
Lavrov Says Berlin Should Provide Info on Navalny Before Asking Questions About Ukraine
MOSCOW - Germany should provide the required information about Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny, who received medical treatment in the country following his alleged poisoning, before calling on Russia to explain its troop movement close to the Ukrainian border, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday. German Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer recently said Russia sh [...]
Moscow Informs Washington of Restrictions for Diplomatic Staffers Amid Bilateral Crisis
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov has notified Bartle Gorman, the deputy head of mission at the US Embassy in Moscow, of changes in the procedure for the entry of US diplomatic staffers, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated Monday. Moscow has informed the US about the next steps Russia is taking in order to address the hostile actions by America. "On 26 April, Russian Deputy [...]
Turkish Media Account Accuses US of Mass ‘Genocide’ of 84 Million People Amid Armenia Spat
Already shaky relations between the US and its Turkish ally took another turn for the worse last week after Joe Biden formally recognised the actions of the Ottoman Empire against Armenians in the early part of the 20th century as genocide. The move sparked outrage throughout Turkey and demands to leave NATO or kick US troops out of the country. Clash Report, a Twitter and Telegram securi [...]
Reckless posturing by the US over Russo-German Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline threatens erosion of trust between Washington and the EU
The US has been using the Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project for its politicized carrot-and-stick maneuvers in relations with the EU. But this type of foreign policy only erodes trust within alliances. Meeting in Brussels on Wednesday, the European Parliament weighed two separate sets of remarks relating to Russian energy policies. These remarks encapsulated the diverging European vie [...]
First batch of Russia’s Sputnik V Covid-19 jabs delivered to India as country expands its vaccine drive to entire adult population
India has received its first batch of the Russian-made Sputnik V jab. Heavily hit by a new wave of Covid-19 infections, the country has expanded its vaccination drive in a bid to inoculate its entire adult population. An aircraft carrying the vaccines touched down in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad on Saturday. “First batch of Sputnik V vaccine arrives in Hyderabad, India! That's t [...]
China, Russia to Support Each Other as West Ramps Up Sanctions Regime, Beijing Says
The two powers have pledged to join forces amid renewed tensions with western nations in recent months, including further financial support from sanctions and concerns about state sovereignty. Beijing will boost cooperation with Russia as western countries slap further sanctions on Moscow, it was reported on Monday. [...]
The West’s sole prerogative is that Russia has no right to self-defense… even when the threat is right on its border
As tensions increase between Moscow and NATO over a buildup of troops near the Donbass, actually initiated by Ukraine, the West’s apparent position is that Russia has no right to self-defense. That's been the case for decades. Having grown up in middle America during the waning years of the Cold War, I possessed a not-so-healthy fear of an imminent Soviet invasion or attack. Bob Dylan would [...]
Austrian Health Minister Anschober Announces Resignation Over Health Issues
VIENNA - Austrian Health Minister Rudolf Anschober announced on Tuesday his intention to step down from the ministerial post due to health problems and exhaustion from combating the coronavirus pandemic. The 60-year-old recently had to take sick leave twice due to blood circulation problems. "After consultations with my doctors, I decided to step down from my duties as minister of social [...]
Intelligence Report Assesses Russia as US’ ‘Largest and Most Capable WMD Rival’
The Russian military is not as powerful as its Soviet predecessor, and Russia is only fourth or fifth in the world in terms of total military spending, but remains the only nation capable of challenging the United States in both conventional and nuclear forces, and subsequently is one of just two countries assuring global strategic stability. The US intelligence community sees Russia as t [...]
Australia refuses to buy J&J vaccine due to AstraZeneca similarities, as both firms are scrutinized over blood clots
Australia has declined to purchase a vaccine made by Johnson & Johnson, because its mechanism is similar to the one used in AstraZeneca’s jab. Both vaccines are currently being investigated for links to blood clots. The Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine is “an adenovirus vaccine, the same type of vaccine as the AstraZeneca vaccine,” a spokesperson for Australian Health Minis [...]
China’s right. The long, grim death toll from America’s 201 military conflicts since 1945 reveals the world’s real bad guy
A hard-hitting report by a Chinese group has slammed the US for its history of “humanitarian disasters” under the guise of human rights. The accusation fuels an escalating war of words between Beijing and Washington. A Chinese organization has published a report slamming the United States as responsible for a “History of Humanitarian Disasters” citing what it described as “America [...]
‘I would be vaccinated with Sputnik V’: German pharma CEO praises Russia’s vaccine & ‘outstanding scientists’
Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine has “a lot of good scientific data” behind it, the head of Germany’s Bionorica SE pharmaceutical company, Michael Popp, told RT, as he shared his company’s experience working with Russian specialists. Russian researchers have a lot of experience and expertise in vaccine development,” said the CEO of the German-based international company, which calls itse [...]
Austria negotiates to buy 1mn doses of Russia’s Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine as Chancellor Kurz rejects ‘geopolitical blinkers’
Austria is to order a million doses of Russia's Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine, one month after a successful phone call between Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and the Kremlin. It will be the third EU country to receive the formula. The news came from the chancellor himself, who revealed that Vienna and Moscow are engaged in talks, and said a deal should be agreed soon. On Tuesday, Kurz explained th [...]
Putting “World Peace in Danger”
Co-leader of Die Linke (the Left) in the German parliament Sahra Wagenknecht stated that the Western "shift towards confrontation" with Russia was putting "world peace in danger", making the comments while delivering an address at the party conference in Hanover. [...]
Will the US war machine roll on
The Biden administration has wasted no time in showing that it, too, is going to continue the great American tradition of the ‘forever war’. So, will there be another unjustified precursor to the next US-led conflict? Host, Ross Ashcroft, met up with Author, Robert Fantina and Political Scientist, Piers Robinson, to discuss how propaganda and false flag attacks continue to be used to keep [...]
Sanctions against Russia are inflicting ‘enormous damage on both sides,’ warns EU watchdog, calling on Brussels to ‘build bridges’
Harsh economic measures imposed by the EU on Russia hurts business on both sides of the divide, the president of one of the bloc’s largest industry bodies has bemoaned, saying politicians should focus on common ground instead. Writing in Austria’s daily Kurier newspaper on Monday, Christoph Leitl, the President of the European Chamber of Commerce (Eurochambres) said that, although there [...]
Biden’s tough-guy flexing at ‘soulless killer’ Putin would be funny if the consequences weren’t so serious
Joe Biden’s effort to label Vladimir Putin as a “soulless killer” is the latest in a series of fact-free allegations that define US-Russian relations today. The real aim is to make Biden look like the strong leader he isn’t. Former President Donald Trump was fond of bragging about how tough he was when it came to Russia. “There’s never been a president as tough on Russia as I hav [...]
Playing politics with vaccines, like the US pressuring Brazil not to use Sputnik V, made the world more unstable and cost lives
Once again, the world has failed to unite when faced with a common threat. The response to the Covid-19 pandemic proves that much of the West, especially the US, is committed to bloc politics, no matter the real-world human cost. It was revealed in the annual report of the US Department of Health and Human Services that the US government worked towards convincing Brazil to reject Russia’s Spu [...]
Eyeing post-pandemic travel boom, Russia to relax tourist visas so globetrotters can see country’s landmarks for up to six months
Holidays abroad might have been an early casualty of Covid-19 lockdowns, but Russia is betting that wanderlust has only grown, and plans to make it easier for tourists to take a long trip round the world’s largest country. Under the rule change, adopted by the national parliament in its first reading on Wednesday, visas for sightseers can be issued for up to six months, and can be granted s [...]
American astronauts to again use Russian Soyuz rocket to reach ISS as NASA can’t rely on ‘unstable’ US tech – Moscow space chief
After the US bought a seat on a Russian spacecraft to send a NASA astronaut to the International Space Station, the chief of Russia's Space Agency Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin claimed that American spaceflight is still “unstable.” From 2011 to last year, the US relied on Russia's Soyuz launch system to send its astronauts to live on the ISS, with America not having its own capability. In May [...]
OPCW chief must ‘find the courage to address’ Douma coverup allegations, says group including 5 senior ex-officials of watchdog
The scandal surrounding alleged manipulation of scientific data in the chemical weapons watchdog the OPCW, ignored by both the organization and the mainstream media, is only getting worse with time, a pro-whistleblower group said. A new statement from whistleblower-supporting organization the Courage Foundation complains that the leadership of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemica [...]
Austrian chancellor suspects ‘secret contracts’ signed at ‘vaccine bazaar’ behind unequal jab distribution in EU
Covid-19 jabs are being distributed unevenly between EU member states, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said, pointing to “secret contracts” signed at a “vaccine bazaar” with big pharma by the bloc’s vaccination steering board. “Deliveries are not happening in line with population,” Kurz told a press conference organized at short notice on Friday. He added that the situation [...]