
West should boast about its ‘decisive victories’ in Afghanistan, Iraq & Libya, not Syria
Moscow baffled by American and French statements over US-led coalition’s 'decisive role' in defeating Islamic State in Syria. “The defeat of IS in Syria is first of all result of actions by the Syrian leadership and governmental forces,” the ministry said. [...]
2017: A Year of Change… and No Change
Charles Shoebridge takes a look at some of the last year’s security and foreign policy developments: on Trump, Syria, Israel, "Russia meddling", terrorist attacks. While perhaps forced to do so by the reality of the battlefield, Trump did honor his pledge to stop US funding and arming of Syria’s rebels. With it largely at an end, the massive scale of the arming program was at last publicly rev [...]
US Reportedly Evacuates Daesh Leaders From Syria’s Deir ez-Zor Again
The new accusations add to the string of charges of alleged US-led coalition cooperation with Daesh (ISIS), contrary to its proclained goal of fighting terrorism in Syria. [...]
NATO’s Eastwards Expansion: The West’s Original Sin
NATO's expansion eastwards in the wake of the Soviet Union's demise is the West's original sin, reflective of an agenda of domination and intimidation rather than peace and stability, much less democracy. It is proof that for Western ideologues the Cold War never ended. [...]
Only Year One: Trump Milestone as US Sends Special Ops to 149 Countries in 2017
The Trump White House has set a record, as US troops deploy around the world in an ever-widening net of American outreach at the end of a gun barrel. According to new data, US Special Operations troops, including Navy Seals and Army Green Berets, were deployed in 149 nations in 2017, a 150 percent jump from the administration of George W. Bush, and a modern record for shipping US military policy [...]
RAND Corporation: US May Lose Potential Conflict Against Russia, China
A new report issued by the US-based research think tank RAND Corporation has suggested that under the threat of open confrontation with Russia and China, the United States is likely to suffer sufficient losses and eventually will be defeated. [...]
US claims full credit for any ‘meaningful’ anti-ISIS fight, denies hampering Russia’s Syria op
Washington has rejected Russia’s contribution in eradicating ISIS in Syria, claiming that only the US-led coalition has made meaningful progress against [Daesh/ISIS]. [...]
$250mn each day for 16yrs: The staggering cost of ‘War on Terror’
The ‘War on Terror’ cost US taxpayers at least $1.46 trillion since September 11, 2001, the Department of Defense’s cost of war report has revealed. The 74-page DoD dossier was obtained by the Federation of American Scientists’ Secrecy News. It breaks down the cost of the US’s various conflicts and reveals the ongoing war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq account for the greatest chunk [...]
America’s War Addiction
The US has a serious addiction problem. George W Bush previously warned about its “addiction to oil”. Current President Trump this week declared the nation’s addiction to opiate drugs an “emergency”. While his predecessor Barack Obama’s calls for firearms controls following numerous mass shootings fueled concerns of “gun addiction”. [...]
Russia to Withdraw From NATO Act If US Keeps Boosting Presence in Europe – MP
The Russia-NATO collaboration could be in jeopardy over the US' recent moves to enhance its military presence in Europe. "The United States is doing everything to push Russia to withdraw from the agreement. [...]
Looming Nuke Alert a ‘Major Escalation of US Nuclear War Readiness’
Reports that the US is preparing to put B-52 nuclear bombers on 24-hour alert are nothing short of a “major escalation of US nuclear war readiness,” Kevin Kamps, radioactive waste watchdog at Beyond Nuclear said on Monday’s episode of Loud & Clear. [...]
Russian MoD: West Wants to Cover Tracks of ‘Barbaric’ Bombings in Raqqa
The Russian Defense Ministry "has questions" about the sudden move of the anti-Daesh coalition to help civilians in Raqqa. "[The only explanation of this] is an aspiration to quickly cover up the tracks of the barbaric bombings of the United States and the coalition's aircraft that have buried thousands of civilians liberated from the Islamic State [Daesh] under the ruins of Raqqa," Russian Defens [...]
Former Spy: CIA Will Ensure US Public Never Knows Torture Program’s ‘Full Scope’
The US Central Intelligence Agency “has done everything in its power, legal and illegal, to stop the American people from learning about the CIA’s torture program,” CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou told Loud & Clear on Radio Sputnik Wednesday. [...]
US Role in 1960s Indonesia Anti-Communist Massacre Revealed
Thirty thousand pages of files have been released on US activities in Indonesia during the archipelago’s gory transition from a socialist dictatorship to a pro-West military dictatorship in the mid-60s. The documents confirm that Washington was aware of, and supported, the military takeover of the government and purge of communist opponents. [...]
Jimmy Dore On The Corporate State And The Power Of The Petrodollar
Lee sits down with Jimmy Dore, political comedian and host of the “Jimmy Dore Show," to talk the viability of the of the Draft Bernie movement and the fraudulent Democrats. As the Democrats make their move to the center and give nothing but lip service to the progressive left, what should we do to make sure that the Bernie Sanders progressive movement doesn't die? The two also discuss how politi [...]
‘Man who saved the world’: Tillerson praises Soviet officer who averted nuclear war
Rex Tillerson took a moment at the UN Security Council to remember Soviet officer Stanislav Petrov, who bravely called a false alarm when all computer data told him the US had launched nuclear missiles at the USSR at the height of the Cold War. [...]
‘Honest Broker’: UK Journalist Hails Russia’s Role in Syrian War
While airstrikes by the US-led coalition in Syria have only resulted in terrorists seizing ever new chunks of Syrian territory, the Russian military operation, launched in 2016 , has led to a huge military shift turning the tables against the jihadists, an independent British journalist told Sputnik. [...]
Two Years of Russia’s Military Operation in Syria
September 30 marks the second anniversary of the Russian counterterrorism military operation in Syria. Unlike the efforts by the United States and its international coalition, the Russian campaign in Syria is fully legitimate. It was launched at the request of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Sputnik presents a look into the results of the Russian aerial campaign in Syria after two years   [...]
North Korea’s Rational Nuclear Strategy
A favorite tactic of U.S. propaganda is to label a foreign adversary “crazy” to justify a military attack -- as is now happening with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un although his nuclear program really makes logical sense, observes Ted Snider. The “insanity” label that America attaches to North Korea has a lot of political utility. First, it colors the interpretation of everything North Kor [...]
Trump’s Generals Fatten the Pentagon
President Trump’s troika of generals may ease public fears about his irascible unpredictability, but they also are busy padding the U.S. military budget and fattening up friendly arms manufacturers, JP Sottile writes. Americans are really counting on President Trump’s vaunted  team of generals who are widely regarded as “the adults in the room.” Chief of Staff John Kelly, National Securit [...]
Black Hawk Down II? Trump backs Afghanistan parody as Mattis takes fire
Don’t laugh or adjust your sets. Donald Trump really is going ahead with a new military campaign in Afghanistan, despite an army of experts telling him it will only worsen matters. All he needs now is a Hollywood scriptwriter and Alec Baldwin. [...]
US to obscure arms exports after Pentagon ‘pipeline’ to Syria exposed   
The day after US President Trump’s barnstorming speech to the UN General Assembly decrying 'the scourge' of rogue states and terrorism, it was reported that his administration is set to greatly loosen American arms exports. The trade in question is in the private sector of so-called “non-military weapons”.   [...]