Edward Snowden has said he feels satisfied and a winner despite the espionage charges confronting him. Denying claims he is a traitor, Snowden said he is working to improve the NSA, something that US spy chiefs do not realize. [...]
A review group hand-picked by United States President Barack Obama said last week that the National Security Agency needs to reform dozens of the ways it does business. One member of that panel, however, says the NSA doesnât do enough. [...]
Obama's Director for National Intelligence, James Clapper, has declassified new documents that reveal how the NSA was first given the green light to start collecting bulk communication data in the hunt for Al-Qaeda terrorists after 9/11. [...]
Whoa, look out! Someone gave Roseanne 13 minutes on TV and she’s got something to say! Abby Martin interviews television legend Roseanne Barr, discussing everything from Saudi Arabia's connection to 9/11, to her VIVID porn pitch, to her next US presidential run.
Demanding NSA Reform, Human Extinction by 2030, and Roseanne Barr Takes on Trolls
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The US has test-fired a nuclear-capable missile despite a pledge to destroy thousands of its nukes. The Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), which is capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads, was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base into a 4,200 mile flight over the Pacific to a target on the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. [...]
A Pennsylvania community is asking questions after a government contractor, with help from the local police, pulled drivers off the road and into a parking lot to ask about their driving and 'most notably' pressure them into providing a DNA sample. [...]
Police in Texas may now obtain a search warrant based on "a prediction of a future crime," according to a dissenting judge on the state's criminal appeals court. The ruling by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals came last week, ending a controversial case in which police searched a house before obtaining a warrant but were still able to present the confiscated evidence during a trial. [...]
The developers of the FreeBSD operating system say they no longer trust computer processor chips manufactured by two of the top tech companies, and cite National Security Agency secrets spilled by former contractor Edward Snowden as the reason why. [...]
The US National Security Agency has quietly subverted the tools used by online advertising companies in order to track surveillance targets and improve its monitoring ability, according to a report based on documents obtained by Edward Snowden. [...]
The Department of Homeland Security is being sued by two New York Times reporters who say the agency failed to respond to FOIA requests following enhanced interrogations at New York’s JFK airport. [...]
Military litmus test. Obama asking officers if they will shoot an American if the command was given. Some officers stepping down. Government buying enuff amo to kill half the population along with body bags. Obama shaking up the top ranks of the military command structure -- but is it also preparing to make war on the American population? [...]
If Obama’s complete disregard for the constitutional limits imposed on the presidency continues, it will create a precedent in which future presidents will act as absolute autocrats. At a congressional hearing on Dec. 2, House Representative Trey Growdy (R-SC) asked what will stop Obama from not enforcing election laws considering his pattern of “prosecutorial discretion” of other standing l [...]
WikiLeaks' major achievement is in weakening the authority of US intelligence, according to the whistle blowing website founder, Julian Assange, who has just marked three years under virtual house arrest in the UK. [...]
Billions of dollars annually are being used to fund operations conducted by the United States intelligence community, the likes of which allow the government to eavesdrop on emails, listen to world leadersâ phone calls and about everything in-between. [...]
A wheelchair-bound Canadian woman was denied entry to the United States this week because she was previously diagnosed with clinical depression. Now she wants to know why the US Department of Homeland Security had her medical history on file. [...]
The fallout over the Snowden affair hits "critical stage" as Washington continues the push to separate Cyber Command, which oversees cyberspace operations, from the National Security Agency. [...]
Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden has been awarded the biennial "whistleblower prize" in Germany, in recognition of his "bold efforts" to expose the monitoring of communications data by his former employer. In Snowdenâs address on the presentation of the 2013 Whistleblower Award - channeled by internet activist and journalist Jacob Appelbaum [...]
The National Security Agency systematically broke its own rules and collected information it wasn't supposed to, according to 1,000 pages of highly redacted classified files released for the first time by the Obama administration. [...]
Abby Martin defends the notion of American Exceptional-ism.
Highlighting the categories where the US truly is exceptional, from obesity to war making, but not in the areas that Americans should be proud of such as literacy and environmental protection.
Top 5 Ways America is Exceptional | Brainwash Update
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The mortal shooting of John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, as he rode in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. His accused killer was Lee Harvey Oswald, a former U.S. Marine who had embraced Marxism and defected for a time to the Soviet Union. Oswald never stood trial for murder, because, while being transferred after having been taken into custody, he was shot [...]
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has demanded that Washington give Germany clarity over the future of the NSA in the country, stating that the practice had put transatlantic ties "to the test.-The allegations are grave," she said. Merkel kicked off the session by tackling the controversial issue of the US tapping her personal phone calls and the “millions” of associated NSA data int [...]
The Central Intelligence Agency is collecting bulk records of international money transfers, including the financial and personal data of millions of Americans. Citing “officials familiar with the programs,” the Wall Street Journal reported that the CIA and FBI collect financial information when international transactions are filed through numerous money-transfer companies, including MoneyGram [...]