
EU states’ recognition of Guaido is ‘direct interference’ in Venezuela’s affairs – Kremlin
Moscow slammed EU states for trying to legitimize “an attempt to usurp power” in Venezuela after a number of key European countries recognized opposition figure Juan Guaido as interim president. [...]
Powered by Kabbalah: Israel’s Top Secret Talpiot Seeks to Globally Dominate AI and IoT
Today on TruNews we detail how Israel is preparing to take over the internet as it’s cyber guardian and deploy a top secret military army to police thought and spy on the world’s population through artificially intelligent Internet-of-Things. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall. Israel's Top Secret Talpiot Seeks to Globally Dominate AI and IoT Could the Splinternet and 5G Become Militari [...]
Chorus of EU states, incl UK, Spain, Austria recognize Guaido as Venezuela’s interim leader
The UK, France, and Spain among a number of countries, have announced their recognition of Juan Guaido as Venezuela's interim president after Caracas did not cave into an ultimatum calling for snap elections with eight days. [...]
Trump confirms use of US military in Venezuela among ‘options’ on table
The option of sending the US military to Venezuela is on the table, while talking to President Nicolas Maduro is not, President Donald Trump said in an interview on Sunday. While talking to CBS' Face the Nation, Trump would not expand on the prospects of military involvement in the crisis in the Latin America country besides replying that "it's an option." [...]
Venezuela Propaganda Debunked – People Are Against Coup
TheJimmyDoreShow is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster. With over 5 million downloads on iTunes, the show is also broadcast on KPFK stations throughout the country. It is part of the Young Turks Network-- the largest online news show in the world. Venezuela Propaganda Debunked - [...]
Russia suspends INF Treaty in ‘mirror response’ to US halting the agreement
President Vladimir Putin says Moscow is halting its participation in the Cold War-era INF nuclear agreement after Washington’s decision to suspend it. Russia will start developing a new type of mid-range missile as it suspends the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF). The decision comes in response to the US halting its participation in the agreement. [...]
Austria Supports Western Balkan States’ EU Aspirations – Chancellor
VIENNA (Sputnik) - Austria supports Macedonia as well as other Western Balkan countries on their path toward EU membership, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said on Wednesday, following talks with Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev in Vienna. [...]
Refusal to hand over Venezuelan gold means end of Britain as a financial center – Prof. Wolff
The freezing of Venezuelan gold by the Bank of England is a signal to all countries out of step with US interests to withdraw their money, according to economist and co-founder of Democracy at Work, Professor Richard Wolff. [...]
US Reconsidering ‘Undisputed Air Power’ Status Due to Russia’s S-400s
Russia's S-400 missile systems were deployed at the Hmeymim airbase in Syria following the Turkish Air Force's November 2015 downing of a Russian Su-24 bomber on the Syrian-Turkish border. [...]
Venezuela Crisis: A Look Back at Three Times US Meddling Led to Catastrophe
The US has recognised Venezuelan National Assembly chief Juan Guaido as the country's "acting president", prompting President Nicolas Maduro to accuse Washington of trying to stage a coup. Sputnik looks at a few other times the US forgot about democracy and supported would-be leaders who attempted to gain power by circumventing the ballot box. [...]
‘Venezuela gets its Maidan’: Ukrainian minister makes connection between regime change ops
The current attempt to depose the president of Venezuela is similar to the toppling of the Ukrainian leader in 2014. Or at least that’s the view of the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin. [...]
The Bridge Russia’s grand project to link Crimea
RTD followed the huge construction project with former boxing world champion and now Russian State Duma Deputy Nikolay Valuev, who tries his hand at being a bridge builder. The film also uncovers the region’s hidden gems with Kerch native, singer Alyona Sviridova, who meets Crimeans for whom the bridge link is vital. With the bridge deck 35 metres above the water, the giant structure stretch [...]
How US-Venezuela Escalation Unfolded From Sanctions to Backing Anti-Maduro Coup
The Trump administration has officially recognised opposition figure Juan Guaido as the president of Venezuela and dismissed Nicolas Maduro’s inauguration as “illegitimate”. Maduro, on the other hand, hit back, saying that Washington has been trying to oust him. [...]
Austrian Stakeholder of Nord Stream 2 Hits Back at US Pressure on EU Gas Market
Earlier in January, European companies participating in the venture aimed at building a new route for Russian gas to bypass Ukraine, reportedly received threatening letters from US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell. He warned the firms about the sanctions risk their involvement in the project incurs. [...]
China to dethrone US as world’s largest retail market in 2019 – report
Retail sales in China are poised to surge this year and exceed US retail by more than $100 billion, bringing it the crown as the top global retail market, according to a forecast by research firm eMarketer. [...]
Act of gangsterism against Venezuela: Trump, Pence, Pompeo star in the Pirates of the Caribbean
You could scour the bowels of US imperial crimes, from the Mexican-American War to the Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam, and you won’t find a more brazen cynical act gangsterism than that which is now underway against oil-rich Venezuela. [...]
US interfering in Venezuela? No need to ask Mueller to determine that – Lavrov
Russia accused the US of hypocrisy over its instigation of a coup in Venezuela, saying such actions are in sharp contrast to the outrage which Americans express over alleged interference in their own domestic political affairs. [...]
German arms manufacturer to sue govt over weapons deliveries’ halt to Saudi Arabia – report
Berlin might face a lawsuit from one of Germany’s largest defense contractors, Rheinmetall, over its decision to halt all arms deals with Riyadh in the wake of the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Der Spiegel reports. [...]
Israel launches new barrage against ‘Iranian’ targets in Syria, warns against retaliation
Syrian air-defense systems have repelled an attack in the skies over Damascus, state news agency SANA has reported. The Israeli Army said it was attacking "Iranian Quds" forces and warned the Syrian military not to retaliate. [...]
Richard Wolff Tells the Truth About the Chinese Economy
Richard D. Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst where he taught economics from 1973 to 2008. He is currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University, New York City. Earlier he taught economics at Yale University (1967-1969) and at the City College of the City University of New York (1969-1973 [...]
Fueled by Western sanctions Russia outshines China to become world’s 5th biggest holder of gold
The Central Bank of Russia reported purchasing 8.5 million troy ounces of gold in January-November 2018. With its 67.6 million ounces of gold Russia is now the world's fifth largest holder behind the US, Germany, France and Italy. [...]
Trump ‘Inclined’ to Slap EU With Fresh Tariffs to Get Brussels to Talk – Senator
Despite opposing the tariffs, the senator said they could prove to be an "effective tool" in pushing the US' international trade partners to sit down for bilateral trade negotiations. [...]