US Policy

‘Man who saved the world’: Tillerson praises Soviet officer who averted nuclear war
Rex Tillerson took a moment at the UN Security Council to remember Soviet officer Stanislav Petrov, who bravely called a false alarm when all computer data told him the US had launched nuclear missiles at the USSR at the height of the Cold War. [...]
Anti-Russia campaign stems from bias & desire to limit free speech – Ron Paul to RT (VIDEO)
The investigation into the alleged Russian meddling in the US elections and the supposed use of social media by Moscow to sway public opinion is just a “witch hunt,” former US Congressman Ron Paul told RT. The people who promote this witch hunt do not care about what [the former US presidential candidate] Hillary [Clinton] was doing and they are very biased against the Trump campaign,” Pa [...]
Syrian Crisis: Russia ‘Turns the Tide’ of War While US ‘Plays a Double Game’
Russia’s engagement in the Syrian conflict has been very important, including a number of major victories both on the battlefield and on the diplomatic front. At the same time, the US involvement has done more harm than good to the situation, Australian political analyst Tom Anderson told Radio Sputnik. [...]
Trump Threatens a Genocide
As President Trump taunts North Korea’s leader with schoolyard insults, the terrifying possibility is that his threat to “totally destroy” a country of 25 million people could involve the U.S. in another genocide, warns David Marks. The level of insult and hostile name-calling between world leaders was taken to a new extreme by Donald Trump in his speech before the U.N. General Assembly. [...]
Washington Has Initiated Military Conflict With Russia
Russia has provided evidence that Washington is collaborating with ISIS in attack on Russian forces. In one Washington-directed attack, ISIS tried to capture 29 Russian military policemen. However, Russian special forces entered the fray, and the result was spectacular losses for ISIS. In another Washington-directed attack, Russian General Valery Asapov and two Russian colonels were killed in an [...]
The CIA: 70 Years of Organized Crime
Everything the CIA does is deniable. It’s part of its Congressional mandate. Congress doesn’t want to be held accountable for the criminal things the CIA does. The only time something the CIA does become public knowledge – other than the rare accident or whistle blower – is when Congress or the President think it’s helpful for psychological warfare reasons to let the American people know [...]
North Korea’s Rational Nuclear Strategy
A favorite tactic of U.S. propaganda is to label a foreign adversary “crazy” to justify a military attack -- as is now happening with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un although his nuclear program really makes logical sense, observes Ted Snider. The “insanity” label that America attaches to North Korea has a lot of political utility. First, it colors the interpretation of everything North Kor [...]
Trump’s Generals Fatten the Pentagon
President Trump’s troika of generals may ease public fears about his irascible unpredictability, but they also are busy padding the U.S. military budget and fattening up friendly arms manufacturers, JP Sottile writes. Americans are really counting on President Trump’s vaunted  team of generals who are widely regarded as “the adults in the room.” Chief of Staff John Kelly, National Securit [...]
Black Hawk Down II? Trump backs Afghanistan parody as Mattis takes fire
Don’t laugh or adjust your sets. Donald Trump really is going ahead with a new military campaign in Afghanistan, despite an army of experts telling him it will only worsen matters. All he needs now is a Hollywood scriptwriter and Alec Baldwin. [...]
Hysterical US Lawmakers Breach Time and Space Limits in Fight With Radio Sputnik
Radio Sputnik is capable of things that you wouldn't expect from mere mortals. That's what three US lawmakers imply by saying that Sputnik's new FM station in Washington, DC influenced the recent presidential election - this despite the fact that the station started broadcasting only this summer, several months after Trump won the 2016 election. [...]
How One American Ex-Cop and Whistleblower Found Refuge in Russia
For six years, John Mark Dougan was an officer with the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office. Having witnessed widespread corruption, blackmail and nepotism, he resigned and created a website where people could post evidence of police misconduct. In 2016, he fled to Russia for fear of his life. [...]
US to obscure arms exports after Pentagon ‘pipeline’ to Syria exposed   
The day after US President Trump’s barnstorming speech to the UN General Assembly decrying 'the scourge' of rogue states and terrorism, it was reported that his administration is set to greatly loosen American arms exports. The trade in question is in the private sector of so-called “non-military weapons”.   [...]
Roger Stone: ‘Neo-McCarthyism’ to blame for claims of Russian collusion
Roger Stone has demanded a public apology from leading Democratic members of Congress, accusing his rivals of conducting a “witch-hunt” against him ahead of his appearance before the House Intelligence Committee. In a statement he plans to deliver Tuesday, the former adviser to US President Donald Trump accused Committee members of “neo-McCarthyism” for alleging collusion between the [...]
US Defenseless Against Ballistic Missiles as Trump Threatens to Destroy N Korea
On Tuesday, US President Donald Trump threatened to "totally destroy" North Korea if Pyongyang does not stop its nuclear and missile tests. In fact, the US missile defense system is incapable of shooting down North Korean missiles, according to American expert on nuclear weapons Joe Cirincione. [...]
US special ops forces & hardware spotted at ISIS positions north of Deir ez-Zor – Russian MoD
The Russian Ministry of Defense has released aerial images which they say show US Army special forces equipment north of the town of Deir er-Zor, where ISIS militants are deployed. US Army special units provide free passage for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) through the battle formations of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists, the ministry said in a statement.   [...]
Masters of War: Senate Defense Budget Set to Exceed One Third of Global Military Spending
The Senate passed a $700 billion defense policy bill on Monday, exceeding what even Trump requested. Come you masters of warYou that build all the gunsYou that build the death planesYou that build the big bombsYou that hide behind wallsYou that hide behind desks– Bob Dylan, Masters of War, 1963 The US Senate passed a $700 billion defense policy bill on Monday that puts the US on track to have [...]
Putin Slams American Establishment for Lack of Political Culture
Russian President Vladimir Putin commented on the recent closure and searches of Russian diplomatic facilities in the United States. Putin blamed the American establishment for a lack of political culture regarding the situation with the Russian diplomatic facilities in the US, saying that Moscow has the right to decide whether to cut the US mission by 155 employees for full parity, but will not d [...]
Putin Calls Out US Folly
Speaking at the BRICS summit this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin deplored the “low political culture” of American leaders. "It is difficult to dialogue with such people," said Putin, adding: "You can do nothing about it." Less diplomatically, what the Russian president was lamenting is this: the incorrigible stupidity of US leaders. [...]
Can the BRICS hold back US war with North Korea?
As Russia and its BRICS partners convene this week, the organization faces a momentous test of its global influence: can it hold the line and insist on a diplomatic solution to the alarming US standoff with North Korea? [...]