
West ‘hypocritical’ on Russian embassy attack in Kiev – Lavrov
The West’s lack of response to recent attacks on Russian diplomatic missions in Ukraine, particularly the embassy in Kiev, is a sign of “hypocrisy and duplicity,” Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said. Amid a spate of attacks, Moscow is monitoring the situation around its embassy in Kiev and frequently communicates with the Russian ambassador and his staff [...]
Aquatic Force: Battle Dolphins Set to Serve in the Russian Military
Five trainable dolphins are sought by the Russian military to carry out special tasks for the country’s navy in the Black Sea, the government revealed on Wednesday. The Russian defense ministry placed a 1.75 million ruble ($24,000) contract on the government procurement website to acquire military sea mammals for the country’s navy. [...]
Going Colonial? Meet the American Who May Soon Be Ukraine’s Prime Minister
A cast of colorfully corrupt characters, Including former Georgian puppet leader Saakashvili, are involved in the blatant US takeover of a country on Russia’s doorstep, one geopolitical analyst told Sputnik. The US colonial experiment in Eastern Europe has taken on a new urgency this week [...]
‘Like at the bazaar’: German politicians angry over Turkey’s EU negotiation tactics
Several top Christian Social Union officials have said their party, an ally to Angela Merkel’s CDU, is against a visa-free regime with Turkey and the prospects for its EU bid because Ankara plays “cat and mouse” and raises demands “like at a bazaar.” [...]
Washington to blame for souring relations with Russia – former US defense chief
Consistent disregard of Russia’s interests by the US, as well as Washington’s dismissive attitude towards Moscow in the post-Cold War era, have led to strained relations between the two, former US Defense Secretary William Perry told the Guardian. [...]
Tongue in Cheek: Mercedes Sends Centenary Greetings to Rival BMW
Mercedes-Benz has congratulated BMW on their centenary with a friendly advertisement and a less benevolent hint. BMW received a “Happy 100th birthday!” message from its long-time domestic rival Mercedes-Benz in a cool little video posted on Facebook. /* */ The video’s opening showed the signature BMW grille, but in the next five seconds it became clear how [...]
Assembly of Russia’s Soyuz Rocket With Earth-Sensing Satellite Completed
The assembly of Russia’s Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket carrying an advanced Resurs-P Earth remote sensing satellite has been completed, Russian Roscosmos state corporation said in a statement on Wednesday. The rocket is expected to lift off on Saturday at 18:56 GMT. [...]
‘Even During the Ceasefire, Russia Has Plenty to Do in Syria’
In accordance with the Syrian ceasefire, Russian aviation has virtually halted its air operations out of Hmeymim airbase, Canadian journalist Raymond Saint-Pierre reports. However, the Russian military mission remains active, delivering humanitarian aid, carrying out negotiations with village leaders, and urging Syrians not to leave their homeland. [...]
US Makes Unexpected Move in VW Emissions Inquiry
US authorities are expanding their investigation against German Volkswagen AG over emissions, media reported. The US Department of Justice is planning to apply the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act, FIRREA, which has been repeatedly used against banks after 2008 [...]
Sanctions Against Putin Would ‘Block Peace Process in Syria, Ukraine’
Imposing sanctions against Russian President Vladimir Putin is an "absurd" idea, Czech lawmaker Jiri Mastalka said. According to him, the initiative will bury the fragile peaceful process in Ukraine and Syria. "Imposing sanctions against a head of state would mean a deadlock in dialogue with Russia. [...]
Antares rocket producer orders 8 more Russian engines
Orbital Sciences Corporation, the US maker of the Antares rocket, has ordered eight additional RD-181 engines under an option of the 2014 contract with Energomash, the Russian company announced. Antares was initially designed to use AJ26 engines in its first stage, which are refurbished Soviet NK-33 engines [...]
Russia, US truce initiative in Syria ‘may be last chance to stop violence’ – opposition
The Washington and Moscow-sponsored truce in Syria may be the last chance for the country to stop the bloodshed, opposition groups said in a joint statement after a meeting at the Russian center for Syrian reconciliation. The leaders of several Syrian opposition groups as well as public and religious figures voiced support for the ongoing peace conference in Geneva [...]
Russian FM spokeswoman slams US State Dept on Ukrainian pilot Savchenko
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova has accused the US State Department of attempting to influence a Russian court’s decision in the case of Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko. Zakharova questioned the authenticity of the statement attributed to US Secretary of State [...]
ROPEC in Focus: Will Russia End Up Controlling 73% of the World’s Oil?
Russia has all the chances to emerge “as the de facto leader of the major oil producing nations of the world, accounting for almost 73 percent of the global oil supply”; and in fact has already taken some of the required to do so, according to US-based oil expert Rakesh Upadhyay. “Russia has played a master stroke in the current oil crisis by taking the lead in forming a new cartel, but i [...]
Playing Dress-Up in Syria: How the West Tries to Save Its Terrorist Hordes
The US-led coalition operating in Syria is playing a massive game of dress-up in the country, where “its immense but now stranded terrorist hordes” change their banners back and forth from Daesh to the so-called Free Syrian Army, seeking protection within the terms of the ceasefire, according to a Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher. [...]
Turkey’s $6.6bn EU Bribe
Erdogan’s Turkey this week diversified its rogue-state conduct from terror sponsorship to international bribery. The proceeds? Not bad earning, with $6.6 billion in “aid” extracted from the European Union. It’s supposed to be part of a groundbreaking deal to end the refugee crisis in Europe. [...]
Turkish Cihan news agency ‘seized’ by government
Despite criticism from European officials over its crackdown on opposition media, the Turkish government has reportedly taken control of another news agency. It comes days after the seizure of the popular opposition newspaper Zaman. The news agency Cihan is believed to be close to US-based [...]
Turkey’s Goal of Joining EU ‘Poses an Existential Problem for the West’
The EU-Turkey summit, held in an amicable atmosphere and resulting in an agreement to put an end to illegal immigration to Europe via Turkey, has been hailed as a major success. Not everyone is thrilled, however; journalist Paul Mason argues that "the sight of Europe's leaders kowtowing to the [...]
With truce holding, Russian military offer assistance in aid deliveries
Russian military facilities are offering assistance to humanitarian organizations offering aid to people in Syria, saying their facilities and logistics specialists may be able to resolve the problems they face. The offer was made on Monday when the Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that the internationally sponsored truce between rebel groups and the Syrian government in Syria is mostly holdi [...]
South China Sea: Why US Hegemony in Southeast Asia May Vanish Into Thin Air
The South China Sea has turned into Asia's battleground for supremacy between Beijing and Washington, Richard Javad Heydarian, a specialist in Asian geopolitical affairs, notes, adding that the US decades-long naval hegemony in the region may soon vanish into thin air. [...]
Sputnik.Polls: Fight Against Daesh. Public Opinion vs Facts
A recent survey carried out in the United States and European countries shows that an overwhelming majority of US citizens do not believe that Europe is is playing an important role in the fight against Daesh terror group. /* */ [...]
US Air Force Reveals Cost of Russian Rocket Engines’ Replacement
Early suspension of US reliance on the Russian RD-180 rocket engines to deliver heavy payloads into space will cost US taxpayers as much as $5 billion, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday. In 2014, the US Congress passed a law demanding [...]