
Exclusive: U.S. Torpedo Appeared at Explosion Site of the Nord Stream 🎞
According to reliable sources, an American torpedo was found at the explosion site of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. It was the torpedo type carried by the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Paul Ignatius (DDG 117) – RGM-84 harpoon missile. The Harpoon has been the primary anti-ship weapon in the United States Navy, it has a range of 300 km and is known as a “ship-killer”. &n [...]
We can’t keep treating talk of negotiations to end the Ukraine war as off limits
The war in Ukraine shows no sign of abating, let alone ending. Unable to make headway on the battlefield, Russia has been bombarding Ukraine’s electrical infrastructure in hopes of freezing Ukrainians into submission as winter looms. The Ukrainians continue to press their offensive against Russian troops, many ill-trained and poorly motivated, to gain as much territory as possible before the c [...]
Scott Ritter on The End Of American Hegemony, Poland Becoming a Bumper State 🎞
COMMENT: by Michael Kennedy. Thank you Ania, this is one of the best interviews I've seen in a long, long time. Talking about Poland l feel for you because I'm from the UK and totally understand what it's like to have a government that doesn't represent my welfare. Scott was also very truthful about the terrible relationship the US government has with its people. I pray that Russian patience a [...]
China and Putin are about to change everything, the West is not ready 🎞
China is about to become the world's dominant superpower. President Xi Jinping has aligned China with Russia in a very cozy relationship that undermines western hegemony. This is all about the power of the US dollar. "The Collapse Of America Is Much WORSE Than Expected" - Ray Dalio's Last WARNING Blatant sanctions against the United States! Eight countries form "Central American U [...]
The Endless Proxy War, by Design & Many Related Articles📜
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has presented the White House with a geopolitical crisis that it played a critical role in creating. In February 2014, Victoria Nuland, a current senior State Department official and former Dick Cheney advisor, was caught on tape plotting the installation of a new Ukrainian government – a plan, she stressed, that would involve Biden and his then-top aide, and curre [...]
The War in Ukraine. Scott Ritter’s Switcheroo: “Why I Radically Changed My Overall Assessment”
On Sunday, the foreign policy blogs were abuzz with the news that Scott Ritter had done “an about-face in his assessment of the war”. It appears that the ex-Marine had examined recent developments in Ukraine and concluded that it’s going to be much harder for Russia to win than he had originally thought… [...]
European MPs Humiliate The U.S. On World Stage
On episode 10 of the show, we are joined by Franz Klincevich, a Russian politician, and former member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federal Assembly representing the administration of the Smolensk region. Ex-First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Defense and Security of the Upper House of Parliament. Colonel of the Russian Airborne Forces in retirement. MEP Clare Daly- speech from 1 [...]
The story of Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky
The story of Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky. Something truly amazing happened in Ukraine in 2019. A country traditionally split into two practically equal parts almost uniformly chose the same president, casting 73.22% of the votes for famed comedian Volodymyr Zelensky of the Kvartal 95 Studio. By electing the entertainers, the Ukrainian people showed that they were tired of career politic [...]
Russia Now Devastating Ukraine In Latest Escalation
Following Ukraine’s attack on a key bridge in Crimea, rendering a portion of the structure inoperable and killing three civilians, Russia has stepped up its attacks on infrastructure and other “soft” targets in Kyiv, Lviv and other Ukrainian cities far away from the front lines in the country’s east. These attacks represent a clear escalation in the conflict, and suggest that Russia is tak [...]
The Gas Pipeline War: On the Day Nord Stream Was Sabotaged, the “Alternative Pipeline” Was Opened 🎞
When this international press episode had already been recorded, the following news appeared in the New York Times: “US intelligence agencies believe that parts of the Ukrainian government authorized the car bomb attack near Moscow in August, which killed Daria Dughina, American officials also said they had not been informed in advance of the operation and that they would have opposed the kil [...]
It has begun, Putin unleashes CRUSHING attack on Ukraine 🎞
Russia launches massive military attacks against key targets in Ukraine including telecom, internet, and transportation. This is in response to Ukraine's attack on the Kerch bridge to Crimea. NATO protests emerge across Europe. The United States is set to invade Haiti at the request of the corrupt Haitian government. [...]
Jordan Peterson SHOCKS Interviewer on CIVIL WAR in the WEST! 🎞
Isn't it great listening to a man that has no axe to grind and just wants to tell truths in an unbiased manner? Jordan Peterson is such a blessing for the West. Jordan Peterson STUNS Lex Fridman on Vladimir Putin!!! Article: Russia Vs. Ukraine Or Civil War In The West? Jordan Peterson: Life, Death, Power, Fame, and Meaning  [...]
Dave Smith Breaks Down the Reasons Russia Invaded Ukraine🎞
Comic and rising Libertarian movement star commentator Dave Smith appeared as a guest on Rogan's show in late September where the two discussed among other things the real reasons that Russia invaded Ukraine, in contradiction of the prevailing mainstream narrative which claims it's simply all about Putin being a "monster" bent on restoring the Soviet Union. Watch this rare 15-minute takedown of t [...]
US “Nuclear Primacy” and “Blitzkrieg Nuclear War”: Russia Responds to America’s Plan to Win World War III
The U.S. Government no longer designs nuclear weapons to prevent World War III, but instead to win World War III. Whereas both the Soviet Union and the United States used to design their strategy and weapons so as to prevent a Third World War so that neither side would win but both sides (and much of the world) would be destroyed as thousands of nuclear warheads would suddenly be exploding duri [...]
“Naive” to think Russia will lose war, says Dr. Jordan Peterson 🎞
Notions that the Russians are going to lose the war in Ukraine are “naïve,” says clinical psychologist Dr Jordan Peterson. It’s an open season for Europe’s fiscal health. Governments are spending, and they’re spending big. Is the U.S., NATO, and Europe now at war with Russia? It’s an open season for Europe’s fiscal health. Governments are spending, and they’re spendin [...]
Will the United States and NATO Wake Up to What Happened at the Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?🎞
The speeches by Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping are especially noteworthy. Both countries put the United States on notice that the United States and NATO will be treated as a sponsor of terrorism because they supply weapons to Ukraine that are being used to attack civilian targets. You may accuse me of exaggerating because neither Putin nor Xi mentions the United States or NATO [...]
The DEVASTATING truth is coming out in Ukraine 🎞
Western media tells us that Ukraine is all of a sudden winning the war with a massive offensive against Russia. Is this true? Well, it was an advance for Ukraine but it wasn't massive. We show you the maps and data, imagine that! Putin's ANNIHILATORY plan is ready to launch, and the west knows it  Russian economy strengthens. EU economies in tatters Europe's Troubles Could Get Worse [...]
Europe’s Energy Armageddon from Berlin and Brussels, Not Moscow
On August 22 the exchange-traded market price for natural gas in the German THE (Trading Hub Europe) gas hub was trading more than 1000% higher than a year ago. Most citizens are told by the Scholz regime that the reason is Putin and Russia’s war in Ukraine. The truth is quite otherwise. EU politicians and major financial interests are using Russia to cover what is a Made in Germany and Brussels [...]
Alexander Nepogodin: As the media speculates about plots to oust Zelensky, how secure is Ukraine’s Western-backed leader?
The media says Ukraine is facing a military coup. What’s to become of President Zelensky? As fighting rages on in Ukraine, President Vladimir Zelensky seems determined to consolidate power. It's part of a process that began long before Russia launched its military offensive in February. The Western-backed leader has suppressed criticism and clamped down on the opposition; beyond that, he is p [...]
Leaked documents expose Ukrainian attempts to destabilize Russia and draw NATO into a full-scale war with Moscow
Leaked Ukrainian Special Services Documents Reveal the Aggressive Nature of Kyiv’s Foreign Policy Strategy. The best defense is a good offense. So goes one of the oldest principles of international relations. And as Ukrainian documents now at the disposal of the media show, Moscow apparently had something to defend itself from when it launched its offensive in Ukraine. Over the past eight yea [...]
The Crisis in Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It’s About Germany
“The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.” George Friedman, STRATFOR CEO at The Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs [...]
UN thanks Russia for keeping nuclear team safe
Russia “did what it needed to do” to get inspectors to the front-line facility. The UN is appreciates Russia’s efforts to safeguard the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team that came to inspect the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, on Thursday. That's according to the secretary-general’s chief spokesman, who was speaking after the Russian Defense Ministry said it was “bewilder [...]