World News

Reflections on Six Years of Conflict in Syria
With the conflict in Syria now passing its March 15th sixth anniversary, we are obliged to cast a harsh light on the moral sickness of regime change that continues to plague Western capitals, without which it would not have gone on so long at such enormous cost. [...]
German Man Claims ‘He’s Fighting for Human Rights’ by Refusing to Pay Tax on TV
German pensioner Reinhard Dowe has been on hunger strike for five weeks. The 70-year old man doesn't want to pay the obligatory tax on television and radio, which, he believes, contradicts the German Constitution. Dowe has not paid the tax on TV and radio broadcasting (GEZ-Gebühr or Rundfunkbeitrag) for 1.5 years. [...]
US Marines’ New Chopper to Be More Expensive Than F-35 Disaster
The US Marines’ King Stallion will not only be the world’s priciest helicopter but also it is poised be acquired at a higher per-unit cost than the US Air Force’s insanely expensive F-35A. Both aerial vehicles share at least one other characteristic, aside from their absurdly high cost and regular poor performance, as they are both manufactured by Lockheed Martin or subsidiary Sikorsk [...]
Fleeing the USA: 70% Jump in Americans Seeking Citizenship in New Zealand
The number of Americans seeking citizenship in New Zealand jumped by 70 percent in the three months following the election of President Donald Trump from the same time period last year, according to immigration records. Since Trump’s election, 170 Americans without a family connection to New Zealand have put in applications for a grant of citizenship to the island nation, versus 100 dur [...]
Western chicken hawks are going cold on Turkey
Where is the increasingly vituperative spat between Turkey and The Netherlands (and other EU countries) going to lead? Why is this political fall-out between fellow NATO members happening at this precise moment? First, a quick recap of the events.   [...]
Last refuge of political scoundrels: ‘The Russians did it’ excuse
Any third-rate politician who fails anywhere to explain away his failures now has a very convenient scapegoat, says George Szamuely, from the Global Policy Institute at London Metropolitan University. The UK has no evidence Moscow is trying to undermine the democratic process in Britain, according to the UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson. [...]
14mn Americans to lose health coverage next year under GOP Obamacare replacement – CBO
The Congressional Budget Office has some bad news for Republicans pushing repeal of Obamacare. While health insurance premiums and the federal deficit are projected to drop by 2026, about 24 million Americans would also lose coverage in that time. [...]
Erdogan calls Merkel a ‘terrorist supporter,’ says Turkey will go to ECHR over Netherlands rally row
Turkey will challenge the Netherlands in the European Court of Human Rights over its refusal to allow Turkish officials to enter the country and deliver campaign speeches, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned. In an interview with A Haber television following a cabinet meeting in Ankara on Monday evening, the Turkish leader also promised to deploy “whatever sanctions we have” and to [...]
‘Worse number of airstrike casualties in Mosul than during Aleppo, media fails to cover‘ – monitor
The number of civilian casualties from airstrikes by the US-led coalition in the Iraqi city of Mosul exceeds the numbers reported by the media during the operation to retake Aleppo by Syrian and Russian forces, the London-based Airwars monitoring group has said. [...]
The Democrats’ Dangerous Diversion
The Democrats won’t admit that they lost to Donald Trump because they ran a deeply flawed, corporate-oriented candidate, so they blame Russia instead, a very dangerous diversion, says Nicolas J S Davies. The current debate over “fake news” has reminded me of a conversation I had several years ago with a former citizen of East Germany, now living in the United States. He explained that, [...]
Trump’s War on Dangerous Memory and Critical Thought
People living in the United States have entered into one of the most dangerous periods of the 21st century. Donald Trump, the president, is not only a twisted caricature of every variation of economic, political, educational, and social fundamentalism, he is the apogee of an increasingly intolerant and authoritarian culture committed to destroying free speech, civil rights, women’s reproductive [...]
Capitalism in Crisis: Getting Ready for Change in the Age of Trump
The rise of Donald Trump raises opportunities and perils regarding the prospects for societal transformation and change. On the one hand, reactionary forces have been emboldened, on issues from health care reform and deregulation to militarism and taxes. But times of crisis also provide opportunities to build toward progressive change over the mid-to-long-term. With that in mind, it’s worth refl [...]
US’ ‘New Role’ in Syria ‘Reflects the Limits of Its Capacity’
On Monday, a Pentagon spokesman, Navy Capt. Jeff Davis announced that the US military has "carved out a new role in Syria" with small numbers of troops positioned not with an offensive or defensive role, but to "reassure and deter." Commenting on the announcement, Russian media suggested that it just "reflects the limits of the US capacity." [...]
☻Texas Lawmaker Wants Men Fined $100 for Masturbating ☻
A Democratic Texas State Representative filed a bill on Friday seeking to fine men $100 for masturbating, in a protest of current state abortion laws. Democratic Representative Jessica Farrar, the author of House Bill 4260, or the “Man’s Right To Know Act,” includes "proposed satirical regulations" on men masturbating, seeking a prescription for Viagra, and for vasectomies. [...]
652 Children Killed in 2016 During Conflict in Syria – UNICEF
In war-torn Syria, 2016 was the worst year on record for the upcoming generation, with at least 652 child deaths, UNICEF said on Sunday. The agency released a report two days prior to the sixth anniversary of a popular uprising in Damascus that escalated into an armed rebellion and resulted in a full-blown civil war, now in its sixth year. [...]
Russia Builds Where US Destroyed
Referring to ongoing peace talks on Syria co-sponsored by Russia, President Vladimir Putin said the negotiations marked the beginning of “rebuilding” this war-torn country, as well as other conflict zones in the Middle East region. Already several rounds of talks have been held in Kazakhstan’s capital Astana between the Syrian government and opponents, under the auspices of Russia an [...]
Trump Gives CIA Power to Use Drones to Bomb Suspected Terrorists
On Monday, US President Donald Trump gave the CIA the green light to conduct drone strikes against suspected militants, according to the Wall Street Journal. This new authority is a shift from a policy under former President Barack Obama that limited the CIA’s ability to engage in paramilitary activity, and may very well strain relations between the agency and the Pentagon.   [...]
Sanders blasts GOP healthcare act’s ‘disgraceful’ tax breaks for the wealthy
The Republican plan to overhaul the US healthcare system is “far worse” than Obamacare, according to Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders, and represents a disgraceful effort to “give massive tax breaks” to the wealthy. Last week, the Republican Party released new healthcare legislation aimed at dismantling the “skyrocketing costs” of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), signed into law by B [...]
More Russian emigrants return home, report disappointment with EU
About 150 thousand people returned to Russia from foreign countries in 2016, the interior ministry said. State support for repatriates and the anti-Russia campaign in Western countries were the top reasons given. According to the report, quoted by Izvestia daily, the total number of people who returned to Russia from foreign nations in 2016 was 146,585. Most of them returned from former Soviet [...]
Washington ‘Risks Getting Drawn Into Yet Another Ground War in Middle East’
Washington has boosted its military presence in Syria to ostensibly help local forces fight against Daesh, but former US diplomat and Senate adviser James Jatras told Radio Sputnik that the Pentagon's latest deployment could see the United States get bogged down in Syria. "Frankly, I don't like it. I don't think it's a good idea. As much as anybody else I would like to see Daesh and other te [...]
‘Berlin is Not Baghdad’: Merkel’s Policy Contradicts With Democracy
On Thursday, Germany's populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party presented its pre-election program in Berlin. The main political agenda of the party remains the same: a sharp restriction of immigration and a more resolute expulsion of illegal migrants. The draft of the pre-election program during a joint press conference in Berlin was presented by three party representatives: Albrecht G [...]
‘They Do Not Abandon Their Own’: Syrian War No Match for Love of Russian Woman
Over the past few years millions of people have been forced to leave Syria, a country still gripped by war. Thousands of Russian-speaking women were living in Syria with their husbands and hundreds of them stayed behind when the conflict erupted. Sputnik correspondent Mikhail Alaeddin met with one such family residing in Damascus. The sunny and cozy apartment in Damascus where a woman named Ev [...]