
Eiffel Tower Lights Up in Colors of Belgium’s Flag
Following the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris in November, Brussels’ town hall was lit in the colors of the French flag. Today, sadly, the Eiffel Tower is being lit for Brussels. On Tuesday, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo announced that the tower would be lit in black, yellow, and red, to show solidarity after terrorist attacks of the morning left at least 31 dead and many more injured. [...]
Europe gets burned playing with fire
Brussels, the administrative capital of Europe, was turned into a war zone after a series of deadly bomb blasts caused the city to shut down all transport links to the outside world. Zaventem International Airport was struck by two blasts during the early morning rush hour. [...]
Brussels attacks: ‘Schengen should have been suspended,’ George Galloway tells RT
Free movement between European states should have been abandoned after the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) attacks in Paris last November, former MP George Galloway said in the wake of Tuesday’s bombings in Brussels. The Respect Party’s candidate for mayor of London argued that suspending the right to free movement could have prevented attacks on European soil.   [...]
The Peace Seeker: What Lies at the Root of Putin’s Foreign Policy in Syria
Why did Vladimir Putin's decision to withdraw the Russian military forces from Syria take US hawks by surprise? Maybe, it's because Washington's party of war believes its own propaganda more than reality on the ground, Stephen F. Cohen notes, commenting on Russia's pullout. The leitmotif of Russian President Putin's foreign policy is the demilitarization of the ongoing new Cold War in the Middl [...]
Ukrainian pilot Savchenko guilty of Russian journalists’ murder, illegal border crossing – court
Nadezhda Savchenko, a Ukrainian Air Force officer detained in Russia in 2014, is guilty of murdering two Russian journalists near Lugansk, eastern Ukraine, and of illegally crossing the Russian border, a court in the southern Russian town of Donetsk ruled.   [...]
Germany wants its gold back
The Bundesbank has announced plans to repatriate some of Germany’s gold reserves from abroad. At least half of the country’s gold would be transferred to Frankfurt by 2020, according to Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann. Weidmann says 366 tons of gold worth €11.5 billion have been delivered to Frankfurt so far. "There are now about 1,400 tons or 41.5 percent of our gold reserves here," t [...]
Syria: Mission Accomplished
Sputnik looks at the key results and highlights of Russia's 5.5-month counterterrorist mission in Syria. Russia's Defense Ministry said on Tuesday that the air campaign prevented terrorist plans to expand into Russia and other countries, as well as undermined their administrative system and economic potential. Earlier on March 15, two air groups involved in the Syrian mission left Hmeimim o [...]
Diplomacy Over War: Syrians Praise Putin Amid Russia’s Pullout
Syrians feel immense gratitude towards Russian military and Aerospace Forces with the popularity of Vladimir Putin soaring. The partial withdrawal of Russian troops from the country is a matter of concern for the Syrian community, but the faith in Moscow's help is unwavering, according to the US media. [...]
‘Russia a major military’: President Obama backtracks on Moscow’s defense capabilities
Russia’s military campaign in Syria seems to have changed President Barack Obama’s opinion of its armed forces. He now says it’s "the second-most powerful military in the world." Two years ago he labeled Moscow as nothing more than a "regional power." Speaking at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) conference in California, [...]
Keeping an Eye Out: Russia Continues to Call the Shots Despite Pullout
Unlike the Bush administration's mission in Iraq, Russia has truly accomplished its mission in Syria, Bangkok-based analyst Tony Cartalucci writes. Does it mean the Saudi-Turkish elites now have a chance to balkanize Syria? Not by any means. Regardless of Western media's attempts to downplay the success of Russia's operation in Syria, there is no doubt that Moscow has accomplished the objective [...]
Is There a US-Russia Grand Bargain in Syria?
It’s spy thriller stuff; no one is talking. But there are indications Russia would not announce a partial withdrawal from Syria right before the Geneva negotiations ramp up unless a grand bargain with Washington had been struck. Some sort of bargain is in play, of which we still don’t know the details; that's what the CIA itself is basically saying through their multiple US Think Tankland m [...]
Happy Birthday, Natalia! 7 Things You Didn’t Know About Crimean Prosecutor
Natalia Poklonskaya may very well be one of the symbols of modern Crimea. Her struggle for Crimea’s reunification with Russia in the aftermath of the Euromaidan crisis in Ukraine was a heroic, selfless act. And it so happened that Russia and Crimea reunited on March 18, the same day Poklonskaya [...]
‘Agents of Destruction’: How CIA Helped Create Islamist Frankenstein
Washington and its allies created the Islamist Frankenstein with their own hands: over the decades radical Muslim 'agents of destruction' have formed the belt of instability which stretches across the MENA region to Central Asia and beyond. But how did it all begin? Back in December 1979 the USSR deployed a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan in response to repeated requests from [...]
Media Ignores Van Damme’s Remark Rothschild and Rockefeller Control US Elections
The corporate media has virtually ignored Jean-Claude Van Damme’s commentary on the US election. Van Damme told the French TV show Le Grand Journal the global elite, controlled by “people like the Rothschild” will determine the outcome of the election and Ted Cruz and Donald Trump will not be elected. [...]
No Place Like Home: How Crimea is Changing After Reunification With Russia
On Friday, March 18, Russia celebrates the second anniversary of Crimea’s reunification with the country. On this day exactly two years ago Crimea held a historic referendum on its status. Some 96 percent voted for the reunification with Russia. The following day Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree to recognize the Crimean Republic. [...]
Germany to Bear Main Burden of Refugee Crisis Despite EU-Turkey Deal
In the context of the current refugee crisis, leaders of the European Union reached an agreement on the deal with Turkey. The package of measures agreed on Friday morning is now awaiting approval by the Turkish government, German newspaper Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN) reported, referring to Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel. [...]
De-Dollarization: The Story of Gaddafi’s Gold-Backed Currency is Not Over
A declassified email exchange between former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her adviser Sid Blumenthal shows that Clinton was up to her eyeballs in the Western conspiracy against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and his Pan-African "Gold Dinar" currency, F. William Engdahl narrates. [...]
Against All Evidence, Pentagon Just Can’t Accept Russia’s Syrian Withdrawal
As Russian troops and planes return home following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s surprise announcement, one organization, the Pentagon, remains unsurprisingly unconvinced. "I think that the task that was assigned to the Ministry of Defense and the armed forces as a whole has achieved its goal, [...]
Turkey’s Path to Dictatorship
Throttling Turkey’s democracy, President Erdogan seized an opposition newspaper that dared reveal his clandestine arming of jihadists seeking to overthrow neighboring Syria, as Alon Ben-Meir explains. Only a few months after Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan raided the offices of the Koza Ipek Media Group, the Turkish police assaulted early this month the offices of Feza Publications, [...]
Russia’s Military Aims Achieved, Putin Switches to Diplomacy
American presstitutes, such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, expressed surprise at Russia’s support for the Syrian ceasefire, which Russia has been seeking, by Putin’s halt to attacks on the Islamic State and a partial withdrawal of Russian forces. The American presstitutes are captives of their own propaganda and are now surprised at the failure of their propagandistic pr [...]
Dutch Parliament Passes Landmark Bill Calling for Saudi Arms Embargo
The Dutch parliament has passed a landmark resolution calling on the government to halt the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia, accusing the Gulf kingdom of "violating international humanitarian law" as a result of its military offensive in Yemen. The bill is the first of its kind to be passed by a European Union member state following developments in the EU parliament last month, [...]
One Third of Europeans and Americans Consider Crimea Part of Russia
According to a survey organized by Sputnik.Polls, about one third of American, Dutch, British, French, German and Italian people believe Crimea is part of Russia. The Sputnik Information Agency and Radio ordered the survey, which was conducted by the Populus research firm in the United States [...]