
Russian LNG will be cheaper for Europe than US alternative – Novatek
Europe will pay half as much for liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Russia than what US energy companies offer, according to independent Russian gas producer Novatek. [...]
Ukraine Needs Peace With Russia – President Poroshenko
Relations between Russia and Ukraine have significantly deteriorated since Crimea's reunification with Russia in 2014, which has not been recognised by Ukraine or Western states, who subsequently imposed economic and political sanctions on Moscow. [...]
Brazil Won’t Allow US to Use Its Territory to Invade Venezuela – Reports
Brazil will not allow the United States to intervene military in Venezuela from its territory, Brazilian Vice President Hamilton Mourao said Monday in an interview with Globo News Broadcaster, cited by Reuters. Speaking at the Lima group meeting in Bogota, Mourao, a retired general, said that Brazil will do all it can to avoid a conflict with neighboring Venezuela. [...]
Iranian War Correspondent Dissolves Myth of American Military Power
The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has announced that it was able to take control over US drones flying over Syria and Iraq and extract "first-hand" information from them. [...]
‘Syria is awash with illegality’: UK hid SAS involvement in Syria to avoid being ‘allied to US’
The UK doesn’t want to be seen deploying special forces with the likes of the US, an ex-UN chief told RT, suggesting Syria is awash with “illegality,” after the British MoD admitted its personnel are active in the war-torn nation. [...]
Washington pushing own gas sales to Europe by criticizing Russian pipeline – Bavarian PM
The Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project, implemented by Russian energy corporation Gazprom, serves the interests of Germany, according to Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Soder, as quoted by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. [...]
‘Sick & twisted’: US Senator Rubio tweets picture of Gaddafi’s murder as a threat to Maduro
US Senator Marco Rubio has posted a picture of the brutal murder of late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in a less-than-subtle threat to Venezuela’s Maduro. Twitter blasted Rubio as a manic warmonger… who has extremely poor taste. [...]
‘Behind me is toothpaste CNN said doesn’t exist in Venezuela’ – Max Blumenthal explores markets
Journalist Max Blumenthal visited state-subsidized food markets outside Caracas and, in a new video, showed that what the corporate media says doesn't exist in Venezuela can actually be easily found right at a local market. [...]
US arm-twisting & pipe dreams aside, Europe just won’t quit Russian gas imports
Austria will continue buying Russian gas despite US pressure and fear-mongering from Poland and Ukraine about dangers to European energy security. The cost of importing US gas is just not right, says its Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. [...]
‘Zero support for another war’: Americans march to prevent US-led intervention in Venezuela
The government of Nicolas Maduro is doing far more for the people of Venezuela than the US administration by providing free services for its population, anti-war activist Sara Flounders told RT, condemning the US-led intervention. [...]
Trade War Cut US Soybean Exports to China 90% – Top USDA Economist
US agricultural exports to China are forecast to fall significantly in crop year 2019, an official in President Donald Trump’s administration said this week, noting that the damage was a result of the administration’s own trade policies with China. [...]
4 ways India is putting its own interests before Washington’s
India appears to be defying every foreign policy goal relentlessly pursued by the US, stubbornly striking deals with nations Washington is trying to isolate from global trade. Russia, Iran and now Venezuela – all among the top targets of Washington's aggressive rhetoric and sanctions – are also among the nations India has been refusing to turn its back on. [...]
Domino effect: Pompeo vows US will help uproot ‘authoritarianism’ in Nicaragua & Cuba
The United States will help the people of Nicaragua and Cuba to resist “non-democratic regimes” in their countries, Mike Pompeo has said. His comments come as Washington steps up calls for a new government in Venezuela. [...]
‘Toxic mixture’ of Trump, Pence & Bolton endangers Europe’s security – top German MP
Donald Trump, Mike Pence and John Bolton – best known for their “erratic and aggressive” traits – are a “toxic mixture” that leaves Europe less secure, a reputable German MP has warned. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government hoped that it could quietly wait for the Trump administration to end, but that was “a bitter illusion,” Jurgen Trittin, formerly minister for the environment [...]
Netanyahu’s Party Loses Lead in Election Campaign for 1st Time – Polls
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party now lags behind its main competitors, who have united in the hope of putting an end to the ten-year rule of the right-wing party, for the first time since the election campaign started, according to polls done by the Channel 13 and the Channel 12 broadcasters. [...]
Attempts to crack down on OPEC sign of US-Saudi relationship falling apart – RT’s Keiser Report
The US House Judiciary Committee passed a bill on Thursday that would allow the Justice Department to sue members of OPEC for manipulating the oil market. According to Max Keiser, “this little alliance [between OPEC and the US – Ed.] has been going strong since the 1970s,” as the quid pro quo was that the US would buy Saudi oil and the Saudis would buy US debt. [...]
US imports of ‘sanctioned’ Venezuelan oil surge fivefold
Purchases of Venezuelan crude by US energy companies saw a five-fold weekly growth as of the middle of February, nearly reaching their pre-sanctions level, the latest data published by the International Energy Agency (IEA) shows. [...]
Magnificent seven: Top-notch Russian aircraft that may land in India’s shopping cart soon
From the newest Su-35 fighter jet to the promising MS-21 airliner, Russia has much to offer New Delhi at India’s largest airshow where the sky’s the limit for firms plying their wares. [...]
‘Germany not 51st US state’: Trade lobby blasts US interference in Nord Stream 2 gas project
Berlin must not bow to any other countries’ “dictation” on its energy policy, the head of a German trade lobby in Russia has said, as he slammed the politicization of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project. [...]
Erdogan says Turkey does not want a dime from the IMF
Turkey does not want to be on the hook with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the country’s leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, as he blasted the Washington-based organization. [...]
Where are the ‘empty shelves’? Max Blumenthal tours Caracas supermarket (VIDEO)
Corporate media grieve for the barren shelves and empty bellies in Venezuela, but are the alleged food shortages real? After touring a supermarket in Caracas, Max Blumenthal found plenty to buy – even craft beer. [...]
Maduro Says Russia to Deliver 300 Tonnes of Humanitarian Aid to Venezuela
Russia will deliver 300 tonnes of humanitarian aid to the Venezuelan capital of Caracas on Wednesday, Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro said. "We receive humanitarian support every day. On Wednesday, 300 tonnes of Russian humanitarian aid will be legally delivered to the international airport of Caracas," Maduro said on Monday at a meeting with scientists. [...]