
Ukraine on Fire: The Real Story. Full Documentary by Oliver Stone (Original English Version)🎞
First published in January 2018 Ukraine’s 2014 Maidan Massacre helped oust President Yanukovych with Russia painted as the perpetrator. Oliver Stone interviews Russian President Vladimir Putin, Yanukovych and others exposing the role the U.S. played in destabilizing the region. Watch the full documentary below. [...]
The Bucha Massacre. Ukraine Fake News 🎞
Russian troops evacuated Bucha on March 30. Ukrainian National Police began entering Bucha on March 31, and that same day the mayor of Bucha announced that At no time was there any suggestion by the mayor (watch video below) or any other Ukrainian official of mass killings undertaken by Russia. Given that they are claiming bodies litter the streets they could hardly have escaped the attention [...]
Dutch Journalist: ‘We are here, in Donbass, to awaken Westerners deluded by propaganda’
There are only a handful of Western journalists on the ground in Donbass, while the Western mainstream press is rubber-stamping fake news about the Ukrainian crisis using the same templates it previously exploited in Iraq, Libya and Syria says Dutch independent journalist Sonja van den Ende. Sonja van den Ende, an independent journalist from Rotterdam, Netherlands, went to the Donetsk and Lugansk [...]
Bucha Massacre and Genocide of Ethnic Russians in Ukraine
n a speech to a meeting on socioeconomic support for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on March 16, Russian President Vladimir Putin succinctly elucidated the salient reasons for pre-emptively mounting a military intervention in Ukraine in order to forestall NATO’s encroachment upon Russia’s security interests, and cited the genocide of ethnic Russians by ultra-nationalists as [...]
From Mosul to Raqqa to Mariupol, Killing Civilians Is a Crime
Americans have been shocked by the death and destruction of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, filling our screens with bombed buildings and dead bodies lying in the street. But the United States and its allies have waged war in country after country for decades, carving swathes of destruction through cities, towns and villages on a far greater scale than has so far disfigured Ukraine. As we recen [...]
Europe’s Suicide on the Altar of War: Increased Military Spending and Rising Energy Prices
Prime Minister Draghi pulls straight on increasing military spending, with the full support of the President of the Republic. For Italy, this means going from the current 26 billion euros a year to at least 38 billion a year, or from 70 to over 100 million euros a day spent on public money. The decision was actually taken not in Rome but in Brussels, at the NATO Summit of Heads of State and Gov [...]
How Mariupol Will Become a Key Hub of Eurasian Integration
Mariupol, the strategic Sea of Azov port, remains in the eye of the storm in Ukraine. The NATO narrative is that Azovstal – one of Europe’s biggest iron and steel works – was nearly destroyed by the Russian Army and its allied Donetsk forces who “lay siege” to Mariupol. The true story is that the neo-Nazi Azov batallion [stationed in Mariupol] took scores of Mariupol civilians as huma [...]
Ukraine War Could Have Been Avoided, but Here’s Why Putin Will Achieve His Goals🎞
Scott Ritter, the former Marine and U.N. weapons inspector who the New York Times called “the loudest and most credible skeptic of the Bush administration’s contention that Saddam Hussein’s government was hiding weapons of mass destruction," sat down with Gerald Celente for a candid interview about the Ukraine War. [...]
Gravitas Plus: Did NATO push Ukraine into war?🎞
The Ukraine conflict has been 'west splained' enough. On Gravitas Plus, Palki Sharma tells you how Western arrogance & NATO's expansionism are also to blame, and how their actions precipitated the crisis in Ukraine. Russia – Ukraine conflict/crisis Explained | Everything in detail The Expansion of NATO Since 1949 The video shows the spread of NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Or [...]
Ukraine: The Mess that Victoria Nuland Made🎞
Victoria Nuland engineered Ukraine’s “regime change” in early 2014 without weighing the likely chaos and consequences. As the Ukrainian army squares off against ultra-right and neo-Nazi militias in the west and violence against ethnic Russians continues in the east, the obvious folly of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy has come into focus even for many who tried to ignore the f [...]
What buying gas in rubles means for Russia and the West
Importers are puzzled by the switch, while the ruble surges against the dollar and euro. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday gave the country’s central bank and government one week to come up with a way to switch payments for Russian gas exports to the national currency, the ruble. The prospect raised many eyebrows among Russia’s gas buyers, who started to speculate how exactly this [...]
The road to Ukraine started with 1999’s Kosovo War
Supporters of NATO’s war on Yugoslavia have no right to talk about law, sovereignty or borders. Pretty much everyone who has spent the past month moralizing about the sanctity of borders, sovereignty of countries, and how unacceptable it was for great powers to “bully” smaller neighbors – thinking of Russia and Ukraine – paused on Thursday to sing praises to a woman that championed all o [...]
Joe Rogan calls out U-turn on Ukraine coverage
The nation was perceived as the “most corrupt country in Europe” before Russia’s attack, the podcaster noted. Maverick podcaster Joe Rogan has called out journalists in the US who are treating Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as a war hero since the Russian attack on the country. Previously, Ukraine was perceived in the West as a corrupt hellhole and its leader as a would-be authori [...]
George Bush and Tony Blair lack the moral authority to lecture Russia on Ukraine
Coming from the leaders who started the bloody Iraq war, it’s hypocritical, to say the least. Current and former Western leaders who have achieved eternal notoriety for launching the Iraq War, as well as other military disasters, are clearly the wrong people to lecture Russia over its actions in Ukraine. As George W. Bush and Tony Blair are emerging from political retirement to pontificate o [...]
Mariupol: “Nicolay Knows”. Civilians Denounce the Crimes of the Neo-Nazi Azov Regiment 🎞
On 20 March 2022, while we were conducting a humanitarian mission near Sartana, on the north-eastern outskirts of Mariupol, we came across many civilians who had recently fled Mariupol thanks to the advance of Russian and DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) troops. One of them, Nikolay, agreed to talk on camera about the crimes committed by the neo-Nazi Azov regiment against the inhabitants. A testi [...]
US-UK “Crime of Aggression” against Iraq (2003). War Was Not Conducted in “Self Defense”
The following is a statement given by Inder Comar at a side event of the 37th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva, Switzerland, on March 15, 2018. Democracy is dying. As we convene to remember the 15th year anniversary of the Iraq War, the fundamental lesson of that war is that our democratic norms are at grave risk when judges and courts fail to hold government leaders acc [...]
Why Ukraine is Important to Powerful People in Washington: Lara Logan Sets the Record Straight on Ukraine-Russia
In this short clip from an interview with Donna Fiducia and Doug Neuen of, Lara Logan outlines her brutally honest perspective on why Ukraine is so important to people in power within the DC system. She explains that Ukraine is at the center of this cult of Globalists. It is the center of money-laundering for the oligarchs and their allies in the United States, it’s the center [...]
Countries may cut dollar holdings after Russian reserves frozen – IMF
The greenback’s share in the global currency basket could drop. Global economies will be rethinking how safe it is to rely on the US dollar in their foreign currency holdings, the deputy head of the International Monetary Fund, Gita Gopinath, said on Tuesday. The statement comes after half of Russia’s forex holdings were effectively confiscated by international financial institutions amid [...]
Putin wants rubles for Russian gas
Russia will now accept payment for gas exports to "unfriendly countries" in rubles only, President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with the government on Wednesday. The president explained that Russia plans to abandon all “compromised” currencies in payment settlements. He added that illegitimate decisions by a number of Western countries to freeze Russia’s assets destroyed all confidence i [...]
Europe Might Pay Price for Encouraging Kiev Against Implementing Minsk Accords, Observers Say
A day after French President Emmanuel Macron stated that Ukraine is willing to implement the Minsk Agreements, Kiev went back to square one by refusing to hold direct dialogue with Donbass, which is the key provision of the UNSC-backed accords. Who is encouraging Kiev's political adventurism and making the conflict in eastern Ukrainian fester? [...]
Schwarzenegger accused of breaking promise on Ukraine by ‘world’s strongest girl’🎞
Former Arnold Classic powerlifting sensation Maryana Naumova addressed Arnold Schwarzenegger in a video response to the American's message to the Russian people. Arnold Schwarzenegger's much-publicized message to Russians does not reflect the reality of overdue military action in Ukraine, a former teenage phenomenon at the bodybuilding legend's Arnold Classic has told him while accusing the US ove [...]
Ukraine On Fire 🎞
Russian Aggression or American Interference? You Decede! "If you don't want Russia to fight Ukraine, don't let the US government use Ukraine to fight Russia", his statement reads. "NATO exists to funnel money to US arms manufacturers. The US wants conflict with Russia to sell more arms to NATO members. This is a war for US war profiteers." Ukraine, across its eastern border is Russia and to its [...]