As Europe erupts over US spying, NSA chief says government must stop media
Glenn Greenwald: With General Alexander calling for NSA reporting to be halted, US and UK credibility as guardians of press freedom is crushed. The most under-discussed aspect of the NSA story has long been its international scope. That all changed this week as both Germany and France exploded with anger over new revelations about pervasive NSA surveillance on their population and democratically e [...]
Breaking: Obama Readies Military for Domestic Gun Confiscation
Army's litmus tests gauges whether soldiers will fire on American citizens or engage in gun confiscation. Alex Jones highlights three instances and numerous articles in the last year and a half where soldiers have contacted his radio show to warn of the Army’s litmus tests, which gauge whether they will fire on American citizens or engage in gun confiscation. [...]
Human Microchipping, Verichip, Positive ID, Police State Conspiracy or Mark of the Beast, 666?
Human Microchipping, Verichip, Positive ID, Police State Conspiracy or Mark of the Beast, 666? This video was produced by Psychetruth This video was produced by Psychetruth [...]
Human Microchipping Agenda (movie) | TruthTheory
Predictive Programming and the Human Microchipping Agenda from John Smith on Vimeo. Predictive Programming and the Human Microchipping Agenda confirms the reality of the microchip agenda, and shows that the weapon of propaganda has been used against the public for decades in order to familiarize us with the idea of being chipped. [...]
Ron Paul: Liberty is the Answer
Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, and a pro-America foreign policy. This video is not-for-profit clip that is uploaded for the purpose of education, teaching, and research. [...]
And The Question Still Remains Valid Today: What Has America Become? by Ken Huber
"What Has America Become" was the title of a letter to the editor written by Ken Huber of Tawas City, Michigan. It contains a series of comparisons and contrasts which causes one to think about the double-standards and conditions under which we now live here in America. Sadly America is in decline. [...]
US Senate Says Right to Keep & Bear Arms is Debatable
According to the U.S. Senate, the individual right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment is debatable. A guide to the Constitution contains an “explanation” next to every section and amendment of America’s founding document. The Second Amendment guarantees, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and [...]
Shutdown of US govt & “debt default”: Dress rehearsal for privatization of federal state system?
The ‘shutdown’ of the US government and the financial climax associated with a deadline date, leading to a possible ‘debt default’ by the federal government, is a money-making undertaking for Wall Street. Several overlapping political and economic agendas are unfolding. [...]
FIRST VIDEO: Snowden receives Sam Adams Award in Moscow
The first videos of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden have surfaced since he received asylum in Russia. The footage, provided by WikiLeaks, was taken during the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence awards ceremony. [...]
NSA harvesting hundreds of millions of personal email contact lists – report
The National Security Agency is logging hundreds of millions of email and instant messaging contacts belonging to Americans and others around the world, according to a report based on documents provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. [...]
Computer Glitch Blamed For Nationwide EBT System Shutdown On Saturday – CBS Boston
A computer system upgrade shut down the Electronic Benefits Transfer System nationwide on Saturday, leaving a countless number of shoppers stranded at the register. At about 9 a.m. Saturday, reports from across the country began pouring in that customers’ EBT cards were not working in stores. [...]
TSA Loudspeakers Threaten Travelers With Arrest For Joking About Security
Prisoner training: Don't complain about your grope down. Travelers who crack jokes about the TSA’s ludicrous security procedures could face arrest, according to a new loudspeaker warning being broadcast at airports in the U.S. While traveling through George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Matt Miller heard a security announcement repeatedly aired on the airport intercom that left him d [...]
U.S. Death Penalty Facts
Click for Larger Image Information on US death penalty costs, trends, statistics and other facts from Amnesty International. Join the campaign to end capital punishment! The death penalty, both in the U.S. and around the world, is discriminatory and is used disproportionately against the poor, minorities and members of racial, ethnic and religious communities. >>>Click Here to read th [...]
Death row inmates now executed with drug cocktail used to euthanize animals
Facing a shortage of supplies for lethal injections, US law enforcement officials have begun executing prisoners with an animal anesthetic that has not been approved at the federal level, with the first such execution coming this week. European pharmacies, citing a moral issue with capital punishment, have stopped sending certain drugs to regions of the US that still carry out the death penalty, [...]
Assange: “€˜Snowden safe but journalists dealing with him at risk”
Edward Snowden is safe in Russia, but the fates of journalists who helped him and published his leaks are now of more concern for WikiLeaks, Julian Assange said in an exclusive interview with RT Spanish "€˜Behind the News"€™ host Eva Golinger. Assange also shared his views on the NSA scandal in Latin America and the future of freedom of information. [...]
Poll: Americans’ Satisfaction With Gov’t Sinks to All-Time Low
Only 18% satisfied with the way the nation is being run. Numbers from the latest Gallup poll reveal Americans’ confidence in the two-party dominated system has hit an all-time low, with only 18 percent saying they’re satisfied with the way the nation is being run. “This is the lowest government satisfaction rating in Gallup’s history of asking the question dating back to 1971,” admitted [...]
Poll: Obamacare Has 90% FAILURE rate
Fewer than 1% of Americans have enrolled. In a new Associated Press poll, 9 out of 10 people who attempted to sign up for Obamacare online say they were not enrolled. In other words, only 10% of those who tried to buy health insurance on the new government run exchanges were able to do so successfully. [...]
Snowden’s father arrives in Moscow
The father of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has arrived in Moscow. Lon Snowden's flight touched down at Sheremetyevo Airport - where his son famously spent five weeks in transit limbo before receiving asylum in Russia. The plane carrying Lon Snowden landed in Moscow Thursday morning, RT crew on the scene reported. [...]
“US unchained itself from constitution” Whistleblowers on RT after secret Snowden meeting
Edward Snowden’s revelations of NSA surveillance programs prove that the US has abandoned the rule of law, betraying its own constitution, whistleblower Thomas Andrews Drake, told RT. A group of US whistleblowers and activists has present Snowden with a Sam Adams Award for ‘Integrity in Intelligence’ in Moscow on Wednesday. [...]
Shutdown Woes Stretch From Coast to Coast
Americans are growing increasingly frustrated with the first federal government shutdown in 17 years. Here is a photo collage of 22 images about the effects of the U.S. Government shutdown ! [...]
Truckers Change Mind, Won’t ‘Arrest’ Congressmen
Traffic snarl still planned, but news coverage causes schism in ride's leadership. News coverage of a trucker protest seeking to clog the roads in and around Washington, D.C., this weekend prompted a schism between the ride's leaders. The ride's loosely organized leadership is now in agreement, however: truckers will not seek to "arrest" congressmen. [...]
‘Truckers for the Constitution’ Plan to Slow D.C. Beltway, Arrest Congressmen
Police must detain 'accessories' to 'treason' or truckers will, organizer says. ractor-trailer drivers will intentionally clog the inner loop of the Washington, D.C., beltway beginning on the morning of Oct. 11, according to a coordinator of the upcoming "Truckers Ride for the Constitution" rally. Organizers of the three-day ride want to call attention to a litany of trucker frustrations and expre [...]