
Turkey Tells US They Have Video That Proves Jamal Khashoggi Was Killed – Report
The Turkish government has informed US officials it has audio and video recordings that prove that Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed inside Saudi Consulate in Instanbul, according to a report by the Washington Post. [...]
Virgin Galactic boss Richard Branson suspends $1bn Saudi investment over Khashoggi disappearance
Billionaire Richard Branson has suspended talks with Saudi Arabia regarding a planned $1bn investment in his space ventures after Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was linked to the disappearance of a Washington Post journalist. [...]
Netanyahu: Prime or Crime Minister
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been in the driver’s seat on and off since 1996 and is poised to become Israel’s longest-serving leader. The veteran politician, widely known as ‘Bibi’, is also at risk of losing his grip on power after a series of corruption scandals involving him came to light. RT America correspondent, Anya Parampil, tracks Bibi’s rise to power from a UN ambassad [...]
People worldwide trust Putin more than they trust Trump, says US think-tank poll
A recent worldwide opinion poll conducted by Pew Research Center shows that Vladimir Putin enjoys more trust than Donald Trump, and analysts blame this fact on America’s selfish and reckless foreign policy. Trade wars with key economic partners, continuing military operations abroad, and the ongoing split among US political elites have been thought to do little for the president’s image. This [...]
Russia wants to ditch US dollar in trade with European partners
The Russian Ministry of Finance said on Monday it may shift to the use of local currencies with European trade partners. The move will be part of the so-called de-dollarization of the Russian economy. As we can see the main opportunity which can be realized in the short and medium term is the transition to settlements in national currencies with our European counterparts, including settlements inv [...]
EU energy system will collapse if sanctions target Russian oil & gas – BP boss
Sanctions against Russia’s key energy companies would inevitably lead to a collapse of the European energy sector, BP CEO Bob Dudley has warned, according to Sputnik news agency. “I do not think that would happen. If sanctions were put on Rosneft or Gazprom or LUKoil like what happened with Rusal, you would virtually shut down the energy systems of Europe, it is a bit of extreme thing to happe [...]
EU Tries to Persuade US to Exempt SWIFT From Iran Sanctions
Washington’s sanctions against Tehran would fundamentally change other countries’ economic cooperation with the Islamic Republic, the Financial Times has written. EU finance ministers will try to persuade the US administration not to disconnect Iran from the international payment system SWIFT, the newspaper reported on Tuesday. [...]
Game Over: Idlib Heavy Weapons Withdrawal Close to End
In keeping with an agreement reached by Russia and Turkey to resolve the situation in Syria’s Idlib, jihadist groups have until October 10 to withdraw their heavy weapons from the demilitarized zone in the province. In an interview with Sputnik, a Syrian Army representative said that groups such as Hayati al-Sham, largely made up of al-Nusra, Huras ad-Din and the National Liberation Front milita [...]
‘Ukrainian president’s statements of Russian plans to rig elections lack proof:’ Experts to RT
Several politicians and experts told RT that the Ukrainian president’s fears of Russian meddling in future elections were completely unfounded and simply imitated the demagogic tactics used previously by Western nations. [...]
Pakistan tests nuclear-capable missile after India cancels talks & signs S-400 deal with Russia
Pakistan has successfully test-launched its nuclear-capable missile system just after its archenemy India refused peace talks with Islamabad and bought billions-worth of weapons from Russia. The missile system, which can fire both nuclear and conventional projectiles to a distance of 1,300km, was tested on Monday by the Army Strategic Forces Command (ASFC). [...]
‘We bombed you to save you’ – NATO head Stoltenberg speaks about 1999 bombings on visit to Serbia
Although many people in Serbia hold “poor” memories of NATO’s 1999 bombing of their country, it was, in fact, done precisely to protect them from their own government, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said in Belgrade. He was answering questions about the bombing and about the NATO campaign against the government of the former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic, during a meeting [...]
Denmark Pledges to Stop Diesel, Petrol Cars by 2030 in ‘Ambitious’ Climate Plan
Meeting the goal of one million "green" cars will be a tough nut to crack, as there are only 9,000 electric cars traversing Danish roads at present. As part of its forthcoming climate initiative, the Danish government intends to phase out diesel and petrol cars by 2030, Danish Radio reported. [...]
China Calls Off Talks With Pentagon Chief as Tensions With US Snowball – Reports
The months-long tit-for-tat between Beijing and Washington hasn’t yet shown any signs of stopping, but has, conversely, grown more intense in light of both trade issues with regard to tariffed imports, and an array of military-related moves, such as arms sales to Taiwan and China’s military deals with Russia. [...]
Fresh footage of futuristic weapon tests & development released by Russian military (VIDEOS)
Russia's Defense Ministry has released a new batch of videos of cutting-edge weapons, first unveiled by President Vladimir Putin back in March. The footage shows new tests, as well as gives a grasp of the development process. The impressive set of new weapons was unveiled by Putin during his annual speech before the Federation Council back in March. [...]
Fresh footage of S-300 system unloading in Syria released by Russian MoD (VIDEO)
New footage of the delivery of the Russian S-300 air defense system to the Syrian military has been published by the Russian Defense Ministry’s television channel. The video from Zvezda TV shows the arrival of the Russian An-124 Ruslan transport plane to an airfield in Syria and the unloading of the system’s components by Russian troops. [...]
‘We’ll close our airports!’ Salvini resists Germany’s plans to send migrants back to Italy
Rome has still not reached an agreement with Berlin on the repatriation of asylum seekers who had first registered in Italy, Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said, vowing to close airports to German flights transferring refugees. “If someone in Berlin or Brussels thinks of dumping dozens of migrants in Italy via unauthorized charter flights, they should know that there is not and there will be n [...]
India Mulls Ditching Dollar in Oil Trade With Russia, Iran, Venezuela – Reports
This week, Russian President Vladimir Putin called Washington's sanctions policy a "colossal strategic mistake" which has only served to undermine the dollar's credibility as a global reserve currency. India's Central Bank and Ministry of Finance have been tasked with exploring the feasibility of rupee and barter-based trade agreements with crude oil producing nations such as Russia, Iran and [...]
Switzerland Would Join Alternative to US-Dependent Payment System – Ambassador
The internationally acknowledged banking center has joined the voices from across Europe about creating an independent analog for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) amid US anti-Iran sanctions. Russia, which has already created its own system, voiced readiness to cooperate within a “euro-SWIFT” system. [...]
Turkey ‘Closed Chapter of IMF Credits’, Never to Borrow Again – Erdogan
ANKARA (Sputnik) - Turkey does not intend to borrow loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) anymore, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on Sunday. "We have closed the chapter of the IMF credits in order not to open it anymore," Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday addressing the activists of Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party in the town of Kizilc [...]
Naval blockade would mean ‘war’: Moscow slams US idea of hampering Russian trade
Attempts to use the US Navy to block Russia’s trade would amount to a declaration of war, a high-ranking senator commented on the US internal secretary’s idea of impeding Russia’s energy trade through a blockade. “A US blockade of Russia would be equal to a declaration of war under international law,” said the head of the Russian Senate’s Information Policy Committee, Aleksey Pushkov, [...]
Scandal du Jour: Tel Aviv PM Netanyahu’s Wife Sara Begins Trial for Fraud
As the scandals and legal trials dogging Israel’s first family continue unabated, the prime minister’s wife, Sara Netanyahu, began her own trial on Sunday for fraud and breach of trust. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's wife, Sara Netanyahu, on Sunday showed up in court to begin her trial for fraud and breach of trust, in a continuing saga of the multiple scandals involving her husba [...]
Daesh Terrorists Again Evacuated by US Copters From Syria’s Deir Ez-Zor – Report
The Saturday evacuation is the latest in a series of airlifts coming amid the Syrian Army's ongoing offensive on jihadists who still control small pockets of Deir ez-Zor, much of them empty desert. A number of wounded Daesh* terrorists militants have been evacuated by US helicopters from Syria's eastern Deir ez-Zor province, local sources said, as quoted by the Syrian news website Arabi Today [...]