World News

Erdogan Blackmails NATO Allies
You know the country has really gone to the dogs when Washington’s main allies in its war on Syria are the two biggest terrorist incubators on the planet. I’m talking about Saudi Arabia and Turkey, both of which are run by fanatical Islamic zealots devoted to spreading violent jihad to the four corners of the earth. Not that the US doesn’t have blood on its hands too. It does, but that’s b [...]
How Russia is Smashing the Turkish Game in Syria
So why did Washington take virtually forever to not really acknowledge ISIS/ISIL/Daesh is selling stolen Syrian oil that will eventually find is way to Turkey? Because the priority all along was to allow the CIA – in the shadows – to run a “rat line” weaponizing a gaggle of invisible “moderate rebels”. [...]
San Bernardino Mass Shooting – A False Flag with Hallmark Shooter Drills?
A mass shooting just occurred hours ago in San Bernardino, California, around 11:00am local time on December 2nd, 2015. As sad as this loss of life is, with all these events it’s important to question everything right from the start. This may be yet another false flag operation with the same old purposes of scaring the public, justifying martial law (school and hospital lock-downs) and pushing t [...]
Pro-Democracy Group Warns of Secret Right-Wing Push to Rewrite Constitution
Under the radar of corporate media and general public, a "dangerous proposal" is bubbling up in state legislatures throughout the country—one that could trigger "political chaos that would make past upheavals like the Watergate scandal and the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton seem tame by comparison." "We're sounding an alarm. This is a national train wreck that must be stopped."—Mi [...]
US Involvement in Turkey’s Shoot Down of the Russian Jet | New Eastern Outlook
In the wake of Turkey’s shoot down of the Russian Su-24, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called the attack a planned provocation. He went further on to suggest the US had given Turkey permission to shoot down the Jet. He explained that countries using US manufactured weapons must ask the US for permission before using them in operations. [...]
An Invisible US Hand Leading to War? Turkey’s Downing of a Russian Jet was an Act of Madness
In considering the terrifying but also sadly predictable news of a Russian fighter jet being downed by two Turkish fighters, let’s start with one almost certain assumption — an assumption that no doubt is also being made by the Russian government: Turkey’s action, using US-supplied F-16 planes, was taken with the full knowledge and advance support of the US. [...]
Erdogan’s Mistake: Russia May Now Initiate Own ‘No-Fly Zone’ Over Syria
President Erdogan's mistake in shooting down the Russian Su-24 bomber 'has waived the green light' for Russia to initiate a 'no-fly zone' by deploying additional fighter power and air defense systems in Syria, US columnist Jim W. Dean notes. The US-led coalition's recent provocation against the Russo-Syrian counter terrorism campaign has "put nothing but torpedoes into its own sinking internati [...]
Leaked Coordinates: Is Washington to Blame for Downing of Russian Su-24?
The deployment of Russia's most advanced S-400 Triumf air defense system in Syria is "a message," Zero Hedge anonymous analyst Tyler Durden stresses, posing the question, to whom exactly is this message addressed? In the aftermath of the downing of the Russian Su-24 bomber by the Turkish F-16 fighter, Moscow has deployed Russia's most advanced S-400 Triumf air defense system in Syria and sent t [...]
How close is Putin to blowing up NATO?
The Turkey-Russia feud raises a few questions about the future of NATO. In other words, are NATO allies ready to defend Turkey? Or are they expecting U.S. jets to do it? Based on what we saw in Iraq in the late 1990s (enforcing the no-fly zone) and Kosovo in 1995, NATO will come down to U.S. and U.K. jets doing all the flying. [...]
Time to Resign? Evidence Mounts of Erdogan’s Involvement in Oil Smuggling
Recep Erdogan is an international outlaw, US author Stephen Lendman deems, referring to the Turkish president's alleged involvement in Daesh's illicit oil smuggling, refining and sales on the black market. There is no trace of doubt in Ankara's full involvement and knowledge of the ongoing illicit trade between Turkey and Daesh (IS/ISIL), US author and syndicated columnist Stephen Lendman stres [...]
Interventionism and Terrorism: Two Sides of the Same Coin – Ron Paul
Terrorism is increasing worldwide because of the US-led Western interventionism, former Republican congressman Ron Paul said, adding that US warhawks are using events such as the killings in Paris to terrify Americans into agreeing to more occupation, more bombing. The United States has dragged itself into a vicious circle of interventionism, according to former US Republican congressman Dr. Ro [...]
‘Great partners’: Pentagon rejects Russian evidence of Turkey aiding ISIS
A Pentagon spokesman rejected Russia’s evidence of Turkey’s involvement in oil deals with Islamic State militants, calling Turkey a “great partner” just a day after his boss complained to Congress that Ankara was not fighting ISIS enough. “Let me be very clear that we flatly reject any notion that the Turks are somehow working with ISIL,” said Colonel Steve Warren, spokesman for th [...]
Russia says Turkey’s Erdogan & family involved in illegal ISIS oil trade
The deputy minister pointed out that Russia had warned about “the danger of flirting with terrorists” on numerous occasions, saying Ankara’s actions were “adding fuel to the fire.” “A united team of criminals and Turkish elites, involved in stealing oil from its neighbors, is acting in the region. This oil in being supplied to Turkey on a large industrial scale via improvised pipeli [...]
The US-Russia Proxy War in Syria
Belatedly, at a sidebar meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Paris climate summit on Monday, President Barack Obama reportedly expressed regret for last week’s killing of a Russian pilot who was shot down by a Turkish air-to-air missile fired by a U.S.-supplied F-16 and the subsequent death of a Russian marine on a search-and-rescue mission, apparently killed by a U.S.-made TOW m [...]
Poll: Sanders More Electable than Clinton Against GOP Frontrunners
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) would win the 2016 U.S. presidential election against all top Republican candidates, with scores that make him more electable in the general than even former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, his main rival for the Democratic nomination, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday. [...]
China, Russia to launch joint news agency to boost Eurasian integration
Russian and Chinese authorities have agreed to set up a joint information agency that would work in both countries, as well as a major discussion club with the provisional name of the Amur Dialogue. “The proposal to create a joint news agency has been made at the Russian-Chinese forum that is currently taking place in Beijing.   [...]
Poking the Russian Bear – How terror collaborators are hiding behind media slander
As President Recep Erdogan is looking for some political ground to land his feet on, media reports have spun some rather distasteful anti-Russian rhetoric, hoping to salvage Turkey’s political solvency by sullying Moscow’s efforts against terror. We live in a time where deception and misinformation have become so widely institutionalized and standardized that the very concept of propaganda [...]
‘NATO invitation to Montenegro: Provocative, wrong moment’
Inviting Montenegro to join the NATO alliance, the west has provoked Russia, because it needs Russia to resolve the conflict in Syria, Jan Oberg of the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research told RT. On Wednesday NATO officially invited Montenegro to become an Alliance member. [...]
‘Simply don’t know where they are’: 14,000 illegal migrants vanish, Swedish police say
About 14,000 illegal migrants, who were awaiting deportation, simply disappeared off the radar, Swedish police told local media, adding they “don’t know where these asylum seekers are.” At the end of October, Swedish police asked to enforce deportation of at least 21,748 people. Of these, 14 140 people registered by police as 'wanted' have vanished, police told Swedish Aftonbladet tablo [...]
Ex-US Intelligence Chief on Islamic State’s Rise: ‘We Were Too Dumb’
Without the Iraq war, Islamic State wouldn't exist today, former US special forces chief Mike Flynn openly admits. In an interview, he explains IS' rise to become a professional force and how the Americans allowed its future leader to slip out of their hands. Michael Flynn, 56, served in the United States Army for more than 30 years, most recently as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, [...]
Moscow may halt Turkish Stream project over jet incident – Gazprom sources
Russia could freeze the Turkish Stream gas pipeline project for several years in response to Turkey shooting down a Russian jet in Syria, Reuters reported on Wednesday citing sources from Gazprom. According to the sources no decision has been taken by Gazprom about changes to the project’s schedule, but the company was awaiting instructions from President Putin. [...]
Nine EU countries want to bury Nord Stream-2
A group of Eastern European countries has sent a letter to the European Commission calling to block the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany bypassing Ukraine. They say it goes against the EU’s energy diversification and security policies. The countries against Gazprom’s deal with Berlin are headed by Slovakia and Poland who are believed to have initiated the campaign. They are [...]