
Deutsche Bank Predicts New World ‘Disorder’, Cold War Between US and China
The new report comes on the heels of predictions by market analysts and hedge funds that the US dollar could lose over a third of its value against the euro and slide against other currencies in the coming months owing to poor US economic performance and ballooning debt in the wake of the coronavirus crisis. The world is “on the cusp” of a new era marked by instability, disorder and t [...]
Gift from Trump? More than 100 Austrians get US Treasury stimulus cheques by mistake
Nearly 130 Austrians have been stunned to receive $1,200 cheques signed by none other than US President Donald Trump. Washington’s sudden generosity appears to be a result of a mistake in its Covid-19 relief package system. Citizens of the small Alpine nation, located thousands of miles away from America, were baffled by the envelopes containing what was described as economic relief money from t [...]
China’s Ultimatum to Europe
Ultimatums are usually considered to be imperious and impolite. But in the case of China’s latest demand on the European Union, one can view Beijing’s approach as apt and just right. Foreign Minister Wang Yi left his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian in no doubt in a phone call this week about the current international tensions and what needs to be done. [...]
Mexico to Get 32mln Doses of Russian COVID Vaccine, Developers Ready to Make It Available Worldwide
The world's first anti-COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik V was registered in Russia on 11 August, following several rounds of clinical trials and has now been made available to the public across the country. More than a dozen countries have now expressed interest in obtaining the vaccine. The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), which funded the development of Sputnik V, announced on Wednesday [...]
AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine trial ON HOLD after adverse reaction of UK participant – report
The Phase 3 trial of the Covid-19 vaccine developed by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca has been paused, reportedly due to a suspected ‘serious adverse reaction’ by one of the participants in the UK. AstraZeneca only said that its “standard review process triggered a pause to vaccination to allow review of safety data,” according to a statement by a company spokesperson on Tue [...]
Maduro mulls giving Russian Covid-19 vaccine to over 14k candidates in Venezuela’s election to facilitate safe campaigning 🎞️
As soon as Russia’s 'Sputnik V' coronavirus vaccine arrives in Venezuela for clinical trials, it may be used to immunize around 14,400 candidates in the upcoming parliamentary election, the country’s president said on Tuesday. A batch of the world's first registered Covid-19 vaccine will arrive in the Latin American nation later this month, Nicolas Maduro stated in a televised address. He [...]
Russia to dominate world’s platinum & palladium production with new Arctic project
The Arctic Palladium project which involves development of several platinum-group metal deposits on Russia’s Taimyr Peninsula is nearing completion. It is expected to turn Russia into the world’s top producer of platinum metals. The platinum-group metals (PGMs) is a group of six metals: ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, and platinum. They have similar physical and chemical p [...]
Why China is better prepared than other economic powers for any global crisis
While the world’s second-largest economy, China, has suffered its first contraction on record due to the Covid-19 pandemic, some experts argue the country has been preparing for a possible crisis for a long time. RT talked to economists to find out if Beijing may have foreseen the economic crash and about the Chinese government’s response to it. “Nobody, including Beijing, could have [...]
Questions on Russia’s Sputnik V Vaccine Answered, Time for Critics to Look for Plank in Own Eyes
Since the launch on August 11 of the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine, developed by Gamaleya Center scientists, Russia has seen immense interest and expressions of hope from many countries and has received requests for 1 billion doses of the vaccine. However, it has also faced criticism and questions from some Western countries and companies, especially those developing their own vaccines—oft [...]
Washington Warns India Against Major Arms Deals with Russia
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The United States is warning India against purchasing significant Russian weapons like advanced anti-aircraft systems or fighter jets as they may impede its defense cooperation with the West, US Assistant Secretary of State Clarke Cooper told reporters on Thursday. “The key point that has been shared with Indian counterparts... is: ‘Don’t put at risk future opportuniti [...]
It’s a lift-off: Russia’s ‘Sputnik V’ Covid-19 vaccine LAUNCHED into public circulation
The first batch of Russia’s pioneering coronavirus formula Sputnik V has been approved for public use and has already been placed into circulation, the Ministry of Health in Moscow has announced. The world's first Covid-19 vaccine, developed by Moscow’s Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, “has undergone necessary quality tests” and “has entered civilian circulat [...]
Israel DEMOLISHES 51 Palestinian structures in East Jerusalem as destruction continues in ‘unprecedented manner’ – rights group
Israeli authorities escalated demolitions in occupied East Jerusalem in August, knocking 51 Palestinian buildings and displacing 85 people, many of whom were children, a Palestinian rights group said. The demolition of homes, which Israel says were built without proper permits, have been conducted in an "unprecedented manner" in the past month, Palestinian rights group, Wadi Hilweh Information [...]
Iran Used Russian Radar to Track US F-35s After Soleimani Killing, Firm’s Deputy CEO Says
The US assassination of top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani in early January exacerbated the already tense relations between Tehran and Washington in place since the Trump administration's unilateral withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal in 2018. Deputy director-general of the Russian research centre Rezonans Alexander Stuchilin has argued that a radar system produced by his company [...]
This Russian device can detect Covid-19 and other dangerous pathogens IN THE AIR 🎞️
Russia has unveiled a device said to be capable of detecting and analyzing airborne pathogens like bacteria, toxins and viruses – including Covid-19. It alerts of potential danger within seconds, and then pinpoints its source. Dubbed “Detector Bio,” the device was showcased by the KMZ factory – best known as the manufacturer of Zenit cameras – during the military-industrial forum ‘Army [...]
‘We are a sovereign country’: PM Babis tells Pompeo Czechs will decide for themselves what to do with their nuclear plant & Huawei
Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis has rejected US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s push to limit his country’s contacts with Russian and Chinese firms and grant a nuclear power plant construction contract to an American firm. Russia and China pose a threat to Czech energy independence, Pompeo said during his visit to Prague on Wednesday. The top US diplomat warned of what he described as [...]
Beijing warns of possible ‘military accidents’ after US carries out ‘provocative’ operation in South China Sea
Beijing has cautioned against further US naval operations in the South China Sea, claiming that recent activities by the American side create conditions for an unintentional military confrontation. A spokesman for the People's Liberation Army (PLA) said on Friday that a US warship entered Chinese territorial waters without permission. [...]
Pompeo’s Bid to Create Anti-China Alliance Backfiring on Trump, Former US Diplomat Says
The new US policy of trying to force internal change in China and confronting Beijing with a US-backed alliance in Asia is generating distrust of Washington, former US Assistant Defense Secretary Chas Freeman, who accompanied President Richard Nixon to Beijing in 1972, said. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spelled out the new policy in a speech at the Nixon Library in California on 23 July [...]
Iraqi Paramilitary Groups Vow to Target US ‘Interests’ in Country if No Withdrawal Deal Signed
During a recent meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi US President Donald Trump suggested that most American servicemen will be "leaving [the country] shortly" but failed to give a definitive timeline. Several groups within Iraq's Popular Mobilisation Units (PMU) have threatened to attack US positions in the country should its leadership not negotiate a withdrawal of its tr [...]
Streets of Explosion-Ravaged Beirut as Lebanon Imposes Lockdown Amid Spike in COVID Cases 🎞️
On 4 August, a massive explosion took place in Beirut, killing over 200 people and decimating the city's infrastructure. The massive blast was caused by improper storage of explosive ammonium nitrate in the Beirut port. Sputnik is live from Beirut as the Lebanese capital, devastated by an explosion in early August, has re-imposed a lockdown amid a surge in COVID-19 cases. The new measu [...]
‘Very disappointing’: US envoy rebukes European allies for not supporting its move to restore UN sanctions on Iran
The US ambassador to the United Nations has described the lack of support from Washington’s allies in Europe as “disappointing,” after the US attempted to restore UN sanctions against Tehran. “This matter is so important that we cannot wait until the arms embargo [against Iran] runs out on October 18,” Kelly Craft, US envoy to the UN, told German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung in an intervi [...]
‘Cold War mentality’: China will respond with ‘necessary countermeasures’ to deployment of US missiles in Asia Pacific
Beijing has warned the US against deploying its ground-based missiles in the Asia Pacific region, promising to take "countermeasures" and threatening any states that host such weaponry with consequences. "The US attempt to deploy land-based, medium-range missiles is consistent with its increasing military presence in the Asia Pacific and so-called 'Indo-Pacific strategy' over the past years, a typ [...]
‘I’m going to set an example’: President Maduro vows to be 1st Venezuelan to take Russian Covid-19 vaccine
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has said he will be the first person in the country to take Russia’s recently announced Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine when it arrives.“I am pleased that Russia will be the first country in the world to vaccinate its population,” Maduro said in a televised address on Sunday. [...]