World News

Extra $1.44 trillion needed to rectify US infrastructure problems
Small things can make all the difference, but so can $3.32 trillion – the amount required by the American Society of Civil Engineers to rectify the US’ major infrastructure weaknesses. Even worse, ignoring the problem will only make it more expensive. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has released a study and an estimate revealing how expensive and expansive the crumbling infr [...]
‘Trump, Clinton equally right-wing warmongering shields of big business’
Americans have to choose between two equally right-wing pro-war candidates, says Jerome White, presidential candidate for the Socialist Equality Party. He says Trump promotes xenophobic, anti-immigrant lines while Clinton’s a complete tool of Wall Street. [...]
Is Your Project to Unify Europe Falling Apart? Blame Russia
As the project for a united Europe continues to experience arguably the most serious political crisis since its inception, policy elites in Brussels are urging Europeans not to despair, to stay together, and to prepare for confrontation with Russia instead. European Council President Donald Tusk is unsatisfied with the defeatist attitudes among Europeans. Speaking in Rome on Thursday on the 69t [...]
‘If Merkel wants refugee labor, let them fly to Germany on Lufthansa!’
Europe wants a restrictive policy on refugees because small countries like Austria cannot handle unlimited number of arrivals, Laszlo Maracz, assistant professor of European studies at the University of Amsterdam, told RT. Tensions are rising at the Brenner Pass between Austria and Italy. [...]
Japan willing to risk US ire over improving Russia ties? Looks like it
Not everyone was happy about the three-hour long talks between Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe which took place in Russia’s Black Sea resort of Sochi on Friday. While for Abe the meeting was diplomatically significant — a chance to discuss the disputed Kuril islands face-to-face with Putin — for the White House, it was an unwelcome fissure in the united front Washing [...]
Hillary Clinton demonstrated ‘gross negligence’ in handling classified information – frmr FBI agent
Clinton faces questioning over her handling of classified information in emails, as well as funds received by the Clinton Foundation while she was in high office, James Conway former FBI agent and Managing Director of Global Intel Strategies told RT. [...]
Where does the money come from? Erdogan children’s immeasurable wealth questioned by German Bild
The German newspaper Bild has raised questions as to how Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s children amassed their vast wealth, including one fortune worth tens of millions, when their father only earns some €50 thousand a year as head of state. [...]
US-led France ignored reality in Syria, harmed itself with Russia sanctions – frmr French intel boss
The French government ignored its own intelligence in dealing with crises in Ukraine and Syria, and recklessly followed Washington’s lead by joining anti-Russian sanctions, dealing a huge blow to its agriculture, said a former French intelligence boss. [...]
‘People before profits!’ Thousands rally against TTIP, US corporate rule, GMO & wars in Rome (VIDEO)
Tens of thousands came out in the capital of Italy to decry the secretive Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal between the EU and the United States, which protesters believe would push Europe into corporate slavery. [...]
Bernie Sanders Would Be Donald Trump’s Worst Nightmare; Hillary, Not So Much
You may not like Donald Trump. Hell, you may hate his guts and think he is the worst thing to ever happen to American politics in modern history.If you called him an offensive, sexist, xenophobic bigot, I'd be first in line to agree with you.   [...]
2000+ Doctors Declare: “It’s Time for Single Payer to be Back on the Table”
Despite limited advances provided by the Affordable Care Act, the U.S. healthcare system remains "uniquely wasteful" and profit-driven, leaving tens of millions without any insurance and even more underinsured.As a result, say leading physicians, "the right to medical care remains a dream deferred." [...]
May Looking Bright for Sanders as Political Revolution Marches On
Coming off a big win in Indiana and with the Democratic Party holding four more primaries this month, May could end up showing a resilient Bernie Sanders campaign despite the concerted effort of the mainstream press to count him out. With upcoming contests in West Virginia, Kentucky, Oregon, and the territory of Guam, Politico reports Friday that Sanders could be poised for another upcoming "wi [...]
‘Why? And Why Now?’ Panama Papers ‘John Doe’ Steps Out of Shadows
The anonymous source behind the Panama Papers stepped out of the shadows on Friday to offer justification for what has been called the biggest leak in history. The whistleblower's gender and name remain secret, as does their occupation. [...]
Somnolent Europe, Russia, and China
In September 19, 2000, going on 16 years ago, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the London Telegraph reported: “Declassified American government documents show that the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united Europe. It funded and [...]
‘The ultimate war crime… is the war of aggression itself’
There is a kind of drip-drip strategy of the Western media to make a correlation in people’s minds between atrocities and the Syrian government, Dan Glazebrook, political writer and journalist, told RT. An air strike on a refugee camp in the Syrian town of Sarmada, which is close to the Turkish border, has left at least 30 people dead and dozens more injured. [...]
Romanian Hacker Claiming to Have Broken Into Clinton’s Server Talks to FBI
The Romanian hacker who claims to have breached Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server says he spoke with an FBI agent. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Romanian hacker Guccifer who claims to have breached Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server says he spoke with an agent from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) while being extradited to the United States. [...]
NATO Expands Along Russia’s Borders, Has Gall to Call Moscow the Aggressor
Paleo-conservative commentator Pat Buchanan slams NATO hawks for working to expand the alliance's presence all along Russia's borders, while calling Russia out as the aggressive power. Instead of touting Putin's belligerence, Buchanan suggests, observers should think about what it would be like to walk a mile in the Russian president's shoes. On Friday, Buchanan recalls, "a Russian Su-27 did a [...]
Why Merkel is Letting Erdogan “Make Fool of Her”
Europe has to make concessions to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan because Brussels has no other option in the light of the ongoing migrant crisis, a French journalist said in an interview with Atlantico. After German comedian Jan Boehmermann in his show mocked Turkish President Recep [...]
Why Hillary Likely to Become Next US President No Matter What
At the current stage of the US presidential campaign a cautious prognosis could be made that Hillary Clinton would win the race. There are several reasons for such an assumption, including the dynasty tradition inherent in the US political system as well as the specifics of the American electoral process. Here is a quick look on how political dynasties form in the US. [...]
Shying Away from 9/11 Evidence
Lee Hamilton has always flinched at implicating important Americans and “allies” in crimes of state – citing the need for near perfect evidence – but that has let complicit parties go unpunished, says 9/11 widow Kristen Breitweiser. Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton wrote an opinion piece last week in USAToday, trying to “temper” feelings surrounding the release of “the 28 pages.” [...]
In This Passionate Anti-Fracking Town, Civil Disobedience Just Became Protected Civic Duty
Order sanctioning citizen direct action called "one of the boldest moves to stop the natural gas industry's attacks on our communities, climate and democracy." For one community attempting to stop fracking wastewater injection wells, civil disobedience just became a sanctioned civic right. [...]
Sanders Momentum Evidence of Dems’ Need to Embrace
Armed with a fresh win in Indiana and a platform that reflects a "bold agenda for change," Bernie Sanders is providing key lessons that the Democratic party would do well to heed, some analysts say. It was "a remarkable victory, a statement of the extent and scope of the Sanders surge," Robert Borosage, founder and president of the Institute for America's Future, wrote of the Vermont senator's [...]