
Allies or frenemies? Pompeo lands in India with a bag of ‘freedom’ offers one doesn’t simply refuse
The top US diplomat has landed in New Delhi, aiming to pressure the Indian government into rejecting Russian S-400 air defense systems and China’s Huawei mobile tech in favor of “better” military and trade deals with Washington. [...]
Reckless US Policies Towards Iran Might Devastate Whole Security System in Middle East – Russia
Earlier this week, Washington imposed a new round of sanctions on Tehran after the Iranian military downed an American drone, stating it had violated the country's borders. [...]
Russian Military Has Info Downed US Drone Violated Iranian Airspace – Security Council Secretary
Tensions between Iran and the US have intensified since Tehran downed an American drone, which as Iran said, had violated the country's borders. Washington, meanwhile, has accused Tehran of allegedly attacking oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman, something that the Islamic Republic denies doing. [...]
‘Dialogue at gunpoint’: Bolton says Iran’s ‘silence’ is DEAFENING while it’s actually pretty vocal
US National Security Advisor John Bolton has said that defiant Iran stays silent over meaningful talks with Washington, when, in fact, Tehran repeatedly argued that a barrage of threats and sanctions has made talks impossible. [...]
‘It was to blame Russia from the beginning’: Malaysia PM fires back at MH17 probe
Malaysia is “unhappy” about the findings of the Dutch-led inquiry into the MH17 crash, which pointed the finger at Russia even before the probe began, the country’s PM said, noting that there was more politics than fact-finding. [...]
Not you too! US warns India against Russian S-400 ahead of Pompeo’s visit
Although Washington already has its plate full trying to dissuade Turkey from buying S-400 air defenses, it is also “urging” India against buying the Russian missile system just ahead of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit. [...]
Iran claims it shot American drone, US military doesn’t comment
Iran has shot down an American RQ-4 reconnaissance drone flying over Hormuzgan province, Tehran claims. The US military declined to comment. [...]
Trump not in control of Iran policy, should perhaps fire Bolton – EU foreign policy chief’s adviser
US President Donald Trump does not appear to be in control of his own administration’s Iran policy and he should fire national security adviser John Bolton, special adviser to EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini told RT. [...]
Iranian UN envoy condemns ‘unlawful destabilizing measures’ by US
Iran’s envoy to the United Nations has called on the international community to end “unlawful destabilizing measures” by the US, declaring that while Iran does not seek war, it “reserves the right to counter any hostile act. [...]
Is it John Bolton or Tucker Carlson who has Trump’s ear on Iran?
As tensions with Iran threaten to spill over into war, the big question is who has sway over President Donald Trump, his hawkish advisers or a cautious Fox News host, and the answer might make all the difference. [...]
Purchase of S-400 systems will be ‘devastating’ for Turkey’s F-35 program – Pentagon
Turkey’s planned deployment of Russian S-400 missile defense systems would be “devastating” for the F-35 program to which Ankara has contributed over $1 billion, the Pentagon has warned. “Completion of this transaction would be devastating, not only to the F-35 program, on which the West has placed its modernized integrated air capability, but it would potentially rupture Turkish interoper [...]
Dollar dump? Russia & China agree to bilateral trade in national currencies during Putin-Xi meeting
Russia and China took another step away from the US dollar after the two countries agreed to develop bilateral trade using the ruble and the yuan. It was just one of the major deals reached after the presidents of the two countries, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, held talks in Moscow on Wednesday. [...]
US Speeds Up Fall of Global Dollar System by Attacking Iran – Economic Analyst
Iran dismisses Washington's calls to "talk" as a waste of time since Tehran is fighting for true economic autonomy and independence from the Western-led dollar diktat, says Pye Ian, an American economic analyst and private equity executive, explaining why US efforts to confuse and scare the Islamic Republic don't work. [...]
Russia to start sending S-400 missile systems to Turkey in 2 months – and has ALREADY trained crews
S-400 anti-air missile systems will begin to arrive in Turkey in two months, says the head of Russian state defense corporation Rostec, despite Washington warning Ankara that the deal could threaten their partnership. [...]
Action or lip service? US’ European allies seem to break ranks over Israeli settlements
As Donald Trump cozies up to the hardline Israeli right-wingers, it seems that support for a sensible Middle East policy is in decline. But a number of the US’ European allies seem to be beginning to break ranks with Washington. [...]
Russian S-500 Air Defence System Almost Ready – Deputy Air Force Commander
The Russian Armed Forces will soon begin receiving a number of the newest air defence systems, a top Aerospace Forces officer said. Speaking to the official armed forces newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda, Aerospace Forces Deputy Commander Lieutenant General Yuri Grekhov disclosed that the development of the S-500, the successor to the S-300 and S-400 air defence systems — has reached its final stage, as [...]
Global recession within less than a year if Trump escalates trade war – Morgan Stanley
The worsening trade conflict between the world’s two largest economies, the United States and China, could send the global economy into recession within three fiscal quarters, research by investment bank Morgan Stanley has found. [...]
‘Americans are war-weary, while Iran was never a threat to us’ – Virginia State senator to RT
US citizens are weary of endless wars, Virginia State Senator Richard Black believes. He warned President Donald Trump against dragging the country into another one with Iran, and blamed John Bolton for being the top warmonger. [...]
India to Purchase 21 Russian MiG-29 Jets to Improve Air Combat Strength – Report
A top-level Indian Air Force (IAF) team visited a Russian facility to check the MiG-29 fighter jets; later, it submitted a favourable report to IAF Headquarters, according to the news portal Print. [...]
‘Illegal & an obstacle to peace’: EU slams Israel’s plan to build new settlements in East Jerusalem
The European Union has denounced Israeli authorities’ plans to expand settlements into occupied East Jerusalem as “an obstacle to peace.” [...]
Fall of empire? German businesses find China a more trustworthy partner than US or Britain
China has managed to outperform the US and the UK in a German ranking of the world’s most reliable trade partners, compiled from the latest survey of 2,000 German companies by Frankfurt-based Commerzbank. [...]
Tit-for-tat: Beijing to draft ‘blacklist’ of foreign companies harming interests of Chinese firms
The Commerce Ministry of China has pledged to create a list of foreign individuals, corporations and institutions that are considered “unreliable” or that violate the interests of Chinese businesses, state media reports. [...]