
Wake Up Call 2013
It's time for the American people to wake up! We as a people have seen enough. It's time to act! >>>Click Here for Larger Video Player<<< /* */ How Do You Kill 11 Million People? The Greatest Speech Ever Made It's high time to wake up! [...]
Nuclear Iodine: Doctor Reveals Fukushima Intel
In a special overdrive segment, Alex takes an in-depth look at the way our bodies react to radioactive fallout from the Fukushima meltdown with Dr. Edward Group, an expert in heavy metal detox and other detox protocols and creator of >>>Click Here for Larger Pop-Up Player<<< /* */   Anthony Gucciardi is the Foun [...]
Dollarocracy: Desecrating Democracy One Dollar at a Time | Interview with Robert McChesney
Abby Martin speaks with Robert McChesney, communications professor and author of 'Dollarocracy' about the money and media elections complex, and how this cycle profits from the erosion of American democracy. Democracy One Dollar at a Time /* */ Peter Schiff Warns of Economic Collapse and Martial law Collapse of the Industrial Civilization | Interview with [...]
Sacred Hair Growth Sequel Summary Overview Video
This is the Summary of the Sacred Hair Growth Series Videos, providing a quick overview of one of the best Hair Growth Remedies for now. "Viewer Discretion Is Advised." Sacred Hair Growth contains the best herbs and ingredients on earth to stop hair fall, and encourage natural hair re-growth. [...]
Hair Growth Remedies and Sacred Hair Growth
For natural hair growth remedies, the all natural Sacred Hair Growth formula is the solution if your hair is thinning, graying, or worse you experience a certain increase in hair loss. A sure sign of an unhealthy development and reasons for concern as this eventually will lead to partial or complete hair loss. [...]
The Terrifying Future of The United States
If this doesn't wake you up, I don't know what will. [...]
Web of Deceit | The History of Western Complicity in Iraq
An investigative history of Western complicity in Saddam Hussein's crimes reveals the story his trial never will. In February 1991, the Shia of southern Iraq rose against Saddam Hussein. Barry M. Lando, a former investigative producer for 60 Minutes, argues compellingly that this ill-fated uprising represents one instance among many of Western complicity in Saddam Hussein's crimes against humani [...]
Jesse Ventura: ‘We don’t have democracy in US anymore’ – Full Interview
RT's Anastassia Churkina is sitting down with Jesse Ventura - former Governor of Minnesota, former wrestler and author of "DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans: No More Gangs in Government". /* */ [...]
9/11 Pentagon missing $2.3 trillion Rumsfeld Exposed 9/10/2001
September 10th 2001 Secretary of Defense of the USA declared war on the Pentagon bureaucracy over an alleged $2.3 trillion in unaccounted for funds on expenses. The next day 9/11 happened and the previous day's headlines were over-shadowed by the start of the Bush administration's modern-day crusade the "War on Terror," supported by the mythical "Coalition of the Willing" in search of "Weapons [...]
A People’s History of American Empire by Howard Zinn🎞
Empire or Humanity? What the Classroom Didn't Teach Me about the American Empire by Howard Zinn Narrated by Viggo Mortensen Art by Mike Konopacki Video editing by Eric Wold. Mr. Zinn's writings can certainly be critiqued as they should, but they greatly influenced my own love for storytelling and the hidden lessons buried in our past. And while I am responsible for helping kids wrap their head aro [...]
KILL EVERYBODY: American soldier exposes US policy in Iraq
"KILL EVERYBODY" - US ARMY SPECIALIST DARRELL ANDERSON EXPOSES US POLICY "I joined in '03," 'cause I was broke, I needed money, but I was a young American kid, I wanted to fight in a war. I joined up. [A] month out of training I arrived in Baghdad, Iraq, January '04. Saddam's been captured. [...]