ballooning debt in the wake of the coronavirus crisis. The world is “on the cusp” of a new era marked by instability, disorder and t [...]
Declassified FBI Files Confirm Existence of Gigantic ‘Human-Like Aliens’, Report Claims
The papers leaked online suggest a grave situation may occur at any time "with regard to flying saucers" as those allegedly multidimensional structures would level any human-built craft. The FBI has declassified documents mentioning flying saucers and "multidimensional beings", it follows from an almost 70-page report penned by an unnamed professor and recently leaked online, reportedly on the FBI [...]
‘Nothing nefarious at all’: Backlash as ex-NSA chief, involved in mass surveillance revealed by Snowden, joins Amazon board
General Keith Alexander, ex-director of the National Security Agency, who oversaw illegal mass spying on Americans, has been appointed to Amazon’s board of directors, drawing the ire of privacy advocates, including Edward Snowden. Amazon announced that Alexander, who served as NSA director from 2005 up to his retirement in March 2014, will join the company’s board on Wednesday. “We’re [...]
What Representing Men in Divorce Taught Me About Fatherhood | Marilyn York
Attorney Marilyn York owns a Men’s Rights Family Law Firm in Reno Nevada, established in 2001. She and her ten female employees focus on representing men for two reasons: 1. As her talk explains, fathers are crucial in the upbringing and development of their children; and 2. Fathers are the disadvantaged parent in family court and society and while the laws are improving, the statistics ar [...]
We’re at peak insanity: The Fed’s fiscal profligacy and greedy tech oligarchs are sinking capitalism faster than the Titanic
During my 40-year Wall St career, I’ve never seen a mania like this. The problem is that central banks are rogue hedge funds with printing presses who are not elected or accountable and make policies that are consistently wrong. US stock markets were rocked last week by massive volatility that saw the most significant declines since the March correction. The US Congress and Federal Reserve polic [...]
Most Americans believe US government is corrupt and unaccountable to the people, poll finds
Most US citizens believe their government, legislators and courts are corrupt and unaccountable to the public, according to a new poll. Strikingly, both Democrats and Republicans share this opinion. Seventy-three percent of Americans say that elected officials do not face “serious consequences” for misconduct, according to a new Pew Research Center poll. A closer look reveals that a mere 21 pe [...]
America becoming another banana republic – Max Keiser ️
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the accumulation of debt in the United States in memory of David Graeber, author of ‘Debt: The First 5,000 Years’. Max also talks to Otavio ‘Tavi’ Costa, portfolio manager at Crescat Capital, about credit exhaustion among other things. They point out that the US Federal Reserve and other major central banks have a problem of m [...]
How Trump has betrayed the working class | Robert Reich
Trump’s corporate giveaways and failure to improve the lives of ordinary working Americans are becoming clearer by the day. Trump is remaking the Republican party into … what? For a century the GOP has been bankrolled by big business and Wall Street. Trump wants to keep the money rolling in. His signature tax cut, two years old last Sunday, has helped US corporations score record profi [...]
Chuck Schumer Backs Bernie Sanders’ Call For Regime Change Plan To Force Trump From Office
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and other Democratic Party leaders claim that US President Donald Trump will appear to win on election night only to lose once millions of mail-in votes are counted. They say he is already laying the ground to claim ballot fraud and refuse to concede defeat. US Democratic Party Senate leader Chuck Schumer has backed Bernie Sanders' call for a plan for the "nightmaris [...]
‘I don’t like saying it, but something will replace the US dollar’: Investor Jim Rogers says century of USD reign is ending
The dollar is on the brink of losing its status as the world’s main reserve currency, prominent US investor Jim Rogers told RT, following reports of China’s plans to drop a huge chunk of its American debt holdings. With a national debt of over $26.5 trillion, “the US is now the largest debtor nation in the history of the world, and it’s getting higher and higher every day,” Rogers said, [...]
Snowden did nothing wrong? Court rules NSA spying on Americans’ phones was illegal all along
A federal appeals court has ruled that the telephone metadata collection program used by the National Security Agency to spy on Americans was illegal, just as NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden said seven years ago. The metadata “bulk collection” program violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Wednesday. [...]
Beijing warns of possible ‘military accidents’ after US carries out ‘provocative’ operation in South China Sea
Beijing has cautioned against further US naval operations in the South China Sea, claiming that recent activities by the American side create conditions for an unintentional military confrontation. A spokesman for the People's Liberation Army (PLA) said on Friday that a US warship entered Chinese territorial waters without permission. [...]
Prime privacy intrusion: Amazon rolls out BODY-SCANNING fitness tracker that detects EMOTIONS in voice
Amazon’s new fitness tracker ‘Halo’ takes technological intrusion to new levels, scanning the user’s body and tracking the emotions in their voice. Even mainstream media coverage says the tech’s privacy implications are troubling. Like most fitness trackers, the retail behemoth’s new wearable Halo monitors cardio activity, motion and sleep. Unlike most trackers, it also records bo [...]
FBI Explains Why it Tweeted Link to Files on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
In May, New York-based Jewish non-governmental organization the Anti-Defamation League reported that 2019 had been the worst year in terms of anti-Semitic attacks across the US since the group began keeping records in 1979. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has apologized for tweeting a link to a 139-page selection of the agency’s files on “The Protocols of the Elders of Zi [...]
Where’s Tulsi? Outsider candidate Gabbard smeared by Clinton not even invited to Democratic convention
The Democratic convention featured senior never-Trump figures from the Republican Party, but Tulsi Gabbard, a primary contestant who won delegates, wasn’t invited. Was that due to her anti-war rhetoric or Hillary Clinton’s grudge? This week’s Democratic virtual gathering to nominate the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris ticket for the November election was a triumph of party centrism over the progress [...]
Americans give up citizenship in record-smashing numbers as expats find ‘pandemic & political climate too much to bear’ – report
Americans are ditching their US citizenship in droves thanks to an unbearable political atmosphere and the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, new research shows, indicating that both residents and expats are cutting ties in record numbers. More than 5,800 Americans [...]
Germany warns US against imposing sanctions on Nord Stream 2, says no country has right to ‘dictate’ its energy policy
German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has warned the United States not to interfere with the completion of the Russian-led Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project, stressing that Europe has the right to choose its own energy sources. “Sanctions between partners are definitely the wrong way to go,” Maas said during a joint press conference with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in Moscow, addi [...]
ATOMIC BOMBINGS AT 75: John Pilger — Another Hiroshima is Coming — Unless We Stop It Now
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were acts of premeditated mass murder unleashing a weapon of intrinsic criminality. It was justified by lies that form the bedrock of 21st century U.S. war propaganda, casting a new enemy, and target - China. When I first went to Hiroshima in 1967, the shadow on the steps was still there. It was an almost perfect impression of a human being at ease: legs splayed, back bent, [...]
PATRICK LAWRENCE: A United State of Delusion
Americans are caught in a kind of national psychosis, wherein little of what is said about foreign conduct — from Germany to the South China Sea — can be taken at face value. Let’s face it: The Trump regime has from the first had a tenuous relationship with reality. A thousand jobs at a Midwestern air-conditioner plant don’t go to Mexico and the revival of American manufacturing is comin [...]
US Police Violated Rights of Protesters, Journos 125 Times in Wake of George Floyd’s Death – Report
Amnesty International’s latest report details that it has logged at least 125 separate cases of police violence against US residents within two weeks of the Memorial Day killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Officers across the nation were accused by Amnesty on Tuesday of violating the human rights of peaceful protesters, bystanders and members of the press 125 times between May 26 [...]
LEE CAMP:  28 Million Evictions Loom as Houses Sit Empty
America is not based on hard work. Get it out of your head that this society is set up to be fair. Fair would be everyone with a roof over their head. Congress’s inability to actually represent the real-live human beings of America, combined with an economic system that rewards lack of empathy and an excess of greed, has brought us to a dark time when an oncoming tsunami of financial ruin, desti [...]