JFK, MLK, RFK: Three Murders Most Foul That Killed America’s Soul
As increasing numbers of people in the USA, also in the entire world, agonize over the never-ending, highly destructive wars of the USA, they also seek to trace the roots of where exactly things went so wrong and the US polity drifted towards its endless aggressions. Many scholars and historians also try to find this answer, and increasingly many of them are led back to those three terrible days [...]
BREAKING: CIA Officer/Former FBI Boasts “Can Put Anyone in Jail…Set ’Em Up!” “We Call It a Nudge”🎞
"President Reagan’s Executive Order in 1981 also “permits” the CIA to “enter into arrangements with state and local police,” which certainly facilitates violating state and local laws. CIA officers with such “arrangements” and “police cover in the form of badges and other identification” can obviously exercise “police” and “law enforcement” powers, both of which are prohi [...]
Watch IMMEDIATELY before they put me in jail! 🎞
Here, at the "Elon Musk Zone" channel, we transform the original content from shows, podcasts, and key-notes with Mr. Elon Musk to provide the viewers with a more immersive experience. We hope to educate as many people as possible through this channel. We also make the messages of Elon Musk more accessible to people that are suffering from hearing disabilities by applying professional transcriptio [...]
The Church of Humanitarian Intervention Threatens the Survival of Our Species. The Destruction of Russia and China on the Drawing Board of the Pentagon
As the 21st century unfurls its harrowing shadow, a moldering American republic groans in its agonizing death throes. Its heritage, collective memory, and canon lie in ruins. Its ties to reason, the rule of law, and the intellect rest in ashes. For the avarice of empire has hollowed out once noble institutions and the voracious hunger for hegemony increasingly wields no other tool but the bloody t [...]
Declassified FBI Files Confirm Existence of Gigantic ‘Human-Like Aliens’, Report Claims
The papers leaked online suggest a grave situation may occur at any time "with regard to flying saucers" as those allegedly multidimensional structures would level any human-built craft. The FBI has declassified documents mentioning flying saucers and "multidimensional beings", it follows from an almost 70-page report penned by an unnamed professor and recently leaked online, reportedly on the FBI [...]
FBI Explains Why it Tweeted Link to Files on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
In May, New York-based Jewish non-governmental organization the Anti-Defamation League reported that 2019 had been the worst year in terms of anti-Semitic attacks across the US since the group began keeping records in 1979. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has apologized for tweeting a link to a 139-page selection of the agency’s files on “The Protocols of the Elders of Zi [...]
More Russiagate unraveling? Ex-CEO says FBI instructed him to have relationship with Maria Butina
Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne has told media that he was ordered by the FBI to initiate a romantic relationship with imprisoned Russian gun activist Maria Butina, seemingly confirming claims made by her lawyer. [...]
FBI Whistleblower Exposing Agency’s Racial Targeting Gets Four Years in Prison
Former FBI Special Agent Terry Albury received a four-year prison sentence on Thursday for leaking documents to the press that he thought exposed wrongdoing at the FBI. Albury was charged for leaking classified national defense information and retaining such information in April. He pleaded guilty. [...]
FBI agent sent ‘jaw-dropping’ text about no Russia collusion – senator
The FBI agent who investigated the Trump-Russia collusion claim sent a “jaw-dropping” text message suggesting that there was nothing to it, according to a Wisconsin senator who chairs the Homeland Security Committee. Peter Strzok, formerly the deputy assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division, sent a text to his mistress, FBI attorney Lisa Page, on May 19, 2017 – just two [...]
Michael Hayden Admits US is Dictatorship
Speaking at Washington & Lee University, Michael Hayden admitted he didn't care about the Constitution, the Patriot Act or any other law... ------------------------------------------ ...he had a "direct order from the President". FLASHBACK from Feb 2015 Michael Hayden Admits US is Dictatorship /* */ [...]
‘No such thing as absolute privacy in America’ – FBI Director Comey
FBI Director James Comey has warned that absolute privacy does not exist in the US, noting that a judge can compel anyone to testify about their communications – and even their memories. There is no such thing as absolute privacy in America," Comey told a cybersecurity conference in Boston on Wednesday, while speaking about the rise of encryption since whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed Na [...]
What Happened to the Branch Davidians After Waco?
The Branch Davidians fell from public view after the disastrous raid of their compound, but they maintained a presence in Waco, Texas—and around the world. In April 1993, some 75 members of the millennial sect known as the Branch Davidians—including their messianic leader, David Koresh—perished in the blaze that destroyed their compound near Waco, Texas, after a 51-day siege by federal ag [...]