
Debt Threats: What Treasury’s Exposure of Riyadh’s US Holdings Really Means
The US Treasury Department has exposed Saudi Arabia's total US debt holdings for the first time in 40 years, allowing analysts to answer the crucial question of whether or not Riyadh can carry out its threat to undermine America's economy. A month ago, Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir threatened Washington, saying his country would sell off up to $750 billion in US Treasures and o [...]
Mission Impossible: Untold Story of US-Saudi 41-Year-Old Secret Agreement
For 41 years the amount of Saudi Arabia's holdings in US Treasuries remained shrouded in secrecy. What was behind the mysterious deal It seemed all was lost in 1974: following the Yom Kippur War (Arab-Israeli War) of 1973, the members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries proclaimed an oil embargo in response to Washington's aid to Israel which led to the "first oil shock." [...]
Russia and Saudi Arabia dump $50bn in US assets
Investors from Russia and Saudi Arabia have cut their combined holdings of US securities by more than $50 billion between mid 2014 and 2015, reports the Financial Times. Over the period, Saudi Arabia reduced its holdings by $26 billion, according to an annual US Treasury survey published earlier this week. [...]
Obama offers Hiroshima victims cynicism instead of justice
If targeting the civilian population of an entire city with a nuclear bomb, and incinerating tens of thousands of men, women, and children in the process, is not worthy of an apology then ‘humanity’ has become a word without meaning. Step forward US President Barack Obama and his statement in advance of his visit to Hiroshima that he will not apologize for the nuclear bomb dropped by the U [...]
Who is to Blame for Instigating a Conflict between Russia and the West?
The belief that Vladimir Putin single-handedly “manufactured” the current conflict with the West to win domestic support, spark a surge in Russian patriotism and hold on to power at any cost, has been a staple of mainstream Western analysis of Russia since the Ukraine crisis began. That same belief — that Putin manufactures crises or otherwise inserts Moscow into them to distract an antsy [...]
Crimea Proves That the West Only Respects Democracy That Delivers the Results It Wants  –  Rethinking Russia
Almost uniformly, the western think tankers and media types who comment on Russia purport to be strongly concerned with freedom. After all, the central tenet of their anger with the country’s rulers is what they perceive as a lack of democracy. The usual charge goes something like this. Putin is a “dictator” who is suppressing the liberty loving Russian people and crippling their hopes and d [...]
Spain ‘betrays NATO allies’ hosting Russian warships – oh, really?
Looks like Spain is in trouble. The country has been slammed for “betraying its NATO allies” allowing Russian Navy vessels to refuel in its North African territories – but in reality what the claim does is expose a massive web of hypocrisy. [...]
‘Terrorist’ Kurdish badges on US soldiers ‘unsuitable’ for US-Turkey relations – deputy PM
Turkey has questioned its relationship with the US, with the deputy prime minister saying it is "unsuitable" for soldiers of a country which is friends with Ankara to wear the badges of a "terrorist organization." [...]
‘Soon we’ll have democratic Syria’: US volunteers battle for ISIS capital among YPG ranks (VIDEO)
Besides US special forces and advisers, American volunteers have also been seen fighting alongside the Kurdish militia in Syria. One US vigilante just outside Islamic State-controlled Raqqa said they are there to bring democracy to the war-torn country. [...]
The madness of Kiev: Ukrainian regime bans Gorby, Western media ignore story
Mikhail Gorbachev was one of the 20th century’s iconic figures. While Ukraine’s decision to blacklist him for supporting Russia’s re absorption of Crimea is ludicrous, Western media's silence is odious, if depressingly predictable.   [...]
EU Commission president to visit Russia despite resistance from Washington & Brussels – reports
EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker plans to visit Russia on June 16, during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Reuters reports, citing his spokesperson. The Commission president would be the first leader of an EU institution to visit Russia since sanctions were imposed in March 2014 over the conflict in Ukraine. [...]
‘America’s Schizophrenic policy in Syria: fighting the force that fights terrorists’
US foreign policy in Syria is schizophrenic and opportunist as they are combating the Assad government, which has done the bulk of the fighting against Islamic State and the terrorists in general, Brian Becker, from the anti-war ANSWER Coalition told RT. [...]
NATO Buildup on Russia’s Borders: Mobilization for War or ‘Just Business’?
The large-scale US-NATO amassing of military forces on Russia’s Western borders, NATO’s so-called “Eastern Front,” is unprecedented and creates the impression of actual war preparations, according to Professor Stephen F. Cohen, however it might also be driven by the economics of the US military industrial complexes. [...]
Beware what you wish for: Russia is ready for war
So foreign ministers from the 28 NATO member-nations met in Brussels for a two-day summit, while mighty military power Montenegro was inducted as a new member. Global Robocop NATO predictably discussed Afghanistan (a war NATO ignominiously lost); Iraq (a war the Pentagon ignominiously lost); Libya (a nation NATO turned into a failed state devastated by militia hell); Syria (a nation NATO, via T [...]
How Crimea Turned Russian
On 8 April, 1783, Russian Empress Catherine II signed the decree “On Accession of the Crimean Peninsula, the Taman Island and the Kuban Region to the Russian Empire.” Everyone was due to maintain the document in secrecy until the integration became a fait accompli. On 28 June, 1783, the Manifesto was finally promulgated as the Crimean nobles swore allegiance to the Empress in the presence o [...]
Rise of far-right in Austrian presidential election ‘signals need for drastic changes’
Austria’s extremely close-run presidential vote reveals people are disappointed with the political system and don’t feel represented any longer, while the refugee crisis, the euro crisis and dissatisfaction with the EU have also caused the shift to the right in Austria, experts say. [...]
Gutsy German shepherd saves SAS lives when troops were ambushed by ISIS in northern Iraq
A HEROIC German shepherd has reportedly saved the lives of a group of SAS fighters facing off against ISIS in Iraq. The Special Forces team were ambushed by a group of ISIS fighters when the Alsatian attacked two jihadis. The furry fighter escaped the battle unhurt and has been hailed a hero by troops after saving the British team’s lives. [...]
Call It a ‘Coup’: Leaked Transcripts Detail How Elite Orchestrated Overthrow in Brazil
Confirming suspicions that the ouster of Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is, in fact, a coup designed to eradicate a wide corruption probe, Brazil's largest newspaper on Monday published damning evidence of a "national pact" between a top government official and oil executive. [...]
Austrian presidential cliffhanger: Far-right Hofer concedes defeat to Green Van der Bellen
The Green Party’s Alexander Van der Bellen has won Austria’s presidential election, beating the Freedom Party’s Norbert Hofer in a neck and neck race, according to the Interior Ministry. A mere 0.6 percent of the mail-in ballot made the difference. [...]
‘Obama’s US exceptionalism statements rival Hitler quotes’ – top Russian judge
The chairman of the Russian Constitutional Court has said that Barack Obama’s statements about American exceptionalism were very similar to propaganda used by Nazi Germany and equally dangerous to world peace. “The idea of specialness, exceptionality and unique rights of the American state and American people has been used in US internal political rhetoric for quite a while, [...]
NATO seeks new meeting with Russia ahead of Warsaw summit
Germany is pushing NATO to holding a meeting with Russia ahead of the upcoming summit of the alliance in Warsaw. It comes as NATO continues to ignore Russia’s concerns over its expansion and military build-up in Europe. “There was broad agreement yesterday that NATO should convene a new meeting of the NATO-Russia Council before our next summit in July," [...]
‘Clinton as president is danger to world peace’ – far-right French leader Le Pen to RT
Hillary Clinton winning the White House would constitute “a danger for the world peace,” as she would continue to drag Europe into her “destructive policy” of conflicts, Marine Le Pen, leader of the French National Front party, told RT. While declining to endorse any of the US presidential front-runners, Le Pen said she believes there is one that would definitely not benefit France. [...]