
Cuddly lion tries to ‘hijack’ Crimean safari buggy full of tourists (VIDEO)
Providing a unique photo shoot opportunity to a group of guests at a safari adventure park in Crimea, the cuddly predator not only welcomed the guests but even tried to get behind the wheel for the tour. A full-grown lion named Filya appeared to be bored basking in the warm sunshine of the adventure park just outside of Simferopol. [...]
Report on IDF funding Syrian rebels pulled on request of ‘army’s censor’ – Jerusalem Post to RT
IDF has forced the Jerusalem Post to remove its explosive report on the Israeli military giving weapons to the Syrian rebels, the newspaper’s managing editor confirmed to RT. “We were told by the army’s military censor to remove that part of the story,” David Brinn, the managing editor of the Jerusalem Post told RT as he replied to a request for comment. [...]
‘Extremely Marginal’: Noam Chomsky Slams Media Obsession With Russian Meddling
The famous philosopher contended that the US media was focusing on marginal stories and argued that there are much more serious issues being swept under the rug. This comes amid an ongoing FBI investigation into alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election and the Trump campaign's purported collusion with Moscow. [...]
India to Respond to US Refusal for Sanctions Waiver Over S-400 – Strategist
India has made it clear that it is going ahead with its plan to purchase the S-400 Triumph air defense missile systems from Russia and that it will not be deterred by the US' unilateral sanctions. India has also expressed itself similarly over the US sanctions on Iran by continuing to buy oil from the country. [...]
Declassified docs reveal how Pentagon aimed to nuke USSR and China into oblivion
Plans for a nuclear war devised by the US Army in the 1960s considered decimating the Soviet Union and China by destroying their industrial potential and wiping out the bulk of their populations, newly declassified documents show. [...]
Death knell tolls for the euro as more European nations repatriate gold – expert to RT
The latest trend among European countries of bringing home their gold reserves has been raising concerns in Brussels. RT talked to Claudio Grass of Precious Metal Advisory Switzerland to understand what’s behind that trend. According to Grass, the process means disintegration, which usually comes with instability, unrest, more government intervention and control. [...]
US plans to use fake chemical weapons attack to strike Syria – Russian MoD
The US may have plans to use a fake chemical attack in Syria to hit government forces with airstrikes, the Russian Defense Ministry has said. Washington is already building up strike capability in the Middle East, it said. The warning comes a day after the Russian military said it had information about a looming provocation in Syria’s Idlib governorate, which would involve a staged chemical weap [...]
THE USS LIBERTY, Every American Must Know 🎞
Israel controls America, and Israel wants all the Middle East as a 'Greater Israel'. That's what it's all about. Why are the US and Israel so friendly anyway? That's a hugely controversial question. Though American support for Israel really is massive, including billions of dollars in aid and reliable diplomatic backing, experts disagree sharply on why. Some possibilities include deep support for [...]
Swift turn: German FM says Europe needs bank transactions system independent from US
The European Union should set up a system that would allow Brussels to be independent in its financial operations from Washington, according to German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas. It is indispensable that we strengthen European autonomy by creating payment channels that are independent of the United States, a European Monetary Fund and an independent SWIFT system,” [...]
Kremlin: Microsoft’s Claims of Russia’s Attempts to Influence US Vote Groundless
On November 6, 2018, the US will hold mid-term congressional elections. The Americans will vote on the fate of all 435 seats in the House of Representatives; there are also 33 US Senate races. [...]
Washington froze Russian assets in US worth hundreds of millions of dollars – US Treasury
Russian-owned assets in the United States worth hundreds of millions of dollars have been frozen as part of Washington’s sanctions campaign against Moscow since 2013, said US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Sigal Mandelker. “The actions of the US Treasury have had significant consequences for the financial interests of individuals and businesses that were affected, including the blocking of h [...]
US Sanctions Moscow Over Chemical Weapons While Ignoring It’s Own Dark Past
Moscow responded to fresh sanctions placed by Washington on Monday over an alleged chemical weapons attack in the United Kingdom last March. Russian officials have slammed the United States and United Kingdom for their hypocrisy and reminded them of their own troubled past concerning chemical weapons usage. [...]
‘Everybody in EU Understands That Russian Gas Cannot be Substituted’ – Scholar
During their August 18 summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel noted that the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project is profitable for both sides and should not be politicized. Speaking to Radio Sputnik, Gerhard Mangott, a political analyst from Austria's Innsbrook University, shared his views on the EU's energy issue. [...]
Mosul in 360° VIDEO: Among the ruins, memories & ghosts of Iraq’s ancient city
Mosul’s one-time economic center, the Old City, now bears a closer resemblance to a mass cemetery. A few meters from the al-Nuri mosque’s destroyed minaret, Mohammed Qadir, who is internally displaced, visits his former house. [...]
1953 Iran coup – a crime authored in London and Washington
This week marks 65 years since the Western-orchestrated coup in Iran. August 19, 1953 is the day that Iranians were taught a hard lesson in the rules of the game when it comes to empire and hegemony. For on this day, the country’s democratically elected prime minister, Mohammad Mossadegh, was overthrown at the hands of Washington and London. [...]
Turkey & Qatar seal currency swap deal to cut US dollar transactions
Qatar and Turkey have inked a currency swap agreement to boost liquidity and provide financial stability, Qatar’s central bank said, days after Doha pledged $15 billion of direct investment into Turkish markets. The deal, which aims to boost cooperation between the countries, was clinched on Friday. The agreement will set up a two-way currency exchange line and facilitate exchange of trade betwe [...]
Iran deal, Syrian crisis & Nord Stream 2: Putin, Merkel find common ground on tough intl issues
The Iran nuclear deal, which was recently ditched by the US, humanitarian efforts in war-ravaged Syria, and the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project… Putin and Merkel hold three-hour talks and are mostly on the same page. The surprise visit announced earlier this week between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin took place in Meseberg Palace, 65km north of Berlin, on Sa [...]
‘Be careful about what you believe’ – Ken Livingstone on US, UK media bias & lies
Today it seems like we are in another Cold War. It was breathtaking to watch our PM Theresa May immediately blaming Russia for the poisoning of the Skripals before the police had conducted their investigation into the evidence. Growing up after the Second World War our news was dominated by the threat from the Soviet Union, but when the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991 I don’t think anyone could h [...]
Land seizures begin in South Africa after owners refuse govt lowball buyout offer – report
South African authorities have reportedly started seizing white-owned land after negotiations on buying out the properties stalled. The first seizures are targeting game farms in the Northern province of Limpopo. The government had tried to buy the lands owned by Akkerland Boerdery Ventures for one-tenth of the land’s value, reports City Press, a Johannesburg-based news outlet. [...]
‘In the name of fake news’ – Occupy London attacks Facebook after temporary ban (VIDEO)
The temporary ban of a left-wing, pro-Palestine Facebook page was a part of a “massive rearguard action on the part of the establishment” carried out in the name of “fake news,” argued George Barda, of Occupy London, told RT. Upon reinstating the Occupy London page, which has more than 150k followers, Facebook said the ban was a mistake, though, according to Barda, the company gave “no r [...]
Syria stabilization fund was ridiculous, let the Saudis pay it, Trump says
US President Donald Trump has praised Washington's cancellation of $230mn in funding for stabilization in war-torn Syria. Let "other rich countries" pay it, Trump says, while the US spends its money on its military and allies. The US officially ended support for stabilization projects in Syria on Friday. The $230mn worth of funding had been frozen for months before that however, after House forbid [...]
Davos: Where talk on ‘inequality’ is cheap, but a burger platter costs $59
The Swiss resort of Chateaux-d’Oex is known for its hot air balloons. The Swiss resort of Davos is known for hot air. Or at least for one week a year, when some of the world’s biggest windbags meet to discuss ‘significant’ issues. [...]