
Mamma Mia: Italian Banks on Verge of Collapsing Entire Eurozone Financial System
A stress test conducted a few days ago by the European Banking Authority confirmed a poor condition of many credit institutions in Europe. Italian banks and Germany’s Deutsche Bank are doing the worst. In recent months, Deutsche Bank shares have lost 25% of their value, French bank Société 23% [...]
ASEAN Won’t ‘Commit Suicide’ Despite US Pressure Over South China Sea
Russian political analyst Victor Sumsky has commented to Sputnik on the recent avoidance of the Southeast Asian Nations to make any direct reference to their territorial dispute with China over the South China Sea by saying that they have refused to 'commit suicide' despite US pressure and have 'demonstrated their wisdom.' [...]
Ukrainian MP Demands Kiev Provide Evidence of Russian Troops in Country’s East
For over two years, Ukrainian authorities have been making claims of a Russian invasion of eastern Ukraine involving thousands of regular troops. Now, a sensible voice in Ukraine's own parliament is asking authorities to provide evidence for the oft-repeated claims. [...]
Is World War III on?
Civil wars in Syria and Ukraine, the threat of ISIS, and now protests in Hong Kong. So far the UN has prevented a war from breaking out between super powers since the end of World War II, but recently the US has not gotten its way in the UNSC. By way of financial flows and sanctions, Western powers have ultimately started a world proxy war. CrossTalking with Rodney Shakespeare, Patrick Hennings [...]
Accession brawl: Turkey calls Austria ‘capital of radical racism,’ Vienna tells Ankara ‘do homework’
After Austria suggested putting an end to EU membership talks with Turkey, Ankara hit back, labeling Vienna the “capital of radical racism.” The Austrian foreign minister suggested Turkey should moderate its wording and “do its homework.”   [...]
Brexit block: EU official says €25bn debt means UK can’t leave
Britain will have to pay the European Union a hefty sum if it is to follow through with Brexit, with claims that an estimated €25 billion is owed to the bloc in unpaid bills. An outstanding total of €200 billion (£170 billion, $221 billion) has been shifted around by the EU for years, under what Brussels’ mandarins call the “reste à liquider.” [...]
France Can’t Defeat Terror so Long as It Stays ‘Obedient’ to Berlin & Washington
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, well-known Gaullist and leader of the France Arise party, believes that his country's leaders are losing the war against radical Islamic terrorism. Worse yet, he says, France is losing because it is being led on a string like a puppet to the interests of Brussels, Berlin and Washington. In a cutting op-ed, published by Le Figaro, Dupont-Aignan warned that unfortunately, t [...]
Chemical Attack in Aleppo: Why the Americans Do Not Connect It to Rebels
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has called on the Western mainstream media to refrain from double standards in reporting on the Syrian conflict and cover the crimes committed by the US-backed groups in the country, while former US diplomat explains why the American people know nothing about such atrocities. [...]
Russia’s Top-Notch S-400 Will Protect Crimea From NATO’s ‘Air Hooligans’
Russia plans to deploy one of its best air defense systems, the S-400 Triumf to Crimea in August. The regiment that will protect the skies over the Black Sea peninsula from NATO's "air hooligans," as Crimea's Vice Premier Ruslan Balbek put it, will be stationed in the port town of Feodosia. The S-400 complex will become a welcome addition to Crimea's multilayered air defense structure that cont [...]
‘Negotiations are fiction’: Austria & Turkey in heated EU membership debate
Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern has urged the EU to halt membership talks with Turkey following Ankara’s crackdown in the wake of the failed July coup. Turkey’s EU affairs minister said the statements were “disturbing” and “similar to the far right.” [...]
The Biggest News Story Of The Year… And You Probably Never Even Heard About It!
The “Empire of Chaos” has Russia backed into a corner and Putin says we are on the brink of WWIII. Darrin McBreen talks to Paul Craig Roberts about NATO’s deployment of anti-missile systems surrounding Russia. [Elite_video_player id="1"]   To Email, or Share This Video Page on Social Networks...   Use this Short Link:   [...]
US & Saudi Arabia ‘Involved in Turkey’s Downing of Russian Su-24’ in Syria
German former CDU politician and Vice-President of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Willy Wimmer told Sputnik Deutschland that he fears NATO involvement in the downing of Russia's Su-24 bomber over Syria last November. [...]
Two Major Blows to the US’ Game in Syria
The launch of a joint humanitarian relief operation in Aleppo by Russia and the Syrian government has “switched all the trump cards out of US hand”, according to Reuters, and here is why. Moscow has forestalled the US operations in Syria by launching, together with the Syrian government, a joint large-scale humanitarian relief operation in Aleppo, establishing three corridors for civilians [...]
Europe will now think twice before following Washington’s orders – Ex-CIA Officer
The Ukrainian crisis may have seen a flickering light at the end of the tunnel, as politicians from the great powers collided over the former Soviet state are now bringing up the idea of having four-sided talks between the US, EU, Russia and Ukraine itself. But with the east of the Ukraine boiling with new wave of protests, and Kiev's government being fed with unreasonable promises from Washing [...]
Ein näherer Blick auf WLADIMIR PUTIN
Die einen finden Putin grundsätzlich mal schlecht, und wiederum andere würden ihn am liebsten sofort gegen Frau Merkel eintauschen. Und eine Spiel Liste von ähnlichen Videos! [Elite_video_player id="3"]   Um eine E-Mail zu schicken, oder dieses Video Seite auf sozialen Netzwerken teilen...   Verwenden Sie diesen Kurz-Link:   [...]
Europe’s ‘EUExit’ Chaos the Result of Western-Inspired Color Revolutions
The crisis of confidence in EU institutions and calls across the continent for referendums on membership in the bloc are the demonstration of a boomerang effect – a result of Western politicians' push to destabilize sovereign states from North Africa and the Middle East to Eastern Europe. That's according to Russian philosopher Vladimir Lepekhin. [...]
Germany Blocked Flying NATO’s Flag During E. Europe Military Drills
NATO has not flown its white-on-blue flag during the course of its massive Anaconda-2016 war games aimed at demonstrating European solidarity and unity in the face of a purported “Russian threat,” suggesting that there are deep divisions within the alliance over the portrayal of Moscow as an enemy. [...]
Why a Thaw Between Russia and NATO is Possible
There are signs indicating a slight shift in NATO's strategy towards Russia. Western Europe now does not believe in the "Russian menace" while some Western politicians have called upon the EU to regard Moscow as an ally rather than a geopolitical rival. [...]
Deutsche Bank Collapse May Trigger ‘Global Financial Catastrophe’
In June, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) labelled Deutsche Bank as the most risky global financial institution. Experts do not believe the bank will suffer the same destiny as Lehman Brothers. But if it does this would be a global financial catastrophe. [...]
Brexit Blow to Massive EU-US Trade Deal, UK Major Importer From the US
The controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) to create the biggest trade union in the world between the US and the EU has been thrown into chaos following the Brexit referendum, because of Britain's importance to US exports. [...]
‘Big Lies Told by Bush and Blair Led Up to Carnage in Nice’
A report released in London earlier this month concluded that the 2003 decision by the US and Britain to invade Iraq was based on flawed intelligence data and assessments as Saddam Husseim posed no threat and did not possess any weapons of mass destruction. [...]
Why has NATO chosen Russia as its enemy instead of ISIS?
According to statements made at last weekend’s summit in Warsaw, NATO regards Russia as a bigger threat than ISIS. Of course, that's ludicrous but when you scratch beneath the surface, the use of these falsehoods makes perverted sense. [...]