World News

Global recession more likely and coming soon, warns Saxo Bank
While markets are forecasting only a 10 percent chance of a global recession, Danish investment firm Saxo Bank puts the odds at over 60 percent. "Our main global macro outlook still maintains that recession is more likely than not in the near future (12 to 18 months) based on the global credit impulse having peaked simultaneously with global inflation," chief economist at Saxo Bank Steen Jakobs [...]
Donald Trump Is An International Law Breaker
Donald Trump authorized an unjustified attack on a sovereign country. Donald Trump’s decision to launch cruise missile strikes on a Syrian Air Force Base was based on a lie. In the coming days the American people will learn that the Intelligence Community knew that Syria did not drop a military chemical weapon on innocent civilians in Idlib. Here is what happened: [...]
Pentagon’s Airstrike in Syria Resembles Washington’s ‘Pretext to Vietnam War’
Washington's show of force in Syria highlights its approach to sparking wars, Vietnamese defense analyst Colonel Le The Mau told Sputnik, drawing a parallel between the Pentagon's massive airstrike against Damascus and the Gulf of Tonkin incident which led to the United States' full-scale military involvement in Vietnam. "The missile attack on an air base in Syria has put a spotlight on the [...]
Western Values? Europe Welcomes Trump ‘Only When He Violates the Law’
The circumstances of the alleged chemical attack against the Khan Sheikhun settlement remain unknown, with many experts preferring not to hurry with a final verdict. However, it didn't prevent the US from launching missile attacks on Syria "in response." Funnily enough, at that same moment when US President Donald Trump violated the "Western values," he received a standing ovation from Europe [...]
Nigel Farage turns on ally Donald Trump after US missile strike on Syria
Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage has criticized his ally US President Donald Trump for ordering a missile strike against an airbase in Syria in response to an alleged chemical weapons attack. The MEP warned that many Trump voters will be confused by his retaliation. [...]
‘US was not attacked’: Strike on Syria divides US lawmakers in both parties
Members of Congress are split on the question of whether President Donald Trump's ordered Tomahawk missile strikes against a Syrian airbase were in accordance with US law. Lines drawn on the issue did not follow the pattern of partisanship often seen in Washington, DC. The US airstrikes on the Shayrat Air Base in Homs, Syria, on Thursday evening prompted Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) to take t [...]
‘Another Neo-Con puppet’: Trump’s former backers jump ship after Syria airstrike
Once-dedicated passengers are now disembarking the ‘Trump Train’ following his administration’s actions against Syria. Previous supporters including Paul Joseph Watson and Laura Ingraham made public their opposition to the US president’s missile strike. Infowars Editor-At-Large Watson tweeted that Donald Trump “wasn’t 'Putin’s puppet' after all,” describing him as “another de [...]
Airstrikes Without Justice
To describe the US attack on Syria as a serious development is to be guilty of understatement. Without any recourse to international law or the United Nations, the Trump administration has embarked on an act of international aggression against yet another sovereign state in the Middle East, confirming that neocons have reasserted their dominance over US foreign policy in Washington. It is an act [...]
Another Dangerous Rush to Judgment in Syria
The U.S. government and the mainstream media rushed to judgment again, blaming the Syrian government for a new poison-gas attack and ignoring other possibilities, reports Robert Parry. With the latest hasty judgment about Tuesday’s poison-gas deaths in a rebel-held area of northern Syria, the mainstream U.S. news media once more reveals itself to be a threat to responsible journalism and to t [...]
US Syria Airstrike Like Alice in Wonderland, ‘First the Verdict, Then the Facts’
In a serious setback to the promise of an impending peace process in Syria the United States have hit a Syrian airbase alleged to have carried out a chemical attack on a rebel held town, without any proper investigation of the incident. Only a day before the US strike, international donors in Brussels, as well as Syrian and Western politicians and experts in London were discussing ways of [...]
Moscow ‘Draws a Red Line’ by Suspending US-Russia Flight Safety Deal on Syria
Russia appears to have drawn a "red line" by suspending the air safety agreement, which Moscow and Washington reached in October 2015 to prevent aerial accidents in Syria's crowded skies, Director on geopolitical studies at the Brussels-based European Institute for International Relations (IERI) Pierre-Emmanuel Thomann told Sputnik. [...]
Rand Paul Urges Trump Not To Take Military Action In Syria » Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!
Senator Rand Paul has urged the President to stick to the position on Syria that he espoused before taking office – that military intervention will do more harm than good. The Senator re-tweeted a tweet from Trump posted in August of 2013, when a similar chemical weapon attack to this week’s was blamed on the Syrian government. Continues Here...  Was Syrian Chemical Attack A Fals [...]
‘We are compelled to take own action’ if UN fails in Syria – US envoy
The US has hinted it may take its own action in Syria, unless the UN Security Council takes action to prevent the use of chemical weapons in Syria. It comes after a reported chemical weapons attack in the Idlib province, which rebels blamed on Damascus. The UN Security Council convened on Wednesday to discuss a draft resolution proposed by the US, the UK and France, which would condemn Damascus [...]
Russia to continue Syria military op in support of Assad after ‘chemical attack’ claims – Kremlin
Moscow will continue to support Syrian Army troops in their anti-terrorism effort, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, after being asked whether Russian policy had changed following a reported chemical attack in the Idlib province.   [...]
Oligarchy in America
In democracies, the demos, the people, rule; not social or economic elites. This was the understanding of philosophers in Athens twenty-five centuries ago, and it remained the consensus view well into the modern era. The received wisdom was that, like anarchy, democracy is a theoretical possibility that can be instructive to reflect upon, but not an ideal that anyone of sound mind would actuall [...]
Killing Our Way to Victory
To wage the global war on terrorism, the leaders of the United States have settled on one basic strategy. Taking advantage of their extraordinary military power, they have tried to kill their way to victory. Many in Washington believe the strategy is correct. They argue the terrorists are inherently evil and must be vanquished from the planet. In the case of the Islamic State, both President Ba [...]
Trump’s Foreign Policy Incoherence
Powerful forces are arrayed against any significant changes that President Trump may try to make in foreign policy, a dilemma made worse by his own ineptness and staffing troubles, writes Robert Parry. President Trump’s emerging foreign policy is one of contradictions and chaos, caught up in a combination of old establishment orthodoxies and some fresh recognition of reality but without any s [...]
Russians Take Terror Attack in Stride
Russians responded with relative calm to the lethal terror attack on St. Petersburg’s metro but stressed that the incident underscored the need for counter-terror cooperation despite other disagreements, writes Gilbert Doctorow. Russia’s reaction to Monday’s terror attacks on St. Petersburg’s subway system stands in stark contrast to what we have seen in public behavior in Paris, Berlin [...]
Mainstream Media as Arbiters of Truth April 4, 2017
An angry mainstream U.S. media is shaking its fist at anyone who won’t clamber onboard the Russia-gate groupthink bandwagon, reports Robert Parry. The mainstream U.S. media is never more unctuous and unprofessional as when it asserts that it alone must be the arbiter of what is true and what is not, regardless of what the evidence shows or doesn’t show [...]
Full Coverage: Russia Upgrades Its Air Defense Shield to Strikingly New Level
Russia's air defense systems have improved significantly over the past few years, Russian TV host Dmitry Kiselev said in his program on Russia's Rossiya 1 news network. n his program Vesti Nedeli (News of the Week), broadcast by Russia's Rossiya 1 news network, TV host Dmitry Kiselev specifically focused on Russia's air and missile defense systems, which he said have been bolstered considera [...]
Europe Responds to Metro Blast in Russia Only 24 Hours After Tragedy
In contrast to their reaction to other attacks, the local authorities of Berlin and Paris didn't light up city landmarks in a show of solidarity with the victims, a decision which was greeted with disapproval by French and German citizens. Their reaction came only 24 hours after the tragedy and seems to have been forced by the public indignation. On Wednesday night, Parisian authorities turned [...]
Washington ‘Knows Damascus Has No Chemical Weapons’, But Still Blames Assad
The United States was quick to lay the blame for what is claimed to have been a chemical attack in Khan Shaykhun, a town in the rebel-held Syrian province of Idlib, on President Bashar al-Assad despite the fact that Washington is fully aware that Damascus has long since destroyed its chemical arsenal, Russian economist Said Gafurov told Sputnik. "The Americans know that Syria simply does not ha [...]