
The Implications of Europe’s Coming Tectonic Break With the USA
Commenting on what he sees as a new attempt by US policymakers to use Europe as a battering ram against Russia, a prodigious Russian blogger and geopolitical analyst ponders the implications of the titanic efforts being made by Russia and China to detach the continent from Washington's embrace. [...]
Damning Chilcot Report Confirms Iraq Invasion Was Bush/Blair’s War of Choice
"I will be with you, whatever," former British Prime Minister Tony Blair pledged to U.S. President George Bush on July 28, 2002. That vow was made public Tuesday in the damning Chilcot Inquiry, underscoring the investigation's conclusion: The invasion of Iraq was decided on well before all peaceful resolutions were exhausted, proving—as critics have long-contended—that the disastrous intervent [...]
Austria’s Withdrawal From EU ‘to Depend on Future Developments in Europe’
Today, Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz warned about the negative consequences of the current migration crisis and possible collapse of Europe. In an interview with Sputnik Austrian politician Johannes Hübner commented on this statement as well as prospects for Austria's withdrawal from the EU. [...]
Secret of Austria’s Right-Wing Presidential Candidate’s Popularity Revealed
Politicians like Norbert Hofer, the Austrian presidential candidate from the Freedom Party of Austria, are becoming increasingly popular in Europe because people don’t like how the EU is being run. Petr Hájek, press secretary to the former Czech president Vaclav Klaus and head of the media portal Protiproud told Sputnik that people listen to Hofer because he talks about things that they feel [...]
‘Chilcot reveals: Case for Iraq war made before weapon inspections’
It would be good to see that on the basis of the Chilcot report Tony Blair could potentially face prosecution for war crimes, Anne Machon, former British intelligence officer told RT. Other experts also weighed in with their opinions. [...]
Tuscany becomes 4th Italian region to urge lifting of anti-Russian sanctions
The legislative assembly of the Italian province of Tuscany has unanimously backed a resolution urging the lifting of the EU’s sanctions against Russia, following in the footsteps of several of the country’s other regions. The vote at Tuscany’s Regional Council, where the majority is held by the ruling Democratic party, took place on Wednesday. [...]
German Playwright Warns US is Provoking ‘Civil War’ Between Ukraine, Russia
Russia is not a threat to Europe; on the contrary, Washington is attempting to provoke Moscow into fighting a 'civil war' with Ukraine. That's according to renowned German playwright Rolf Hochhuth, who laid down his views on relations between Russia and the West in an interview with Germany's Hessische/Niedersachsische Allgemeine newspaper. [...]
On Eve of Chilcot, Critics Intensify Calls for Tony Blair to Face ‘Reckoning’
There 'has to be a judicial or political reckoning' for Blair's role in Iraq War, one critic charges. Ahead of Wednesday's release of the long-awaited UK government inquiry into the Iraq War—which took a full seven years to complete—many anti-war critics are demanding that Tony Blair and other prominent officials finally face justice for the disastrous decision to invade Iraq in 2003. [...]
Obama Admits U.S. Overthrew Democratically Elected Ukrainian Government
Coups are now democratic "transitions" Obama told a Fareed Zakaria, a member of both the CFR and Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission, that the United States “brokered” the coup in Ukraine last February. Obama’s candid admission should not come as a surprise following the release of a surreptitiously recorded conversation between Victoria Nuland, the US-Assistant Secretary of State for E [...]
Brexit vote!  90% of British Army voted exit because they do not believe they should be involved in Washingtons wars
Information continues to come in about the Brexit vote. A member of the British Army said that 90% of the lads in his unit voted to leave. They voted exit because they do not believe they should be involved in Washingtons wars. He said that his unit agreed [...]
‘Success for Russia’: Moscow Rises Into the Lead in Aerial Surveillance
Russia has become the first member of the Treaty on Open Skies to be allowed to use digital surveillance equipment during its observation flights. Moscow, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, will be able to maintain this technological advantage over Canada, Italy, France, the UK and the US, who still use analog cameras, for several years. [...]
Lost History of Iran’s 1981 Coup
The U.S. mainstream media avoids the word “coup” when a disfavored leader is ousted, but the silence around Iran’s 1981 coup also may have served Ronald Reagan’s political self-interest in keeping secret his own "coup," as Mahmood Delkhasteh reflects. Brazil’s suspended President Dilma Rousseff calls her impeachment a coup d’état. Many academics and political experts agree that the [...]
Washington fears Brexit will unravel its anti-Russia policy
Britain’s stunning referendum vote to leave the European Union has thrown a cat among the pigeons, not least in Washington, where it is feared that the “Brexit” could scupper its anti-Russian policy. That tacit policy is a foundation of the postwar international order whereby Washington – thanks to its trusty British acolyte – has been able to exert hegemony over Europe. [...]
Erdogan apologizes to Putin over death of Russian pilot, calls Russia ‘friend & strategic partner’
Russian President Vladimir Putin has received a letter in which his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan apologized for the death of the pilot who was killed when a Russian jet was downed over the Syrian-Turkish border last November, the Kremlin said. [...]
Switzerland withdraws longstanding application to join EU
The upper house of the Swiss parliament on Wednesday voted to invalidate its 1992 application to join the European Union, backing an earlier decision by the lower house. The vote comes just a week before Britain decides whether to leave the EU in a referendum. Twenty-seven members of the upper house, the Council of States, voted to cancel Switzerland’s longstanding EU application, versus just [...]
Pushing the Doomsday Clock to Midnight
As the U.S. and NATO mount provocative military maneuvers on Russia’s border, the West is oblivious to how these threatening gestures ratchet up prospects of thermonuclear war that could extinguish civilization, says Gilbert Doctorow. In his eulogy to Mohammed Ali at the Louisville memorial service, Rabbi Michael Lerner reminded us all of the distinguishing feature of “The Greatest,” that [...]
America’s Many Mideast Blunders
Official Washington’s neocon foreign policy establishment looks forward to more “regime change” wars in the Mideast and more “blank checks” for Israel, but ex-Ambassador Chas W. Freeman Jr. sees such actions as a continued march of folly. I have been asked to speak about the geopolitical dynamics of the Middle East, the realignments occurring among states there, and the prospects for [...]
Russia ‘to release emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server’
Russia 'is poised to release emails from Hillary Clinton's private server', report claims Kremlin is ready to give green light on releasing the emails, report says Clinton has maintained no emails were intercepted by foreign sources But cites US intelligence sources saying that they were Clinton would be at risk of violating Espionage Act if foreign governments or sources accessed cl [...]
‘Turkey the only one supporting us’: Syrian rebel siding with Islamists on Ankara’s role (EXCLUSIVE)
While civilians who still live on the Turkish-Syrian border suffer from Islamic State attacks and blame Turkish army inaction, so-called moderate rebels of the Free Syrian Army, fighting side-by-side with Islamist extremists, openly admit Ankara’s support. [...]
‘France & Orlando attacks: West failing to address root cause of radicalization’
The West is playing into the Islamophobic narrative blaming Islam for all the recent attacks, while the real cause is political radicalization, said political analyst Catherine Shakdam. Europe opened up its borders to radicals and faces terror, she added. [...]
Brexit or Elexit: Leaving May Trigger a New Election, Street Riots
The debate about whether to Remain in or Leave the European Union has been spiced up by Lord Howell of Guildford, who in his own words "decided to add some salt and pepper to the Brexit meal." Speaking at an In-Out debate, organized by the University of Kent, Lord Howell told the assembled audience of politicians, [...]
Israel to Receive ‘Largest Military Aid Package in US History’
While criticizing Israeli policy, US National Security Advisor Susan Rice has nonetheless promised to provide a large military aid package to the Middle Eastern nation. Speaking at the American Jewish Committee Global Forum on Monday, Rice spoke of the necessity of a peaceful two-state solution. [...]