Pro-wrestler Glenn Jacobs, aka Kane, slammed the TSA (pun intended) in a recent speech before the Liberty Political Action Committee (LPAC), stating that the idea the government agency protects the nation is a complete joke. [...]
American taxpayers have unwittingly paid more than $150 million to companies throughout the Middle East that are known to have helped finance terrorist attacks on US soldiers stationed in Afghanistan, according to a new internal US government report. [...]
The second-largest telecom country in the United States has been on the Central Intelligence Agencyâs payroll to the tune of $10 million a year in exchange for voluntarily handing over troves of phone logs, the New York Times reported Thursday. Citing federal officials with knowledge of the program, The Times’ Charlie Savage [...]
Despite more than two-dozen video recordings showing otherwise, President Obama said that he never promised Americans they'd be able to keep their health care plans under the Affordable Care Act. Speaking to supporters in Washington on Monday, Obama claimed that in the past, he said, “You could keep [your plan] if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed.” [...]
Supporters of the Taliban and al- Qaeda in Afghanistan have been getting U.S. military contracts, and American officials are citing “due process rights” as a reason not to cancel the agreements, according to an independent agency monitoring spending. [...]
Check out Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick with Abby Martin. Being a patriot is a lot more than agreeing with the government, it means making a country better than it was even if the truth is unpleasant. For far too long people chose not to recognize the truth about foreign policy even when it was staring them in the face. Oliver Stone is a patriot.
JFK and the Untold History of Oliver Stone
T [...]
Federal whistleblowers have alerted the White House to what they say is a âgross waste of government fundsâ by Department of Homeland Security agents, the likes of which has cost the United States approximately $8.7 million a year. The US Office of Special Counsel sent a report to President Barack Obama on Thursday, [...]
This week saw the most extraordinary scene materialize in Washington DC. Nine-year-old Nabeela ur Rehman, from North Waziristan in the remote tribal region of Pakistan, arrived to a media blitz. She came to tell her own personal story to the nation, in front of the US Congress and national media, of drone horrors and the savagery of America’s secret assassinations overseas. [...]
President Barack Obamas approval rating has declined to an all-time low as public frustration with Washington and pessimism about the nations direction continue to grow, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. Just 42 percent approve of the president’s job performance, which is down five points from earlier this month. By comparison, 51 percent disapprove of his job in office -- [...]
US President Barack Obama has called on the National Security Agency to halt spying on the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in conjunction with a review of surveillance activities, Reuters reported. A US official told the news agency that President Obama curbed the spying within the last few weeks. [...]
As the nation grows increasingly comfortable with marijuana use, the Obama Administration’s policy on the drug is somewhat incoherent. Only two states, Colorado and Washington, allow the recreational use of marijuana, and marijuana remains illegal under federal law. Nevertheless, a new Gallup polls suggests that Washington and Colorado are at the forefront of a national trend. Fully 58 percent o [...]
One of the National Security Agency's biggest defenders in Congress is suddenly at odds with the agency. There are lots of people wondering just what got into Dianne Feinstein that has her suddenly all hot and bothered over the NSA revelations (which, up until now, she's defended to the hilt.) [...]
Twenty-one countries, including US allies France and Mexico, have now joined talks to hammer out a UN resolution that would condemn "indiscriminate" and "extra-territorial" surveillance, and ensure "independent oversight" of electronic monitoring. [...]
"What a disgrace. The U.S. government, cheered on by much of the media, launches an international manhunt to capture a young American whose crime is that he dared challenge the excess of state power. Read the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and tell me that Edward Snowden is not a hero in the mold of those who founded this republic. Check out the Nuremberg war crime trials and ponder our [...]
Michael Ruppert let's fly with both barrels as he speaks on Peak Oil, who the media are serving, and the truth behind Pat Tilman and Christopher Dorner. Ruppert's candor is so strong that it is clear to see why he has been persecuted for his journalism, and he also shows why he is resilient enough to keep on speaking his truth.
Part 1 of 2
>>>Click Here for Part 2<& [...]
Abby Martin takes with a look at the 50 year long practice of water fluoridation in America, outlining adverse health effects and breaking the myth that it helps prevent tooth decay. [...]
The White House is at a loss as it not only depended on espionage in formulating its policies, but also nobody can trust its word anymore, former US Senate foreign policy analyst James Petras told RT. The latest news on monitoring of phone calls in France, and probably German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s own cellphone, brought anger from the French and German governments this week. [...]
Abby Martin takes a look at the real reason why hemp is illegal in the US, the truth might surprise you.
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Abby Martin calls out Bill Maher, host of HBO's 'Real Time', for his evolution from being a controversial commentator to being an arrogant lackey for the democratic party, citing his rampant Islamophobia, support for drones, and defense of the NSA's wiretapping program. [...]
GOP now known for "pettiness and bigotry." A Republican Judge from San Antonio, Texas, has announced he is quitting the GOP and will seek re-election as a Democrat, saying that he can no longer be part of political party whose identity is based on hate, bigotry and destroying people’s lives. [...]
Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream. Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor and loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend [...]
"What Has America Become" was the title of a letter to the editor written by Ken Huber of Tawas City, Michigan. It contains a series of comparisons and contrasts which causes one to think about the double-standards and conditions under which we now live here in America. Sadly America is in decline. [...]