
F-35 Stealth Aircraft Goes “Live” On Flight Tracking Websites As It Flies Mission Over Israel
On Jul. 23, an F-35 went fully visible on popular flight tracking website as it performed a mission out of Nevatim airbase. The aircraft could be monitored for about 1 hour as it went “feet wet” (over the sea) north of Gaza then flew northbound to operate near Haifa. [...]
Denmark to Boost Military Cooperation With Greenland After Trump’s Sale Offer
Earlier, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen described Donald Trump’s intent to buy Greenland an as “absurd discussion”. The US President responded by announcing that cancellation of his visit to Denmark, which had been slated for early September. [...]
Dow Jones tanks 600+ points as Trump trades barbs with Beijing and the Federal Reserve
The Dow Jones saw a steep drop of 700 points after a threat from Beijing to slap new tariffs on billions of dollars in American goods, and a harsh response from US President Donald Trump, but picked up before ending 621 down. [...]
Full-on trade war: Trump jacks up tariffs on $550bn of Chinese goods, blasts ‘unfair’ response
US President Donald Trump has announced yet another major hike of existing and future tariffs on some $550 billion in Chinese goods, criticizing Beijing’s attempt to offset the losses as ‘unfair’ and ‘politically motivated.’ [...]
Chinese app beats US tech giants like Apple, Amazon to be crowned world’s most innovative company
The world’s two most innovative companies this year are both from Asia, with Chinese tech platform Meituan Dianping unseating 2018 champion and Silicon Valley giant Apple, according to ratings by US business magazine Fast Company. [...]
Trump: ‘I am the chosen one’ to take on China
US President Donald Trump has stated that he is “the chosen one" to take on Beijing and that his life would be easier if he had not mounted a trade war with China. The remark came during one of Trump’s trademark “helicopter” press conferences, outside the White House on Wednesday. Fielding questions on a range of topics, the president touched on the tariff war with China that he launched i [...]
Timing of US missile test shows it was in development long before Washington left INF – Putin
A recent test of a US missile banned by the INF risks backfiring on global security, Vladimir Putin warned. The Russian president said it shows Washington was not interested in the now scrapped landmark accord for quite some time. [...]
Trump CANCELS meeting with Danish PM after she refuses to discuss selling Greenland
US President Donald Trump has cancelled a meeting with the Danish PM after she unequivocally shot down his dreams of purchasing resource-rich Greenland, a much-memed possibility about which the president was quite serious. [...]
US praises sanctions for killing Iran’s economy, then blames Tehran for people’s suffering
The US State Department can’t seem to make up its mind about the cause of Iran’s economic woes, claiming Tehran’s “Marxist economy” is to blame even as it celebrates the devastation US sanctions have wrought on the country. [...]
Most Germans won’t feel unsafe if US troops leave, have little faith in their own army – poll
Three-quarters of Germans say that a US troop pullout won’t leave them defenseless, but almost as many believe their own army would be of little effect, a poll found, amid reports that Washington may move its assets to Poland. [...]
VIDEO of Prince Andrew staying in Epstein’s sex mansion forces palace into damage control
A video showing the Duke of York waving off a young woman from inside financier Jeffery Epstein’s New York mansion has reignited speculation online, sending Buckingham Palace into full-on damage-control mode. [...]
US tells Greece any help to Iranian tanker may be ‘terrorism support’
The US State Department has informed the Greek government of its ‘strong position’ regarding foreign states providing any assistance to Iranian oil tanker that was recently released by Gibraltar despite all Washington’s pressure. [...]
Hong Kong in US’ crosshairs? No matter where there’s revolution, we’re there, Ron Paul says
The United States has a habit of involving itself in political unrest all over the world, Ron Paul said, noting that Washington lacks the moral authority to lecture China about the unrest in Hong Kong. [...]
Beijing to US: Don’t ‘stick your nose’ in China’s Hong Kong affairs
China rebuked Donald Trump for his Twitter-conveyed alarm over the amassment of troops near Hong Kong. The US should mind its own business and let China’s domestic affairs be, it said. [...]
‘Can’t imagine why’: Trump has no idea why anyone would relate Hong Kong protests to US meddling
For the life of him, US President Donald Trump can’t explain why critics would associate Washington with Hong Kong’s unrest, expressing bewilderment in a tweet just before sounding the alarm about a Chinese invasion of the city. [...]
‘World is watching’: US reaction points to Hong Kong as a ‘color revolution’
If the iconography and tone of Hong Kong protests and the support from US diplomats weren’t enough, Washington’s words of concern sure seem to suggest that the months-long demonstrations amount to a ‘color revolution.’ [...]
Pompeo to UN: ‘Time is running out’ to kick Iran while it’s down
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has warned allies that time is running out to squash Iran while it’s weakened by an arms embargo, urging them to halt Tehran’s “destabilizing behavior” before it regains the ability to fight back. [...]
Moscow’s Sheremetyevo rated world’s best airport; New York’s JFK, one of the worst
The Russian capital's main air hub – Sheremetyevo International Airport – has been voted world’s best in a rating by UK-based luggage service provider Stasher, beating London’s Heathrow, Amsterdam’s Schiphol, and New York’s JFK. [...]
Trump bribing American farmers with taxpayer money to fix trade war damage – Prof. Richard Wolff
US President Donald Trump is essentially buying votes with money from American taxpayers after his aggressive tariff policy on China boomeranged on US farmers, Professor Richard Wolff has told RT. To compensate for lost crop sales to China, the Trump administration announced aid for farmers, expected to total $28 billion. [...]
Moscow Ready to Grab US Markets in China as Chinese-US Trade Spat Intensifies
Beijing has blasted US President Donald Trump’s claims that China is a “currency manipulator,” and promised to halt the import of US agricultural goods after the White House announced plans to slap 10 percent tariffs on $300 billion of Chinese imports from September. [...]
Washington will make Venezuelans ‘suffer’ until they acquiesce to regime change – Aaron Maté
Venezuelans will be made to suffer under draconian sanctions until President Nicolas Maduro is forced out of office, journalist Aaron Maté told RT, describing the tactic as a page from Washington's “regime-change playbook.” [...]
‘Gambler Trump plays poker while China plays chess’, thinking a few moves ahead
The Trump administration is putting the US on a dangerous course by not assessing the long-term risks in the ongoing trade war with China, analysts told RT as tensions flare between the world's biggest economies. [...]