
Is Russia developing air-launched satellite killer? PHOTO of mystery missile test sparks theory
A photo of a MiG-31 interceptor jet carrying a huge missile has sparked speculation that Russia has revived an old project involving an air-launched anti-satellite weapon system. MiG-31 is a superfast Mach-3 fighter jet which recently acquired fame as the platform for the hypersonic Kinzhal missile. [...]
‘Hillary said so’: Iran slams Saudi Arabia as top ‘terrorist donor,’ quotes Clinton to back claim
A fiery speech by an Iranian representative, responding to Saudi accusations at the UN General Assembly, blamed terrorist activity around the globe on Riyadh – and even quoted Hillary Clinton to back that up. Accusing Iran of supporting terrorism was a “strange and outlandish claim” by Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Jubeir the Iranian representative said. [...]
“Trauma” Paramedics risk their lives to save injured civilians in Donetsk, Ukraine
In the conflict-torn Donbass region, medical evacuation teams play a vital role in saving the lives of those wounded by shelling. On alert 24/7, and responding to calls in the most dangerous areas, the doctors risk everything to save people’s lives regardless of what side of the conflict they are on. RT Doc film crew joins one of the teams to witness what they deal with on a daily basis and hear [...]
Washington cannot dictate who Europeans should and shouldn’t trade with – Belgian PM
The United States has no right to tell European companies who they can trade and develop economic relations with, according to the Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel. “We cannot accept that the US decided the regions with which European companies can or cannot do business,” Michel said in an interview with Belgian French-language broadcaster RTBF shortly after meeting with Iranian President [...]
Russia’s Su-57 jet gets hypersonic missile that can shoot down enemy aircraft ‘300km away’
A hypersonic anti-aircraft missile with a range of over 300km will be part of the arsenal of the Su-57, Russia’s most-advanced multipurpose fighter jet. The weapon is meant to take out high-value targets with impunity. The Su-57 is Russia’s first 5th-generation aircraft, designed to be a formidable threat to major air powers such as the US. [...]
‘Merkel blow by blow’ – How the German chancellor can’t catch a break
The media have been quick to label the departure of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ally Volker Kauder as the latest in a series of “blows” to the chancellor. But Merkel shows no signs of being blown away just yet. [...]
Twitter in disbelief after Trump calls out China for ‘election meddling,’ ignoring Russia
In a speech to the United Nations Security Council, President Trump blamed China for meddling in US elections. On Twitter, the #resistance is furious he didn’t name the old boogeyman: Russia. [...]
S-300s in, Patriots out: US to withdraw missiles from 3 Middle East countries – report
The Pentagon will remove four batteries of PAC-3 Patriot missiles from three Middle-Eastern countries, according to the Wall Street Journal. The report said the missiles are needed elsewhere to counter China and Russia. [...]
‘Europe is Lost’: Muhammad Joins Top-10 Popular Names for Baby Boys in England
Over the weekend, the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) published a report highlighting the most popular first names for baby boys and girls in England and Wales in 2017 using birth registration data. According to the UK Office for National Statistics, Muhammad became one of the top-10 most popular names for baby boys in London and several other large British cities last year. [...]
Russia May Supply Syria With Other Defense Systems Along S-300 – Senior Lawmaker
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia may supply Syria with other defense equipment in addition to the S-300 air defense system to ensure the safety of its troops following the downing of a Russian Il-20 plane last week, Viktor Bondarev, the chairman of the Russian parliament's upper house Defense and Security Committee, said on Monday. [...]
Russia Capable of Denying Israel Access to Syrian Airspace – Senior Russian MP
MOSCOW - Russia may take steps to prevent further incidents involving the Israeli Air Force jets and has all the capabilities to close Syrian airspace to Israeli military aircraft if it becomes necessary, a member of the Russian parliament's upper house's defense committee, Frants Klintsevich, told Sputnik on Sunday. [...]
Russian MoD: Israeli F-16 hid behind Russian Il-20 plane to avoid Syrian missile
Data captured by Russia’s S-400 system in Syria proves Israeli jets were responsible for the downing the Russian plane, the Defense Ministry said, adding that the Syrian missile changed its course shortly before hitting the Il-20. Data captured by Russia’s S-400 system in Syria proves Israeli jets were responsible for the downing the Russian plane, the Defense Ministry said, adding that the Sy [...]
Syria to get Russia’s S-300: Here’s what you need to know about the missile system
On the heels of an Israeli air raid on Syria, which saw the downing of a Russian plane, Moscow will now deliver S-300 anti-aircraft systems to Damascus. Here’s a quick guide to the sophisticated weapon and its capabilities. The Syrian Army has long sought to procure the S-300 from Russia, but talks which began in mid-2000 were interrupted by the civil war in 2011. [...]
Russia’s S-300 delivery shows Israel who’s in charge, but not aimed at hurting relations – analysts
Russia’s decision to boost Syrian air defenses in response to the downing of an Il-20 plane amid an Israeli raid is meant to sting, but not pose a serious threat to Israel’s national security, experts told RT. Last week, a Russian Il-20 electronic warfare plane with 15 crew on board was shot down off Syria’s coast by a Syrian anti-air missile fired in response to an Israeli air raid. [...]
Replacing Russian gas with American LNG would be ‘absolutely ridiculous’ – expert to RT
Washington is fiercely fighting for Germany’s energy market, trying to sell more of its liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the country, and to wrestle one of the biggest energy consumers away from Russian energy giant Gazprom. Germany currently gets around 60 of its natural gas imports from Russia. [...]
Israel’s Military Selfishness, Lack of Coordination Led to Il-20 Crash – Scholar
CAIRO (Sputnik) – Israel is guided solely by its military interests in the region, and this factor along with the lack of coordination with the Russian side led to the crash of Russia's Il-20 military plane in Syria, Egyptian military expert Adil Suleiman told Sputnik. The Egyptian analyst noted that the tragedy was the result of a lack of coordination at the operational and tactical levels. [...]
Poland May Become Next Nation to Shoot Down Russian Military Plane – Activist
The US is looking to establish a permanent US military base in Poland. This is what President Donald Trump said on Tuesday following a meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda at the White House. Sputnik discussed the potential establishment of a military base in Poland with Rick Rozoff - manager of the Stop NATO website. [...]
Russian MoD Has Compelling Evidence to Back Up Account of Il-20’s Last Moments
Earlier in the day, the Russian Defense Ministry reiterated, during a briefing on circumstance of the Il-20 incident, that blame for the Russian aircraft's crash fully rested with Israel, which put the Il-20 under fire of the Syrian air defense. The Russian Defense Ministry has additional compelling evidence in support of the materials presented earlier on Sunday at the briefing devoted to the dow [...]
Russia Ready to Fund Nord Stream 2 if US Imposes Sanctions – Report
The US has repeatedly denounced the Russian-European joint venture to build a direct gas pipeline from Russia to the center of the EU via the Baltic Sea. Apart from lambasting Berlin for colluding with Moscow, Washington has already laid the groundwork for sanctions against companies involved in Nord Stream 2. [...]
Poland’s Ex-Foreign Minister Wants Warsaw to Improve Relations With Russia
Russian-Polish relations have reached a low point in recent years, with the two countries unable to see eye to eye on energy security, NATO's military buildup on Russia's borders, or the construction of a missile defense shield on Polish territory which Russia believes would challenge global strategic stability. [...]
Russia to become China’s top supplier of gas soon
One of the world’s longest gas pipelines – the Power of Siberia – which is being created to deliver natural gas from Russia to China, is almost complete. The sides are now getting ready to ink a contract on another major pipeline. Agreement on the Power of Siberia 2 or the ‘Western Route’ for the supply of Russian gas from the Far East to China might be signed in the first half of 2019, [...]
China cancels its top navy officer’s visit to US over Trump’s sweeping sanctions
China has canceled the visit of its Navy commander to the US, in response to the sanctions imposed by Washington against Beijing over its military cooperation with Russia, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense said. On Thursday, the US State Department imposed sanctions against Beijing’s defense procurement agency, the Equipment Development Department (EED), for its “significant transaction [...]