‘I am human, I bleed red’: Twitter user hits back after UK govt accuses her of being ‘Russian bot’
After being accused by the UK government of being a Russian bot, Twitter user @Partisangirl has responded with a picture of herself, declaring: “I am human. I am not a machine! I bleed red.” There is growing evidence that the British government is labelling real people as bots, based on their non-mainstream and inconvenient views. [...]
Caught in a lie, US & allies bomb Syria the night before international inspectors arrive
The US, Britain and France trampled international law to launch missiles against Syria, claiming to have “evidence” of the government’s use of chemical weapons. That evidence is based on terrorist lies. After a week of outrageous tweets and proclamations by POTUS Trump, which included continued accusations that Syria’s president ordered a chemical weapons attack on civilians in Douma, east [...]
‘Double standards: US, UK, France stand by Saudis in Yemen but pose as moral crusaders in Syria’
The Syria attack reveals the hypocrisy of the West – which fuels the Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen despite documented abuses – but relies on unverified claims to punish Syria, journalist and broadcaster Neil Clark told RT. As Riyadh's campaign in Yemen enters its fourth year, it has been repeatedly accused by rights groups of civilian casualties during the bombardment. [...]
Nigel Farage breaks with ‘friend for life’ Donald Trump over military intervention in Syria
Nigel Farage has turned his back on US President Donald Trump, as the former UKIP chief cautioned Britain against intervening alongside the US in Syria. In an unprecedented break with the Republican leader, Farage said he would not want the UK to join forces with the US against Syrian President Bashar Assad. [...]
May ready to bypass Parliament & approve UK military intervention in Syria – BBC
UK Prime Minister Theresa May appears ready to get the UK involved in a possible military strike against Syria without seeking the Parliament’s approval, the BBC reports citing “well-placed sources.” May reportedly sees an “urgent” need for a response, according to government insiders. She also appears to believe a military intervention will prevent further chemical incidents in Syr [...]
May hesitating to join Trump’s attack on Syria, wants more evidence – Times
British Prime Minister Theresa May is reportedly not keen on joining the US in its potential strike against Syria. The PM told Donald Trump she will not act until there's more evidence of Syria's culpability, the Times reports. On Monday, US President Donald Trump said that he was "very strongly, very seriously" considering a military option in Syria, promising to make a "major decision" within up [...]
Two ex-British ambassadors question claims that Assad ordered chemical attack as threat of war grows
Two ex-British ambassadors questioned claims that Assad is behind a chemical attack that killed dozens of Syrians. Peter Ford and Craig Murray expressed doubt, urging the UK government not to rush into a war without proof. Former British ambassador to Syria Peter Ford, speaking during a heated interview on BBC Radio Scotland, believes that the reported chemical attack in Douma may not have been co [...]
Family Member Suspects London is Forcibly Holding Skripals in UK
Relatives of the Skripals are worried that Sergei and Yulia are being held in Britain against their will, and the daughter is not allowed to express her real feelings even in a telephone conversation with her cousin. The former intelligence agent’s cousin, 65-year-old Natalia Pestova, who lives in Siberia, has spoken out amid reports that the father and daughter could be granted political asylum [...]
London ‘Tying Up Loose Ends’ in Skripal Case Investigation – Russian Embassy
The UK government is busy covering up traces in the case of the poisoning of former Russian intelligence officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, the Russian Embassy in London said Sunday. On its official Twitter account the embassy commented on a recent report in The Sunday Times that the father and daughter may move to the US under new identities. [...]
‘Not her own words’: Skripal relative describes weird phone call, asks PM May for UK visa
Sergei Skripal’s niece has written a letter to Theresa May after the UK abruptly denied her an entry visa to visit relatives, who are recovering from alleged poisoning by a military grade nerve agent, Victoria Skripal told Ruptly. Shocked by the British authorities’ refusal to grant her a visa to visit relatives recovering from the March 4 attack in Salisbury, Viktoria Skripal told RT’s Rupt [...]
Moscow confronts London with 14 questions on ‘fabricated’ Skripal case
Russia’s Embassy in London has sent a list of 14 questions to the UK Foreign Ministry, demanding that it reveals details of the investigation into the nerve-agent poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter. The questions, provided in full below, include a demand to clarify whether samples of the nerve agent А-234 (also known as “Novichok”) have ever been developed in [...]
Russian Embassy Urges Nationals to Reconsider Plans to Travel to UK
The Russian Embassy has warned of the growing anti-Russian sentiments in Britain in the wake of the increasing tensions surrounding the Skripal case. The Russian Embassy has called on its citizens to reconsider their plans of traveling to the UK as well as sending their children to study English in the UK. [...]
Russian Embassy Doubts UK Explanations Behind Search of Russian Plane
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - UK Home Office explanations aggravate doubts about real reasons behind the search on board the Russian passenger aircraft in London, the Russian embassy in the United Kingdom said in a Saturday statement. "This is a clear attempt by the Minister to divert attention from the provocative actions by British law enforcement officers who have tried to search the aircraft without [...]
Brzezinski’s Heritage: West Wants Total Partition and Defeat of Russia – Analyst
On Monday, a number of European countries, as well as the United States and Canada, announced they were expelling Russian diplomats over the Skripal case. Radio Sputnik discussed the significance of the diplomatic response by the Western powers with Srdja Trifkovic, a US journalist and writer on international affairs. [...]
Russian Embassy in London Dismantles Boris Johnson Over Finger-Wagging on Crimea
This week, in an article published on the UK government's official website addressed to European media, Johnson wrote about the upcoming fourth anniversary of what he referred to as "the events which led to the illegal annexation of Crimea." Responding to British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson's recent article about Moscow's "seizure" of Crimea from Ukraine, the Russian Embassy in London h [...]
Chemical weapons experts rebut claims that Russia was behind Skripal attack
A former head of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has dismissed claims that Russia was behind the Salisbury chemical attack. The expert added that Iran was most recently known to have Novichok – not Russia. While the US, Europe and other nations have taken part in a mass expulsion of Russian diplomats following the UK’s claims that the Kremlin is ‘culpable’ for the [...]
London Tried to Exert Pressure On Vienna in Skripal Case – Austrian Minister
The Western response to the Salisbury poison attack on ex-Russian intelligence officer Sergei Skripal is clear, but not unanimous. Austria, alongside some other European countries, has refused to expel Russian diplomats, though Vienna expressed "unqualified solidarity with the UK." The British ambassador to Austria repeatedly expressed a demarche to Vienna because of the Austrian side's refusal to [...]
Russia’s Mistake in Skripal Case is Hoping to Deal With Honest Players – Analyst
Nearly two dozen countries have joined the UK in expelling Russian diplomats over the poisoning of ex--spy Sergei Skripal in southern England. Speaking to Sputnik, Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity, shared his thoughts on the broader implications of the case, and what Russia's approach should be. [...]
Moscow: Analysis of Skripal Case Suggests UK Intel Services Involved in Incident
The UK Foreign Office has confirmed the content of the reported document with London's "proof" of alleged Russian involvement in the poisoning of Skripal, saying that it fully reflects May's position. According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the analysis of the Skripals' case "shows that the UK authorities are not interested in finding out the motives and those responsible for the crime in Salis [...]
EU’s ‘dictatorial’ nature helps US & UK hold sway in Skripal case – Senator Richard Black to RT
It didn’t take much effort for the US and UK to make the EU fall in line in the Skripal case, Virginia State Senator Richard Black told RT. The bloc is a “soft dictatorship” in which only key players need to be swayed, he said. The White House’s claims that it played a key role in making European countries act in unison when punishing Russia with expulsions over the Skripal saga might not [...]
Germany’s AfD Slams Merkel’s Move to Expel Russian Diplomats over Skripal Case
The opposition Alternative for Germany (AfD) party criticized Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to expel Russian diplomats without obtaining firm proof of Russian involvement in the Skripal poisoning first. The opposition party rebuked Merkel's government for its decision to expel Russian diplomats over Russia's alleged involvement in the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in S [...]
Nearly 160 countries outside ‘Western bloc’ want to see proof in Skripal case – Russia’s UK embassy
Scores of non-Western countries refuse to take the UK’s assertion that Russia was behind the incident in Salisbury at face value, demanding it present the evidence, Moscow’s embassy in London said. Some 160 states share that view. [...]