Ben Norton

US tells China ‘threat’: ‘We’re the leader in this region (Asia)’!
In an interview with the Chamber of Commerce, US Ambassador Nicholas Burns referred to China as a “threat”, “great challenge”, and “very difficult government”, stating arrogantly, “The United States is staying in this region. We’re the leader in this [Indo-Pacific] region”. [...]
Trump’s threat to punish countries that drop US dollar will speed up de-dollarization
Donald Trump has threatened that, if he comes back as US president, he will impose 100% tariffs on countries that drop the dollar, trying to cut off their trade. Ben Norton discusses how this will accelerate the global dedollarization movement, incentivizing more nations to join China, Russia, and BRICS in building alternative financial institutions. [...]
UN lies about US military occupation of Syria, reporter calls out Ukraine hypocrisy
US troops have illegally occupied Syria's oil-rich territory for years, but a top United Nations official, Farhan Haq, falsely claimed "there's no US armed forces inside of Syria". Chinese reporter Edward Xu called out the UN's hypocrisy on Ukraine.   [...]
How the US wages economic war on countries all around the world
The United States government has imposed sanctions on more than one-third of countries on Earth, including over 60% of poor countries. Ben Norton documents how Washington's economic warfare is deadly in nations like Venezuela, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. It is also fragmenting the global financial system, as China and Russia create alternatives. Topics 0:00 USA has sanctions on 1/3rd of wo [...]
Deja vu: USA tries to impose new puppet government in Venezuela
As part of a new coup attempt in Venezuela, the US has recognized opposition leader Edmundo González as supposed president, after Trump tried to impose puppet Juan Guaidó in 2019. The State Department cited only US government-funded sources to accuse President Maduro of "electoral fraud". Ben Norton shows how misleading - and hypocritical - Washington's claims are. US Government-linked Firmi [...]