
Seattle Is Dying: Drugs And Homelessness In Seattle
KOMO's Eric Johnson explores the impact the drug and homelessness problem is having on the city and possible solutions in this documentary titled, "Seattle is Dying." "Let me ask you something. What if Seattle is dying and we don't even know it?" Johnson asks in the introduction. "This story is about a wave of seething anger that is now boiling over into outrage. [...]
How Mindfulness Can Bring Balance to Your World | Eckhart Tolle
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Eckhart Tolle (Author, ‘The Power of Now’ & ‘A New Earth’ ) about his background and experience with anxiety and depression, the essence of mindfulness, consciousness, and all spirituality, his thoughts on how to bring balance to your life, the importance of connecting with your higher self, and more. Creating From Presence Instead Of Ego | Co [...]
Turkey can buy Su-35s from Moscow if US doesn’t ship promised F-35s – military analyst
Washington risks losing the Turkish arms market if it continues to delay the delivery of F-35s agreed upon with Ankara, as Turkey can simply switch to buying warplanes from Russia, RT was told. [...]
Ann Coulter: “The Only National Emergency Is That Our President Is An Idiot”
Ann Coulter, the author of "In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome," responded to the president's comment that she was "off the reservation" in an interview Friday on KABC Radio in Los Angeles. President Trump mentioned Coulter in his Friday emergency declaration speech, saying he "hardly knows her," and hasn't "spoken to her in way over a year." [...]
Stop This Humourless Psychopath Driving The World To War
John (“Bomb Iran”) Bolton, the New Warmonger in the White House. Bolton, whose trademark is a white walrus mustache, championed the invasion of Iraq in 2003, which produced chaos followed by waves of extremist violence in the region. He also advocated international intervention to oust Syria’s Bashar al-Assad.   [...]
Monroe Doctrine twist: US vowed to shield nations against colonizers, now it’s invading them (VIDEO)
President James Monroe would probably have been appalled to see how his policy of protecting the peoples of the Americas from European colonizers mutated into a self-issued license to intervene into other nations’ affairs. [...]
Dr. Daniele Ganser: NATO eastern expansion🎞
From January 1, 2022, Daniele Ganser will now offer a paid online community. You can register now. The community is for people who are very interested in his work and would like a more direct exchange via Zoom and access to his online courses. The Swiss historian and peace researcher Dr. On August 21, 2018, Daniele Ganser spoke in Leipzig about NATO's eastern expansion, which he classified as a br [...]
Attempts to crack down on OPEC sign of US-Saudi relationship falling apart – RT’s Keiser Report
The US House Judiciary Committee passed a bill on Thursday that would allow the Justice Department to sue members of OPEC for manipulating the oil market. According to Max Keiser, “this little alliance [between OPEC and the US – Ed.] has been going strong since the 1970s,” as the quid pro quo was that the US would buy Saudi oil and the Saudis would buy US debt. [...]
Handouts for the rich? ‘Hypocrite’ Trump called out for socialism double standard (VIDEO)
Donald Trump has repeatedly vowed to safeguard the United States from the purported evils of socialism – but critics note that the US president is fine with giving government subsidies to the rich and well-connected. [...]
The Yankee Plot to Overthrow Nicolás Maduro and Steal Venezuela’s Oil
The Trump administration is openly engaging in a blatant effort to overthrow the government of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela. It’s a campaign aimed at regime change, and it’s being publicly promoted as an opportunity to steal Venezuelan oil for the benefit of U.S. corporations. They’re not even pretending. But this is not some insane Twitter thought spewed by Trump after guzzling down gallo [...]
Jonathan Roth – Civil War Coming to America?
Jonathan Roth has nearly two decades of broadcasting experience as a producer and executive working for outlets ranging from CTV and OMNI Television to Mauldin Economics and Geopolitical Futures. He has produced and/or hosted long-format conversations with individuals such as Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, former Mexican President Vicente Fox, Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, former [...]
‘Hands off Venezuela’: Rally held in Caracas to support 10mn-signature petition drive (VIDEO)
Large numbers of Venezuelan citizens have come out to sign a petition against possible US intervention, as government activists began gathering signatures for a campaign to showcase “support for peace” amid mounting threats. [...]
Bolton unplugged
As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump lambasted America’s endless and wasteful wars. But as president, he has surrounded himself with individuals who have made defending and advancing American empire a full-time career. Why did Trump cave and what could be the consequences for him and his presidency? CrossTalking with George Szamuely, Jeff Deist, and Lee Spieckerman. [...]
AOC Blows Anderson Cooper’s Mind With Popular Solutions
TheJimmyDoreShow is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster. With over 5 million downloads on iTunes, the show is also broadcast on KPFK stations throughout the country. It is part of the Young Turks Network-- the largest online news show in the world. AOC Blows Anderson Cooper's Mi [...]
Venezuela Propaganda Debunked – People Are Against Coup
TheJimmyDoreShow is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster. With over 5 million downloads on iTunes, the show is also broadcast on KPFK stations throughout the country. It is part of the Young Turks Network-- the largest online news show in the world. Venezuela Propaganda Debunked - [...]
Tucker Carlson: We Are Ruled By Mercenaries Who Feel No Long-Term Obligation To The People They Rule
Tucker Carlson delivered a monologue on how the American citizen is being exploited on the Wednesday edition of his FOX News show: Happy New Year. Newly-elected Utah senator Mitt Romney kicked off 2019 with an op-ed in the Washington Post [...]
Refusal to hand over Venezuelan gold means end of Britain as a financial center – Prof. Wolff
The freezing of Venezuelan gold by the Bank of England is a signal to all countries out of step with US interests to withdraw their money, according to economist and co-founder of Democracy at Work, Professor Richard Wolff. [...]
What causes some people to look older than their age and others to look younger?
I’m not sure, what makes us look younger when we get older, call it Benjamin Button, I call it genetics. There are certain things we follow which most people don’t Rigid strict mediterranen diet eating seasonal fruits and vegetables consuming locally My mom and sister legitimately have been practicing 16 hours fasting non stop for years and continue doing so Always feeling a litt [...]
Tulsi Gabbard Smears Debunked
The Establishment Tulsi Gabbard smears have already begun, and they are bogus… The Jimmy Dore Show is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster. With over 5 million downloads on iTunes, the show is also broadcast on KPFK stations throughout the country. It is part of the Young Turks Network-- th [...]
Richard Wolff Tells the Truth About the Chinese Economy
Richard D. Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst where he taught economics from 1973 to 2008. He is currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University, New York City. Earlier he taught economics at Yale University (1967-1969) and at the City College of the City University of New York (1969-1973 [...]
5G Wireless: A Dangerous “Experiment on Humanity”
Scientists, environmental groups, doctors and citizens around the world are appealing to all governments to halt telecommunications companies’ deployment of 5G (fifth generation) wireless networks, which they call “an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law.” Research has shown that wireless radiation can cause DNA damage, neuropsychia [...]
US downgraded EU ambassador’s diplomatic status, ‘forgot’ to tell Brussels – report
The Trump administration quietly downgraded the diplomatic status of the European Union’s mission to the US late last year, without informing the diplomats themselves, a German report has revealed. The European Union’s delegation to the US, which had previously enjoyed nation-state ambassador status, was reduced to “international organization” sometime in late October or early November 201 [...]