
How US is Twisting EU’s Arm, Trying to Throw Wrench Into Nord Stream 2
By trying to bring an end to the Russo-European Nord Stream 2 project, the US is pursuing its own economic interests rather than taking care of Europe's energy security. Washington is seeking to boost sales of its own expensive liquefied natural gas to Europe, thus undermining the Old Continent's competitiveness. [...]
Use of live fire against Palestinian protesters justified by Israel’s Supreme Court
Israel’s Supreme Court has upheld the military’s use of live ammunition against protesters in Gaza, ruling that lethal force is justified because the protesters are part of an “armed conflict” between Israel and Hamas. The court’s panel of three justices unanimously rejected a petition by Israeli and Palestinian rights groups to prohibit the Israeli Army from using snipers and live ammun [...]
Happy GDPR day! US news sites blocked, FB sued as EU privacy rules come into force
Blocked from viewing US news outlets, overwhelmed by emails, Europeans shared memes and cheered. Facebook and Google, though, may have little to cheer about, now that they’re sued for “forced consent” over new privacy rules. The new set of strict regulations, also known as the General Data Protection Regulation (or briefly GDPR), was passed in April 2016 and came into effect on Friday to saf [...]
Putin warns of financial crisis the world ‘has not yet seen’
The global economy is facing a threat of a spiraling protectionist measures that can lead to a devastating crisis, Vladimir Putin warned. Nations must find a way to prevent this and establish rules on how the economy should work. The Russian president spoke out against the growing trend of using unilateral restrictions to achieve economic advantage, as he addressed guests of the St. Petersburg Int [...]
Korea summit & Iran deal pullouts undermine US credibility as honest broker
The US prefers hard power to international diplomacy, withdrawal from the Iran deal and North Korea summit shows it doesn’t stick to commitments, analysts. Just hours after North Korea destroyed its nuclear test site, Donald Trump announced he is canceling his summit with Kim Jong-un which was scheduled to take place in Singapore on June 12. [...]
Tucker: Why is Washington united behind a war in Syria?
Tucker: Virtually all of official Washington, Republicans and Democrats, have united behind the idea that the United States has a moral obligation to go deeper into war in Syria after a suspected gas attack. Yet, our merely asking obvious questions, we are told to shut up and just obey. Tucker: Why is Washington united behind a war in Syria? Media accuses Tucker of pushing "Russia [...]
Sick & tired of US foreign policy, Germany is pushed into the open arms of China
Germany has had enough of American foreign policy. Angela Merkel’s visits to Russia and China are a testament to that. On May 10, 2018, German Chancellor Angela Merkel openly said that Europe can no longer count on the United States to protect it, hinting that the European continent would begin to “take destiny into its own hands.” [...]
German Billionaire Vows to Help ‘Any European Company Do Business in Crimea’
On May 15, President Vladimir Putin attended the inauguration of a strategic 19-kilometer bridge along the Kerch Strait, linking Crimea to the Russian mainland. This key infrastructure project is a major step forward in bolstering the Crimean Peninsula’s economy, and encouraging trade and access to other parts of the Russian Federation. [...]
NATO Fears ‘Moscow’s Eye’ Amid S-400 Deal With Turkey – German Media
Members of the military bloc are anxious about the purchase of Russian S-400 surface-to-air missile systems by Turkey. Here is why. NATO fears "Moscow's eyes" on the territory of its member states, as the maintenance —400 anti-aircraft missile systems purchased by Turkey will require Russia's assistance, German Spiegel magazine wrote. [...]
China Better Economic Choice Than US for EU
The United Kingdom and the European Union face a critical choice about the direction of future trade policies with the rest of the world. Should the EU deepen its already heavy exposure to the US even as the country turns inward, or should it begin to diversify its trade relations toward a less familiar albeit increasingly prosperous China? [...]
‘Isolated’ Russia welcomes investment funds worth over $13 trillion at St. Petersburg forum
About 40 leaders of the world's largest investment funds with total assets of over $13.5 trillion will participate in SPIEF 2018. They will discuss with President Putin the “unjustified” assumptions about isolating Russia. According to the head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, Kirill Dmitriev, about 40 leaders of the world's largest investment funds from 20 countries with total assets of [...]
Russia-China trade to continue booming while US faces risk of recession – expert
Bilateral trade between Russia and China has grown steadily and the positive trend will continue, according to Xu Sitao, chief economist with Deloitte, consulting in China. He warned US economy is facing risk of recession by 2020.  Xu said China has become the largest export market for Russia since 2017, accounting for roughly 12-13 percent of Russian exports. [...]
Russia ready to ditch dollar in favor of euro in foreign trade – finance minister
Settlements in US currency could be dropped by Russia in favor of the euro if the EU takes a stand against the latest US sanctions on Moscow, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. “As we see, restrictions imposed by the American partners are of an extraterritorial nature. The possibility of switching from the US dollar to the euro in settlements [...]
Reporter In Syria Reveals Mainstream Media’s Lies
Canadian journalist, Eva Barlett, completely dismantled mainstream media’s narrative on events taking place in Syria. The freelance journalist has repeatedly visited Syria since the conflict began in 2011, in a bid to get a sense of the realities on the ground. In a press conference organized on Friday by the Syrian mission to the United Nations, Barlett delivered her remarks regarding the [...]
Yuan oil contracts to strengthen China’s currency status to compete with US dollar – analyst
As more countries pay for oil in yuan, the standing of the Chinese currency in global finance has grown, an analyst tells RT. However, its future path won’t be completely smooth, he warns. “If people started to pay for oil in yuan, central banks would need to hold reserves in yuan, leading to a massive increase in the global demand for yuan, reducing the cost of financing the Chinese economy, [...]
‘Killing Gaza’ with Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen
Max Blumenthal, director and writer of ‘Killing Gaza,’ and Dan Cohen, the documentary’s editor and cinematographer, discuss their new production, which details Israeli war crimes committed against the people of Gaza. [...]
Ex-Ukrainian Soldier to Trump: “I’m Ready to Testify Kiev Used Chemical Weapons”
In 2014, reports surfaced of the Kiev military allegedly using chemical weapons in its operations against the Donbass militia. In a video message to US President Donald Trump, posted on the Open Ukraine YouTube channel, former Ukrainian army serviceman Alexander Medinsky claimed that Kiev used chemical weapons during its military operation in Donbass. Going Here promo code ph https://yo [...]
The Dark Side of Israeli Independence
On May 14, 1948, Israel declared its independence. Each May 15, Palestinians solemnly commemorate Nakba Day. Nakba means catastrophe, and that’s precisely what Israel’s independence has been for the more than 700,000 Arabs and their five million refugee descendants forced from their homes and into exile, often by horrific violence, to make way for the Jewish state. [...]
How Long Will We Pretend Palestinians Aren’t People?
Monstrous. Frightful. Wicked. It’s strange how the words just run out in the Middle East today. Sixty Palestinians dead. In one day. Two thousand four hundred wounded, more than half by live fire. In one day. The figures are an outrage, a turning away from morality, a disgrace for any army to create. And we are supposed to believe that the Israeli army is one of “purity of arms”? [...]
“Chinese Were Prepared, EU Companies Were Not” for US’ Iran Sanctions – Analyst
China’s state-owned energy giant CNPC is ready to replace French energy company Total’s stake in the Iranian South Pars gas project. In 2017, Total and CNPC signed a 20-year contract worth 4.8 billion dollars to develop Phase 11 of Iran’s South Pars field. Sputnik spoke with political analyst Tom McGregor about CNPC’s acquisition plan. [...]
“Not a Problem”: Austrian Energy Giant Defends “Dependence on Russia”
US President Donald Trump has reportedly asked German Chancellor Angela Merkel to withdraw its support for the Nord Stream 2 project and allegedly promised to negotiate a new US-EU trade deal. CEO of the Austrian energy giant OMV Rainer Seele doesn't see a problem with dependence on the Russian gas, as, according to him, such dependence is mutual, DPA reported. At the same time, he slammed US effo [...]
EU States, Russia, China to Discuss New Iran Deal, Leaving US Sidelined – Report
According to Reuters' sources, the meeting will solely focus on the implementation issues and details of the Iran nuclear deal. Diplomats from Germany, France, Britain, led by senior EU diplomat Helga Schmid, and also from Russia and China, will be meeting in Vienna next week to discuss a new agreement with Iran similar to the 2015 deal, but one that would put curbs on Tehran's ballistic [...]