World News

Cameron says Brussels “€˜too big and too interfering”€™ in wake of EU elections
Surfing on a wave of euro skepticism following the EU elections, UK Prime Minister David Cameron has called Brussels too big and bossy. The 28-nation bloc voted a record number of EU Parliament seats to anti-integration parties in the recent elections. [...]
10 lessons we’ve learnt from the European elections
There are many lessons to be learnt from the European election results. But whether Europe's spectacularly out-of-touch political and media elite do learn from them is a different thing altogether. The success of the anti-bail-out, anti-austerity party Syriza, who topped the poll in Greece, was one of the most eye-catching results of the election. [...]
I am a real spy, not low-level system administrator – Snowden
Edward Snowden was trained as a professional spy and actually worked undercover abroad for America'€™s biggest intelligence agencies, developing their IT security architecture, the whistleblower revealed in an exclusive interview to NBC News. [...]
China urges banks to remove IBM servers over espionage concerns -€“ report
China is calling on banks to stop using IBM servers and replace them with local-made machines amid fears that the nation’s financial security might be compromised via the US-based company’s servers, a Bloomberg report has revealed. [...]
Bilderberg Agenda Revealed: Elite Desperate to Rescue Unipolar World
Anti-EU revolution, Ukraine crisis threaten to derail global government. The 2014 Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark is taking place amidst a climate of panic for many of the 120 globalists set to attend the secretive confab, with Russia’s intransigence on the crisis in Ukraine and the anti-EU revolution sweeping Europe posing a serious threat to the unipolar world order Bilderberg spent [...]
‘Slaughterhouse’: Civilians die in Kiev’s ruthless military attacks (GRAPHIC)
Bodies are piling up in Donetsk morgues after Kiev unleashed fighter jets and artillery on the country'€™s southeast just hours after the presidential election. New leader-elect Petro Poroshenko is pushing for the crackdown to become even "€œmore effective."€ [...]
Soros Admits Responsibility for Coup and Mass Murder in Ukraine
Color revolution collaboration began soon after engineered fall of Soviet Union. George Soros told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria over the weekend he is responsible for establishing a foundation in Ukraine that ultimately contributed to the overthrow of the country’s elected leader and the installation of a junta handpicked by the State Department. [...]
Europe doesn’€™t want Russian sanctions -€“ St. Pete forum delegates to RT
While this year'€™s Int Economic Forum in St Petersburg saw fewer foreign guests due to sanctions tension, those who chose to leave politics aside told RT imposing economic restrictions on Moscow would mean "€œcutting the trees"€ they are "€œsitting on." [...]
‘Vote at gunpoint,’ anyone? US keen to legitimize ‘good’ election in Ukraine
A team of American lawmakers is in Ukraine to observe the presidential election which Washington has called a historic milestone and provided over US$ 11.4 million to support the vote despite ongoing violence in eastern Ukraine. [...]
Essay: We Ought To Be EU-Skeptic
In the run-up to the European election, we ought to be more skeptical of the EU. The union's fundamental design flaws could lead to its disintegration. An essay by former German President Roman Herzog. The European Union is in a deep crisis. The reasons for the crisis are manifold, and would, each on its own, have been endurable, even over decades. In the present situation, however, they have beco [...]
Three foreign journalists caught in violence near Slavyansk, two possibly dead – reports
An Italian reporter and his interpreter may have been shot dead and a French photographer has been wounded near the city of Slavyansk, in eastern Ukraine, as their car came under fire, Russian media report. [...]
John Kerry will testify at House committee’s Benghazi hearing
Secretary of state to appear before oversight committee as Republicans seek to pressure presumed 2016 candidate Hillary Clinton. Republican efforts to maintain pressure on Hillary Clinton over her response to the killing of the US ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi received another boost on Friday as John Kerry, Clinton's successor at the State Department, agreed to testify at a new [...]
€‹China v America’€™s cyber-hegemony
This week'€™s indictment by a US grand jury of five Chinese military officials on charges of cyber espionage is both revealing and hypocritical. After all, the US, along Israel, is the world's leading purveyor of cyber espionage, warfare and subversion. Moreover, these latest charges should be understood against the broader backdrop of Washington’s ‘pivot to Asia’, including the much-toute [...]
China to become Russia’s biggest gas consumer if western route developed
China could replace Germany as Russia's biggest gas consumer, if Moscow and Beijing agree to add a route from Russia'€™s Western Siberia to the one already agreed under a $400 billion contract, President Putin said at a meeting with media in St. Petersburg. [...]
Global anti-GMO action: People unite against Monsanto dominance
Over 400 cities worldwide will see millions marching against the US chemical and agricultural company Monsanto in an effort to boycott the use of Genetically Modified Organisms in food production. Marches are planned in 52 countries in addition to some 47 US states that are jointing in the protest. [...]
Pentagon to shutdown over 20 facilities across Europe
The US military announced Friday it was closing down 21 military facilities in half a dozen countries across Europe, a move the Pentagon said would trim $60 million in fat annually. The closures, however, will not affect US troop strength on the continent because they are comprised mostly of recreational and housing facilities at American and NATO military bases across Europe. [...]
“Not another broken promise!”€™ Activists across globe demand Guantanamo closure
Activists around the world will join the Gitmo Global Day of Action, demanding the prison be closed and an end to the indefinite detention of its inmates. They say President Obama hasn't fulfilled his promises as hunger strikes and force-feeding continue. [...]
€‹Prince Charles strikes another blow for the British republic
There is an air of unreality to Prince Charles'€™ spin-squad attempting this week to prove that the future British Head of State'€™s comparison of Putin to Hitler, while surrounded by journalists on a royal tour was said in a "€˜private conversation."™ [...]
Indiscriminate friendly-fire reported amid Kiev military op in Lugansk region
In a military operation against breakaway Lugansk People's Republic, Kiev forces have killed at least 7 self-defence troops and injured dozens locals. The attackers also reportedly shot at their own, who refused to fulfil orders and surrendered. [...]
Ukraine dangerously interfering with press freedom -€“ Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch (HRW) says Ukraine's military and security services are "€œdangerously interfering with press freedom"€ by detaining journalists working with Russian news agencies and denying others entry into the country. [...]
Congress reaffirms indefinite detention of Americans under NDAA
The US House of Representatives approved an annual defense spending bill early Thursday after rejecting a proposed amendment that would have prevented the United States government from indefinitely detaining American citizens. [...]
US military failed to recapture seized nuclear weapon in test attack -€“ internal review
Guards at a US nuclear missile base failed last summer drill, which was meant to test their ability to withstand a hostile takeover, reports AP citing an internal review. US Air Force called it a "€œcritical deficiency." € [...]