
Fyodor Lukyanov: The end of an era
Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine has spelled the end of an epoch in the state of global affairs after President Vladimir Putin launched the action last week. Its impact will be felt for years to come, but Moscow has positioned itself to “become an agent of cardinal change for the whole world.” The Russian Armed Forces’ operation in Ukraine marks the end of an era. [...]
Russian Armed Forces Will Continue Ukraine Op Until They Achieve Their Goals, Shoigu Says
The Russian military and their Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic allies began a large-scale military operation aimed at demilitarising Ukraine last Thursday. The operation began after weeks of escalating shelling, mortar, sniper and sabotage attacks by the Ukrainian armed forces and ultra-nationalist volunteer battalions in the Donbass.The main goal of the Russian military operation in Ukraine [...]
German MP Says NATO Responsible For Ukraine Crisis, Should Have Guaranteed Neutral Status
According to the member of the Bundestag, the debate about Ukraine's NATO membership was the trigger for the current events. The West's unwillingness to make concessions to Russia on such a key issue offended Moscow. Alice Weidel, a co-leader of the German political party Alternative for Germany, also known as AfD, presented her view of the current tense situation around Ukraine, calling it "a fai [...]
Ukraine Will Never be the Same Again
What is happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III Scenario. It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. First of all, in the current situation, let’s demand seriousness, not cabaret. This is not the time, nor a place, for empty gestures and tearful “declarations of solidarity”. Responsible [...]
Ukraine: NATO Bloc Has Neither Moral Authority Nor Credibility to Judge Russia, Ex-UN Expert Says
While the US and its NATO allies are bashing Russia over its "special military operation" into Ukraine, they remain silent about their own wars in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen, to name but a few say retired UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order Alfred-Maurice de Zayas. Sputnik: The US and European press have called Russia [...]
How Western Press Has Kept Silent For Years on War in Donbass & Neo-Nazism in Ukraine
Russia on 24 February launched a "special operation" in Donbass aimed at protecting Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR), which were recognized as independent entities by Moscow on 21 February. The Western media called the operation "an invasion" they have long warned about. The "Russia invasion" narrative wasn't the West's "prophecy" but rather a cover-up for a new attempt to ret [...]
Why isn’t America listening to the advice on NATO expansion of its foremost 20th century expert on Russia?
The US diplomat George Kennan, an astute observer of Soviet Russia under Stalin, offered his observations later in life on the question of NATO expansion. The tragedy of our times is that those views are being ignored. Winston Churchill once famously quipped that the “Americans will always do the right thing, but only after all other possibilities are exhausted.” That bit of dry British h [...]
Russian military attack on Ukraine: How we got there
Moscow says the current situation is the result of years of failed talks to end the bloodshed in eastern Ukraine after the 2014 coup in Kiev. Russia began striking military targets in Ukraine early on Thursday morning, days after recognizing the independence of the two breakaway republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. Moscow insists it is protecting the people of the Donbass from Kiev’s aggression, an [...]
Russia to the US: Your Aggression Stops Here
A lot of ink has been spilled lately on whether or not the USA and its NATO alliance promised the USSR that NATO would not expand into the space evacuated by the withdrawal of the Red Army from Europe. It is clear those promises were repeatedly made and clear they were repeatedly broken. There is no historical dispute. Claims to the contrary are propaganda to excuse NATO’s aggressive strategy ag [...]
Document confirms US told Russia NATO won’t expand
Putin was right, Stoltenberg was wrong: NATO “brazenly deceived” Russia about expansion and a British document proves it. A newly discovered document from March 1991 shows US, UK, French, and German officials discussing a pledge made to Russia that NATO will not expand to Poland and beyond. Its publication by the German magazine Der Spiegel on Friday proves Moscow right and NATO wrong on the m [...]
WATCH Canadian truckers defy court injunction, maintain border blockade 🎞
Canadian truckers protesting a vaccine mandate continued blocking the Ambassador Bridge, ignoring warnings by an Ontario court. Canadian protesters opposing Covid-19 curbs and vaccine mandates have defied a court injunction and government warnings to maintain their days-long blockade of the Ambassador Bridge, which has paralyzed trade and traffic at the busiest land border crossing into the US. [...]
The Truckers Take Abuse in Ottawa: COVID Crimes Committed Behind the Cover of “Emergency Measures” 🎞
In the name of a supposed health emergency, governments have assigned to themselves all sorts of new powers. This state of emergency was deemed to be a necessary requirement to facilitate the fight against the spread of the supposedly new coronavirus. To this day the government claims the existence of a dire health emergency on the basis of alleged evidence that has never been subjected to a thor [...]
A War with Russia Would be Unlike Anything the US and NATO Have Ever Experienced
In a recent press conference held on the occasion of a visit to Moscow by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about continued NATO expansion, and the potential consequences if Ukraine was to join the trans-Atlantic alliance. “Their [NATO’s] main task is to contain the development of Russia,” Putin said. “Ukraine is simply a tool to achieve this [...]
Protest Outside White House Joins 55+ Cities Demanding ‘No War on Russia! Disband NATO!’
On Feb. 5, more than 55 cities and towns rallied with the message: “Disband NATO! No War on Russia!” The day of action was sponsored by the ANSWER Coalition, Code Pink, Black Alliance for Peace, Peace Action, Maryland Peace Action, Popular Resistance and others.  From Huntsville, Alabama, to Providence, Rhode Island, from Dallas to Milwaukee to Seattle — people nationwide are standing up [...]
How Did We Get Here? The Strategic Blunder of the 1990s that Set the Stage for Today’s Ukrainian Crisis
Understandably enough, commentaries on the crisis between Russia and the West tend to dwell on Ukraine. After all, more than 100,000 Russian soldiers and a fearsome array of weaponry have now been emplaced around the Ukrainian border. Still, such a narrow perspective deflects attention from an American strategic blunder that dates to the 1990s and is still reverberating. [...]
“Do You Want a War Between Russia and NATO?” Macron Meets Putin
Emmanuel Macron is no Talleyrand. Self-promoted as “Jupiterian”, he may have finally got down to earth for a proper realpolitik insight while ruminating one of the former French Minister of Foreign Affairs key bon mots: “A diplomat who says ‘yes’ means ‘maybe’, a diplomat who says ‘maybe’ means ‘no’, and a diplomat who says ‘no’ is no diplomat.” Mr. Macron went to Mo [...]
America, An Empire on its Last Leg: To be Kicked Out from the Middle East?
President Donald Trump accused Soleimani  of “plotting imminent and sinister attacks”: “We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war…. we caught him in the act and terminated him.” US Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper described it as a “decisive defensive action” while confirming that the operation ordered by POTUS had been carried out by the P [...]
Ottawa under ‘siege’ amid nationwide ‘insurrection’ – authorities
Ottawa Police Services Board held an emergency meeting on Saturday afternoon, but failed to devise a clear plan of action regarding truck drivers and their supporters, who have been protesting against the country’s Covid-19 mandates for over a week. “We are on day eight of this occupation. Our city is under siege. What we’re seeing is bigger than just a City of Ottawa problem. This is a n [...]
Ukraine’s Exaggerated Threat of Russian Invasion Hits Its Economy as Western Diplomats Leave
Despite the Anglo Alliance of the US-UK claiming that a Russian invasion is “imminent,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the situation is not “more intense” than it was in April. In fact, despite leading the imminent Russian invasion propaganda since March 2021, he now complains that Western media creates a false image of the situation and hurts the country’s already strugglin [...]
Ukraine: It’s Over, Putin Has Won?
Victoria Nuland, the neoconservative warmonger appointed Undersecretary of State by the White House fool, announced Washington’s surrender when she called on China to use its influence with Russia to save Ukraine from invasion. She thus acknowledges what everyone had already concluded: the US and NATO lack the capability. Washington’s surrender followed the request of the Ukrainian presiden [...]
Covid jabs become mandatory in 1st EU country  🇦🇹
Austria has become the first European nation to mandate Covid-19 vaccines for those over the age of 18 to be vaccinated on Saturday, February 5th. While several countries have mandated the vaccine for medical staff, care workers, or people over a certain age, Austria is first in the EU to broaden the measure to cover the entire adult population. Despite the measures coming into force, authorities [...]
Development of a Mass Movement? People all Over Germany Protest Covid Tyranny. Dieses Video Geht Gerade Um Die Welt! 🎞
Demonstrators took to the streets in several European cities on Saturday to protest Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, with clashes between demonstrators and police erupting in the German city of Kassel, as authorities tried to confront a third coronavirus wave. More than 20,000 people participated in the protest in the central German city of Kassel, where there also were confrontations between th [...]