
US sanctions policy against Russia undermines dollar’s reserve currency position – Goldman Sachs
Washington’s aggressive policy against Moscow could be a sufficient reason behind the recent fall of the dollar’s share of global central-bank reserves, according to economist at US multinational investment bank Goldman Sachs.  Russia’s Central Bank has sold some $85 billion of its $150 billion holding of the US assets from April through June after the US Treasury Department announced new s [...]
Saudi Arabia Kills American Resident: ClipArt with Boris Malagurski
The murder of columnist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul sparked international uproar. Germany says it will halt arms exports to Riyadh and calls on Western allies to follow suit. The Turkish president delivered a powerful statement claiming to have evidence that the operation was planned. Saudi Arabia's main ally, however, remains silent. Boris Malagurski asks why Washington is [...]
China Turns Its Back On US Oil
Although the Chinese government has not yet gone so far in the ever-escalating trade war as to sanction United States oil, imports are drying up anyway as Chinese buyers shy away from US crude. According to US Census Bureau data released last week, for the first time since 2016, China has halted purchases of US crude, importing zero barrels in August. [...]
US needs a space force because Russia is ahead on it, Trump says
Keen as ever on his idea of creating an American fighting force in space, US President Donald Trump has said it's a necessity for Washington, because its perceived top adversaries – Russia and China – are beating it to the punch. [...]
France to Erect Fence on Belgium Border to Keep Out Plague from Africa – Reports
Construction is due to start on October 13 and will reportedly cover a number of French departments along the border. French authorities will set up a fence on the country’s border with Belgium to keep out the swine pest, which is spreading from the African continent, the French media outlet Republicain Lorrain reported, citing the prefect of the department Meurthe-et-Moselle. [...]
‘This Will Change Almost Everything’: China Developing New Sub-Killing Satellite
As China develops cutting-edge deep-sea surveillance, the nation’s navy is concurrently designing a satellite-mounted laser to locate and destroy enemy submarines. The satellite, which will be able to spot targets 500 meters below the surface, would also be used to gather data on the world's oceans, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported Monday. [...]
Syrian Army Digs Up US-Made Guns in Terrorist Arms Cache Near Damascus (PHOTOS)
During operations to clear terrorist-controlled areas across the country in recent months, Syrian forces discovered countless caches of Western and Israeli-made weapons, munitions and supplies. Authorities in the town of Yalda, about 10 kilometers south of the Syrian capital, have discovered a large stock of weapons and ammunition carefully hidden inside a plastic water tank at a local farm [...]
‘Nonsense’: German Politician Lambasts Critics of Nord Stream 2
The minister-president of the state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania in northern Germany has lambasted critics of the gas pipeline project, who didn’t play with “open cards,” and rejected claims that the venture would make her country fully dependent of Russia as “nonsense.” [...]
Ankara Blames Saudis for Lack of Cooperation in Probe Into Journo Disappearance
ANKARA (Sputnik) – The Saudi authorities are not cooperating on the investigation into the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and in particular, are not letting Turkish prosecutors to the consulate building, Turkish Foreign Minister said on Saturday. [...]
Danish Bill Proposes 12 Years in Prison for ‘Pro-Russia’ Opinion
Danish lawmakers have gone on the offensive against interference in public debate, sparking criticism that a new proposal, which could entail criminal liability for expressing opinions similar to those of Moscow, may become a step toward silencing public debate. According to a bill brought forward in local parliament, Danes could face a jail term if they voice dissent over the government's posi [...]
Mass Migration Planted ‘Bomb’ Under EU – Belgian Politician
The statement came as the EU is struggling to negotiate refugee quotas and a common European framework to share responsibility for immigrant arrivals amid the ongoing migration crisis. Mass migration to the EU has actually planted a sort of a bomb under the bloc's architecture, and if the borders are not closed the current model will never be preserved, according to Antwerp mayor Bart De Wever [...]
NATO Supreme Commander: US Carrier Off Norway’s Coast Puts Russia ‘On Notice’
The USS Harry Truman, a 104,000 ton Nimitz-class aircraft carrier capable of deploying some 90 combat and support aircraft, has entered the North Sea in preparation for Trident Juncture, a series of drills which are expected to become the largest alliance exercises in the region since the Cold War. [...]
S-300s in Syria Will Be Able to ‘See’ America’s 5th-Gen Jets
The delivery of Russia's S-300s to Syria has prompted US media to speculate that the US Air Force may deploy its F-22 stealth fighters to take out the country's air defenses. Meanwhile, Washington also promised to supply Israel with more F-35s. But will the 5th gen planes be able to evade the Russian air defense system? Not likely, analysts say. [...]
‘It’s Not Helpful’: US Warns India Against Buying Iran Oil, Russian S-400s
On Thursday, US President Donald Trump promised that India will soon see his decision on punitive measures after New Delhi moved to purchase advanced S-400 air defense systems from Russia. [...]
A Look Into US-Saudi Defense Deals at Stake as Spat Over Khashoggi Deepens
Tensions between Riyadh and Washington over the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi from a Saudi consulate in Istanbul have led to questions about the future of the defense partnership between the two nations. [...]
Canada is ‘concerned’ with Khashoggi’s fate but will sell arms to Saudis anyway – Trudeau
Ottawa will keep its $15bn arms deal with Riyadh despite concerns over Saudi involvement in the disappearance of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the diplomatic row over human rights, Prime Minister Trudeau said. [...]
Bush & Blair’s Iraq war was key that opened door to Syria’s current hell
If the pain of birth is the price of life, Syria’s birth as a truly independent nation has come at the price of eight years of brutal and merciless struggle. As with the Vietnamese people, so with the Syrians. Their struggle against imperialism and hegemony has earned them a place at history’s table that can never be relinquished. Because, if you penetrate beyond the obfuscations peddled by We [...]
Warning shot? China sells US Treasury bonds amid trade war
China has sold $3 billion of sovereign dollar bonds. This is only the third such move by Beijing in the last 14 years, and the first involving bonds with a 30-year maturity. China sold $1.5 billion of five-year bonds at 3.25 percent, $1 billion of 10-year bonds at 3.5 percent, and $500 million of 30-year bonds at four percent, the Finance Ministry said on Friday, as quoted by Reuters. [...]
Pentagon plans to ax large swathe of precious EU-protected forest for its Poland base
The US military wants to cut down a large swathe of green woodland in Poland, designated by the EU as a conservation site for rare and endangered species. The cleared area will be used to expand an existing air force base. The US Army Corps of Engineers procurement documents, obtained by RT Russian, detail the Pentagon's plans to cut down 38.18 hectares of protected forest in order to build a prep [...]
Trump vows ‘severe punishment’ if Saudi Arabia is behind killing of WaPo journalist Khashoggi
Saudi Arabia will face "severe punishment" if it ordered the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, US President Donald Trump has warned. "There's a lot at stake, and maybe especially so because this man was a reporter. There's something really terrible and disgusting about that if that were the case...we're going to get to the bottom of it and there will be severe punishment," Trum [...]
‘End of love story’: Poll says for 2/3 of EU citizens life wouldn’t be worse without the bloc
Nearly two-thirds of EU citizens think that life wouldn’t be worse without the bloc, a recent survey revealed. It probably highlights the end of a love story between Brussels and those living in the union, an analyst told RT. The report which says there is a significant divide between the leadership and the people within the EU was released by the Friends of Europe think tank on Thursday. [...]
China Axing US LNG Amid Trade War, Bringing Trump’s Gas Dream to Naught
The Trump administration has shot itself in the foot by tightening the screws in the US-China tariff war: Beijing is turning its back on American liquefied natural gas (LNG) in response to Washington's third round of tariffs. The move is especially painful for the US, as it had projected to jump on the bandwagon of the booming Asian gas market. [...]