
‘Russia closer to Austria than other major world powers’ – head of Austrian General Staff in Moscow
Austrian armed forces are ready to cooperate with Moscow as “Russia is much closer to Austria than other major world powers,” chief of the Austrian General Staff said in Moscow, according to TASS. Vienna’s top military figure noted that one of the reasons for his visit to the Russian capital was to disobey others’ orders. [...]
While US talks terrorism at nuke summit in DC, Russia fights terrorism in Syria
Obama’s nuclear summit in Washington has been overshadowed by the absence of Russia. It is an absence that stands as an indictment of the lack of harmony and cooperation that continues to exist despite the growth of international terrorism. [...]
Europe’s Terror Blowback – Consortiumnews
The Paris and Brussels attacks are blowback from what Islamic State terrorists see as betrayal by Western benefactors who thought using jihadists could bring “regime change” in Syria, says Pakistani analyst Nauman Sadiq. France under President Nicolas Sarkozy played a lead role in fomenting the insurgency against the Gaddafi regime in Libya in 2011, and Sarkozy’s successor, Francois Holla [...]
Fear and Loathing in Ukraine
Despite favorable – even fawning – propaganda in Western media, the U.S./E.U.-backed regime in Ukraine tramples on traditional liberal values of tolerance and pluralism, notes James W Carden. The overnight train from Kiev to Slavyansk gives a passenger, if nothing else, ample time to read and think. On a return trip to war-torn eastern Ukraine in March, I took the opportunity the 13-hour jo [...]
The ‘Hybrid War’ of Economic Sanctions
U.S. politicians love the “silver bullet” of economic sanctions to punish foreign adversaries, but the weapon’s overuse is driving China and Russia to develop countermeasures, as British diplomat Alastair Crooke explains. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei told a large group of people in the holy city of Mashhad on Sunday that “The Americans did not act on what they promised in the [I [...]
How US-Backed War on Syria Helped ISIS
By funneling TOW missiles and other weapons to Syrian jihadists for their “regime change” war, President Obama facilitated the Islamic State’s rise with the terrorist blowback now hitting Europe, says Daniel Lazare. Why are Islamic militants wreaking havoc from Brussels to Lahore? The best way to answer this question is by taking a close look at how The New York Times covered this weekend [...]
Austria to Send Soldiers to Border With Italy Amid Refugee Crisis
Austria intends to send military to the Italian border to boost protection amid the refugee crisis, the country's defense minister said. Austria is planning to send soldiers to the border with Italy to enhance border protection amid a migrant inflow, Austrian Defense Minister Hans Peter Doskozil said Saturday. [...]
Russia’s Deployment on the Kurils Signals Severe Limitations for US in Asia
Russia’s decision to deploy advanced coastal missile systems on the Kuril Islands and explore the possibility of setting up a permanent naval base for its Pacific Fleet on the island chain is a signal to the US that its 'Pivot to Asia' will have severe limitations, according to a former Indian diplomat. [...]
Erdogan’s Security Team Thinks They Have Jurisdiction in Washington, DC
As Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a speech before the Brookings Institute on Thursday, a largely peaceful protest assembled outside. To quell the legal assembly, the embattled leader’s security detail clashed with journalists, in a scene reminiscent of the media crackdown in Ankara.   [...]
Crimea to end electricity supplies from Ukraine
“One day they sell energy, the next they blow up power lines,” said Crimea's First Deputy Prime Minister Mikhail Sheremet, adding that the peninsula is done with energy supplied from Ukraine. "We have definitely decided to abandon supplies of Ukrainian electric energy. We do not need it. [...]
ISIS urges German jihadists to turn country into battleground with Brussels-like attacks
Islamic State has urged its radical followers in Germany to carry out Brussels-like attacks on the Chancellor’s office and an airport in one of Germany’s main cities. Despite the threats, German authorities have no plans to step up security measures. [...]
‘Biggest bribery scandal’: US, UK, Australia launch probe into mass oil industry corruption
An investigation into a massive global oil bribery scandal has been launched by authorities in the US, Britain, and Australia, after leaked confidential files indicated that some of the world’s most powerful corporations were part of the racket. [...]
Ukraine should never join EU – Dutch Prime Minister
Ukraine should never become a member of the European Union, Mark Rutte, the Prime Minister of Netherlands said in an interview a week before the Dutch referendum on the association agreement between the EU and Kiev. The Netherlands, which is holding the EU rotating presidency till July, is [...]
Russian soldier who called airstrike on himself while surrounded by ISIS is hero
I don’t know Aleksandr Prochorenko. I know nothing of his background or what his dreams and hopes were for the future. But I do know that he’s a hero who will never be forgotten, and that the cause for which he sacrificed his life is a righteous one. [...]
Kerry in Moscow: Penny has dropped; isolating Russia was never going to work
In a single tweet, the head of Russia’s Foreign Affairs Committee Alexei Pushkov summed up John Kerry's Moscow visit: "There's nothing more powerful in politics than need. Under its influence, forgetting about isolating Russia, the US has begun to move." [...]
Iran’s ‘Suez Canal’: Tehran Could Connect Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf
One of the most ambitious initiatives that Tehran plans to launch will see an artificial channel link the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf. The project, which is expected to be completed in the 2020s, is particularly interesting for Russia due to the cold spell with Turkey, but European and post-Soviet states will also benefit from it. [...]
Our Way or the Highway: Germany Wants Refugees to Assimilate or Leave
A new draft law proposed by German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere makes taking German lessons and otherwise integrating into society a mandatory requirement for refugees seeking to stay in Germany for the long term. Germans are clearly not happy with their government's hospitable policy toward the refugees that continue to flee to Europe predominantly from war-torn Middle East and poor Af [...]
Untold Story of Syrian Coup: Who is Really Behind the Plot to Topple Assad?
Thanks to modern technologies one can easily reconstruct the story of Washington's conspiracy aimed at destabilizing Syria by exploiting the country's ethnic and religious divisions. In his recent Op-Ed for Russia Today Neil Clark, a journalist, writer, broadcaster and blogger, writes that former US Secretary of State Clinton's emails as well as secret labels and reports provided by Wikile [...]
All quiet on Western front after Syrian forces recapture Palmyra from ISIS
The recapture of the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra was the single biggest defeat for ISIS since it declared its caliphate, but the West does not seem interested. Why? Because then they’d have to give some credit to Russia. Indeed, it must have been a tough weekend for Western media’s favorite Syria pundits. [...]