Investment broker and financial commentator Peter Schiff joins the show to reveal that the Federal Reserve's monetary expansion program, called Quantitative Easing is destroying the middle class and pushing the American economy towards a cliff under the illusion of an economic recovery....
The US govt spends 10% GDP more than it receives in revenue. The US govt spending is counted as part of th [...]
The objective of the United States National Security Agency is to eliminate privacy around the world, the American writer who helped expose the NSA's far-reaching surveillance powers said on Tuesday. Glenn Greenwald of the UK’s Guardian answered questions about the ongoing NSA leaks and his source, the now notorious former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, [...]
The prison industry is more lucrative than you think. “Global Tel* Link. You have a collect call from: ‘Tim.’ An inmate in Shelby County Correctional Facility…. If you wish to accept and pay for this call, dial zero now.” I don’t know how many times I heard the same robotic voice speak these words since last fall. [...]
California Gov. Jerry Brown just signed Senate Bill 566 which legalized industrial hemp… sort of. With all of the attention focused on the legalization of cannabis’ psychoactive variety we call marijuana, it’s no surprise much of the public is unaware of the developments regarding cannabis’ non-drug variety we call industrial hemp. [...]
Woman said to have tried to ram White House gate, care chase and shooting ensued—one officer said to be wounded. Shots rang out near the U.S. Capitol this afternoon, and a "shelter in place" was in effect during what was at first described as an "active shooter situation." [...]
Agriculture giant Monsanto has announced acquisition of the Climate Corporation, a climate data research company, expecting that its info will help farmers maximize crop yields with fewer resources. The $930 million cash purchase is set to give the company an upper hand in the quickly expanding field of scientific weather data, something that would put vast amounts of climate information at farmer [...]
The US Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case on whether a conviction for domestic violence precludes Americans from obtaining a firearms license. The Obama administration has argued that ending the prohibition would invalidate bans in much of the US. The Justices announced Tuesday they would hear eight cases of the more than 2,000 appeals that accumulated over the summer. [...]
Peter Schiff on Fox Business (8/13/2013) Listen to The Peter Schiff Show Live Weekdays 10am to noon ET on
A record number of Americans are giving up their U.S. citizenship. The Wall Street Journal reports that 1,130 Americans renounced their citizenship in the second quarter of 2013, more than did so in all of 2012.
A growing number of wealthy Americans in Asia—and o [...]
Defense Dept. doesn't slow down spending for surveillance. The U.S. Department of Defense awarded 94 contracts worth over $5 billion, including purchases for spy satellites, body armor and drones, on Sept. 30, the day before the government shutdown and at the end of the federal fiscal year. [...]
President Obama plans to take a 5% salary cut in support of federal workers who are going to be furloughed, officials said Wednesday. The president follows the lead of Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, giving up some salary because of forced federal furloughs. [...]
The United States is home to 442 billionaires like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. It conjures images of movie star mansions, Beverly Hills, and Manhattan's 5th Avenue. But the truth is, 1 in 6 Americans are "food insecure," which is how politicians describe people who don't have enough food to survive. In many states, including Texas, Florida, Mississippi and Alabama, hunger affects over 19% of [...]
Former Qwest CEO Joseph Nacchio, who spent over four years in prison for insider trading, now says his conviction was based on his company's refusal to cooperate with NSA requests to spy on its customers. Nacchio says he feels “vindicated” by ongoing revelations provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden that the NSA does, in fact, access massive amounts of metadata and communique in [...]
Glenn Greenwald: About the Snowden disclosures, the Oregon Democrat told the NSA chief: 'the truth always manages to come out' The Senate Intelligence Committee yesterday held a hearing, ostensibly to investigate various issues raised about the NSA's activities.
What the hearing primarily achieved instead was to underscore what a farce the notion of Congressional oversight over the NSA is. In [...]
A shutdown would cut off essential services for millions more Americans, while a default on U.S. debt could devastate the global economy. Since the Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011, they have repeatedly attempted to use the prospect of a government shutdown or a debt default as leverage. [...]
Glenn Greenwald: The implications of the prior week's reporting of NSA stories continue to grow I'm currently working on what I believe are several significant new NSA stories, to be published imminently here, as well as one very consequential story about NSA spying in Brazil that will first be broadcast Sunday night on the Brazilian television program Fantastico (because the report has worldwide [...]
Contrasting reactions in India and Brazil to revelations by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden about the US government's intrusive surveillance of communications in the two countries are a study in varying diplomatic style, substance and context. Recent confirmation from journalists working with Snowden that India was a prime victim caught in the crosshairs of the NSA’s megalithic data-swe [...]
On July 2, the United States put pressure on several European countries to prevent a plane carrying Bolivian President Evo Morales from landing to refuel at any of their airports. The excuse for this unprecedented denial of landing rights was the unfounded claim that Morales was hiding American whistleblower Edward Snowden on board his presidential jet. [...]
American investigative journalists Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald say they have teamed up to prepare a report on the National Security Agency's role in what one of them described as the "US assassination program." “The connections between war and surveillance are clear. I don't want to give too much away but Glenn and I are working on a project right now that has at its center how the Nation [...]
For the first time in more than 30 years the President of the United States has spoken with Iran's leadership. Barack Obama announced he believes the two sides can reach a deal regarding the future of the Islamic Republic's nuclear program. From the White House Friday afternoon, Obama said he just got off the phone with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and discussed “our ongoing efforts to reach [...]
The US National Security Agency has been exploiting US citizens' personal information drawn from its large collection of metadata to create complex graphs of social connections for foreign intelligence purposes, the latest Snowden leaks have revealed. Documents obtained by the New York Times from the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden say that the practice has been going on since November 2010, [...]
The totally-not-delusional Larry Klayman has finally set a date for his proposed uprising to remove President Obama from office: November 19. The Judicial Watch founder writes today that protesters protesters will “descend on Washington, D.C., en masse, and demand that he leave town and resign from office if he does not want to face prison time” for pushing “his Muslim, socialist, anti-Semit [...]
Pulitzer Prize winner explains how to fix journalism, saying press should 'fire 90% of editors and promote ones you can't control'. Seymour Hersh has got some extreme ideas on how to fix journalism – close down the news bureaus of NBC and ABC, sack 90% of editors in publishing and get back to the fundamental job of journalists which, he says, is to be an outsider. [...]